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Glee Season 1 quiz



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i got scoring!! does it mean i failed.
posted over a year ago.
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well to tell u the truth i sucked at it but i watch glee every week!
posted over a year ago.
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it was a awesome quiz tho i can tell u tht.. i think thts because im the biggest fan ever. and the only answer i knew off the top of my head was puck's name! BTW hes soo hott
posted over a year ago.
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i cant stop adding comments. geez get a grip lauren.. if anyone frm glee reads this.. I LOVE UUU for making TV ttly awesome
posted over a year ago.
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annnd then ... oh who am i kidding.. i have 2 go now and watch a movie. bbbut 4 xmas guess wat im getting!!??? glee on dvfreakingd .. then i can watch it wen ever i want to get my meal of puck eh? sooo hott.. hes a great singer too.. so is racheal but imma grl sooo puck is minnne.. ppl.. hands off him.. and all those celebs llike naya rivera or watevs her name is , is stuupid 4 doing that 2 his car.. i read bout it on goss webpage or somert like that and i felt soo bad 4 him.. the usa have the best programmes eeverr. god bless u america. u have the best actors in the world mann. and puck inspired me to become an actor or singer.. gosh i nearly put dinger hehehe gtg now ppl. xoxox
posted over a year ago.
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Awesome! ♥
posted over a year ago.
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I did awesome! I'm a glee fananic! And abviously it shows if i i got every single q right!
posted over a year ago.
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u r alllll ideats and u all SUCK BALLS get over it!!!!!!!!!!Get a life u losers i the populer gleek and my singing is boutiful. la la la laaa laaaaa laaaaa laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! ur jelous hahaha losers that cant sing....sad!!!!!!

posted over a year ago.