Heroes of Olympus RP Club The War of Hades Chronicles: Chapter of Ashes, Part 1

Liquidz-Flamez posted on Aug 03, 2015 at 07:09AM
"I will not stand the humiliation of being below my brothers any longer! No longer will I be belittled. I am Hades! The one who shall claim his rightful throne in Olympus!"

In year 2016 on the Ides of March, the venomous and spiteful anger of Hades aimed itself and was determined to land upon the great Olympus. Hades himself had had enough of being contained in the depths of the Underworld, left to collect souls and watch over the dead. His greed to obtain more and increase in his subjects had grew far greater than that alone. He wanted more. And with his spiteful anger, his sights landed more specifically on the throne of the King of Gods. Zeus's throne. He began to feel as if he had been tricked into drawing the shortest and being made the ruler of the underworld. And his hatred....grew. His sense of reason quickly dwindled down to ashes and soon, he began to build a war carnivorous legion. An army of which one of his three sons would lead into battle. With that army, came a weapon of mass destructive power. This weapon contained five pieces: Destruction, Hatred, Greed, Power, and finally, Despair. With each individual piece, there were a thousand eternally tortured souls used to create them. And with the five together, they were called Gaia's Final Symphony. It was said that when Gaia's Final Symphony was activated, ashes would began to fall from the sky.

In the year 2022, Demigods began to mysteriously disappear. And what was more mysterious was that all of them were the sons and daughters of....Zeus. This drew the King of God's attention immediately and soon, there was the spark for war from his rage. Something that was all in Hades's predictions and plans, which gave him a valid reason to "defend" himself and start an attack. But that quickly turned into the beginning of a war after he began to threaten every god and goddess in Olympus with the power of a weapon that would destroy and devour everything that the gods and humanity held dear. He also offered a deal that if Zeus steps down from his thrown and bowed to him, he would reconsider starting a war. The King of Gods refused to commit such an act, his honor and pride being to great for him to do so. And this began to anger Hades more. But little of his knowledge, Zeus had sent Hermes to destroy the weapon pieces, and though he couldnt destroy them, he scattered the five pieces out among the world, leaving them hidden. When Hades found out what had happened, if anger was beyond any such rage. He waged a war to put Olympus in ruins and kill his brothers as well as bring chaos to the world of mankind. And he gave an oath to the Styx that he would have Zeus's head, and his throne, and that he would destroy anyone who got in his way. Now....news gets to the Demi-gods of Camp Landooje ((a demigod camp located a little ways away from the Big Apple)) and other camps all around the world--

That The War of Hades....Has Begun.

What're we going to do!?
We're all in great danger....

There was a prophecy found by gods that the fate of Olympus and the world of man-kind lands in the hands of brave unknown heroes. Halflings. Demigods.

Who will be our heroes?


Meila Komptins, Daughter of Nike , Mortal Father: Thomas Komptins.
Alec Weston, Eldest Son of Hades, Mortal Mother: Diana Weston
Zacharias "Voltage" Edison, Son of Zeus, Mortal Mother: Melissa Edison

The setting starts off in Camp Landooