Heroes of Olympus RP Club The Immortal City

Alvin2442 posted on Oct 27, 2012 at 02:24AM
The Immortal City is a city-duh- made up of 12 leaders/Guardians, 6 boys, 6 girls. All immortal demigods live in the city, which is separated by ranks. Though they do have Citizens. The leaders are known as Guardians. The Immortal City is high on respect, and you say the Guardian' names' with Guardian first, exam:" Guardian (their name)" and the lowest level is a recruit. TIC is also currently in a war, and the Guardians are Gods and Goddess, while Co-Leaders are just immortal. The others are Sub-Immortal. They aren't effected by mortal things, but they can die in battle, but they only get this way once they prove themselves. The Citizens of course become immortal after they swear their loyalty. Monsters also help with the army.

Alvin Hamilton III: Greek: Son of Poseidon. God of Alternate Energy, Strength, Requiem, Sharingan, Reflex, and Pegasi. First Guardian and Creator of The Immortal City . On Fourth Stage of Requiem.
Blaze Takumi Phoenix: Roman: Mars. God of Battles, Killing, Weapons, Rage, and Fire. Second Guardian. On Fourth Stage of Requiem.

Ember Green: Greek: Daughter of Aphrodite. Goddess of Love, Natural Beauty, Peace,and Charmspeaking. Fourth Guardian. On Second Stage of Requiem.
Kiera Mason: Greek: Daughter of Apollo. Goddess of Archery, Light, Music, Doctrine/Healing and Hunting. Fifth Guardian. On Second Stage of Requiem.
Angela (Angel) Low: Greek: Daughter of Athena. Goddess of Strategy, Smarts, Cleverness, Shopping, Bravery, Owls. Sixth Guardian. On Second Stage of Requiem.
Jasmine Mar: Greek: Daughter of Poseidon. Goddess of Courage, Speed, Wisdom, Defense, Loyalty. Seventh Guardian and Founder of The Immortal City. On Second Stage of Requiem.
Bree Ganis: Greek: Daughter of Zeus: Goddess of Flight, Wind, Lightning, Clouds, and Life. Eight Guardian. On Second Stage of Requiem.
Anne Dobbins: Greek: Daughter of Hades: Goddess of Darkness, Shadow Traveling, and The Dead. Ninth Guardian. On Second Stage of Requiem.
"Arik" Arisutea Akira Takahashi: Greek: Son of Nemesis: God of Retribution, Justice, Balance, Consequences, and Law. Tenth Guardian . On Second Stage of Requiem.
Andrew Izuna: Greek: Son of Hades: God of Inner Pain and Fallen Loved Ones. Eleventh Guardian.
Jason Cortez, son of Zeus.
Elite Generals:

Elite Soldiers:
Jinx, son of Boreas.





Assyria Saphyr Crelline, daughter of Apollo.



No god-modding
No adult-content.
Allow people to be able to counter, block, or dodge.
Don't repeatably dodge, let some attacks hit you.
I have to accept your character or one of the mods do.
No killing or controlling someone's character with them telling you to.
You can't be to powerful.
You can be a child of any deity, except ones who don't exist.
This is not a romance RP
That's all I can think of for now.
Places in DA:

The Arena: Where everyone trains and where the weapons and infirmary is stored.

The Forge: Where the weapons and training things are built.

The Guardian Tower: Where the Guardians live and work.

The Forest: Where the training monsters are stored.

The Shrine: Where old members of TIC who died in battles are.

The Library: Where books about the history of TIC, and the battles, and every single person in TIC.

The Transporter: Where portals around TIC city, are.
Fill out this:

Immortal Parent:
Mortal Parent:
Rank in TIC:
Typical Outfit:
Weapon of Choice:
My character(Updated):

Name: Alvin Hamilton
Age: 19
Appearance: Dark Green Eyes. Jet Black Hair.
Personality: Alvin is articulate, honest, generous, and humble. He is very calm, and patient. He is a leader, and a good strategist. He is very loyal, if you earned it.
Immortal Parent: Poseidon
Mortal Parent: Adrian Ewing
Rank in TIC: 1st Guardian and Creator of TIC.
Typical Outfit: Black shirt. Black Jeans. Black shoes. Black Leather Jacket.
Weapon of Choice: A celestial sliver sword. The tip is the godly steel. The hilt is made of celestial bronze and imperial gold. The inside of the sword is Stygian Iron. His right hand and arm turn black, glowing a greenish color and he can use it as a weapon.
Other: Alvin is a god and the Ancient Laws don't effect him. He's a very dangerous enemy. He's on the fourth level of Requiem and he has a new rare ability that only one other person has.

The Guardians have this same ability which came with being the Guardians of the Immortal City. They get an aura around them, which is their colors that they represent. Their strength, speed, defense, and powers are ultimately increased. This is known as Requiem, which is activated by different words, for each level. Requiem has four stages/levels.

The first level of the Requiem is when you achieve the Requiem, regardless of how you got it.

The second level is when you are more experienced with the Requiem, strong with the natural powers of your immortal parent, and when you are simply ready.

The third is when you are very experienced with the Requiem, how strong your mind is, and if your mind is clear of doubts.

The 4th level is when you are simply very strong in physical and mental form, when you have mastered the powers of your immortal parent, and it causes insanity, forever, only if you're lucky will you keep your sanity after you bring down your level of the Requiem.

You activate the Requiem by saying a word or words. Sometimes in different languages, but English works as well.
The Immortal City is a city-duh- made up of 12 leaders/Guardians, 6 boys, 6 girls. All immortal  demi
last edited on May 04, 2013 at 03:44PM

Heroes of Olympus RP Club 2666 replies

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over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
I summon four Skeletons to hold Alvin down, "Tell me what happened down there ... NOW" I say through gritted teeth.
over a year ago ShadowRanger said…
"STOP!" I stand in between them and hand Alvin a bottle of water.
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
I wake up screaming
over a year ago ShadowRanger said…
I snap my head at Blaze "why are so many thing happening at once" I say in frustration while rubbing my temple
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
I wait for either of them to talk.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I use water to throw them off of me. "I don't have nothing to tell you." I growl and two of my swords appear in my hand. The one from the camps and underworld.
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
I yell at Shadow and Alvin.
"Ladies, LADIES! You're both pretty, now stop fighting!"
"And Blaze, stop screaming!"
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I look at Angel once, before turning back towards Shadow. I grab the water bottle and drink half, pouring the other half over me.
over a year ago ShadowRanger said…
"I need some air" I say before heading outside
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I turn the water on the floor into ice spikes and send around Shadow.
over a year ago ShadowRanger said…
After some time I storm back into the infirmary, grab Alvin's and Shadow's wrist and drag them outside "you two are not gonna wreck the infirmary! If your gonna fight, do outside!" Then I walk back in and slam the doors shut.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
I do a face palm. "Sigh. Children these days," I mutter, directed at Shadow and Alvin.
"And what did I say, ladies, about not fighting! If you don't stop, I will force you to go shopping with me at Abercrombie and Holister!"
And yes, because I'm the goddess of shopping, I can do that. Quite literally.
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
I faint again
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
(Hmm. I wonder why.)
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
(eh whatevs)
I wake up and grab Angel "Water..." I mutter
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
(You wrote that. So don't blame me. >.<)

"Ahh!" I yell when something grabs me. Then I look down and see Blaze. "Oh..."
I go back to the infirmary, grab a bottle of water, then head back outside nd hand it to him.
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
(we are in the infirmary....whatever)
I drink the whole thing and pour some on my face. I touch my shoulder, my other hand is gone..."More water....please..."
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
(gtg soon...)
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
(no I was outside yelling at Alvin and Shadow about shopping and stuff. Oh right...You were inside. Nvm my bad.)

I hand him some more water.

(Your hand is off? Sad...)
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
(Yeah, got cut off by a monster)
I drink more
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
I toss him another bottle after he finishes the second.
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
(Now you sound like grover :D)
I hand Blaze over to Kiera.
"Kiera, he needs food," I explain.
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
Instead I faint and drop on the ground
over a year ago ShadowRanger said…
Z- "yes?"
"Could you take over for a second. I need to clear my head. I'm having a massive headache"
A- "sure"
"Thanks" I hand blaze over to Zach and walk to the back room in the infirmary
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
"You were fighting in my dads Domain, Tell me what happened there or the next time you are down there you will be kneeling before his judgement seat."
over a year ago ShadowRanger said…
(Kiera dragged both Shadow and Alvin outside of the infirmary by the way)
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
(Yup. Angel followed them to yell at them some more. Oh, and to threaten them about shopping.)

After Blaze faints-AGAIN- I drop of bucket of cold water on him.
I sit down on a bench and rub my eyes, suddenly feeling very tired.
over a year ago KatieK102 said…
*Blinks a couple of times then looks around.* "What's going on?"

(Ember is awake for now. but don't worry. I'll knock her out again whenever I get off ;) )
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
I stare at Alvin and stare at him intensely.
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
"Hey Ember. Alvin and Shadow are fighting like two ladies over who is prettier. I threatened them with shopping. Oh, and Blaze is out, again," I clarify.

over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
My blue eyes turn red, "That is ENOUGH!" I yell at angel.
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
"Well then. Someone certainly wants to go shopping at Abercrombie and Holister. Ooh! And Coach, cause they have, like, the CUTEST bags eva!" I smirk at Shadow. "Let's see if Alvin wants to join our party, huh?"

(Blue eyes turn red...Wow, I'm really feeling proud of myself! :D)
over a year ago ShadowRanger said…
I strom out of the infirmary ignoring my surroundings a head to the forest
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
I then smile, as zombies start crawling out of the ground "Well if you want to go through the mall, I guess you will have to make it through the BRAINLESS crowd." I say as I give the order of attack.
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
"Too late," I grin. Suddenly, we're in Abercrombie, just me and Shadow, and I turn to the security guards.
"Hey," I say, flashing a sweet smile. "I'm under attack by this...Boy, here. Think you can detain him? He has $200 to spend."
Shadow begins to move, yelling at me as I force him to look through racks of designer clothing. The security guards surround him.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
I Shadow teleport, switching my spot with the lead zombie, so the spell of the shopping curse is on him now, as well as one new curse of my own.
over a year ago Inevasayneva002 said…
Can i join? :)
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…

The head Zombie attacks the Security Guard, starting to infect him.
over a year ago KatieK102 said…
*I roll my eyes at Shadow and Angle* "I should've just stayed knocked out." *Mutters*

(And sure! Just fill out the form :) )
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
(go ahead! Just be careful, cuz you dont want to be shipped off to someone.*cough cough everyone*)
(And Katie, I'm a forty-five degree Angel! Lol cuz you said Angle, so yeah :D)
"Whatevs," I say and shrug. I decide to send some owls after him instead. I start shopping myself.
over a year ago Inevasayneva002 said…
Name: Jaeda Maxwell
Appearance: Blue eyes, Dyed Brown Hair straight/curly, Caucasian. 5'5".
Personality: kind of wierd, fun to be around with. Great sense of humor. Caring and determined. Never gives up on her friends.
immortal parent: Zues
Mortal Parent: Jessica Maxwell
DArank: Gaurdian
Typical outfit. Check pic
weapon of choice: sword
Other: Swaggie.
Name: Jaeda Maxwell
Appearance: Blue eyes, Dyed Brown Hair straight/curly, Caucasian. 5'5".
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
Lol! Is the pic of you?
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
I Head back to Alvin, "now enough games, tell me what happened?"


Once all of the guards are infected, the start to chase after angel, only being detoured to munch on an annoying sales lady over perfumes.
over a year ago snowflakes989 said…
I decide to go back.
"Shadow, I know you're mentally challenged, because only such a person would send zombies after me. But you might as well call them off. People are starting to panic." I chastise. "Oh, and Alvin, you're next!"

(Haha I'll try some Taylor Swift next time.)
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
"I am the mentally challenged one?" I ask with audacity "you *my friend* asked for it, and I can't control the main one, only order him, he has a mind of his own. Remember that next time you threaten me." I finish, eyes still red. "now will either of the crash test dummies tell me what in Hades Happened at Tartarus?"
over a year ago ShadowRanger said…
I walk back "you guys are being very childish"
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
Since no one was paying attention they didn't catch me walking out and into the forest. I sit down under a tree "Damn it..." I mutter. I shut my eyes to catch a glimpse of Tartarus. I open my eyes again....
(Jaeda heeeeeey, accepted)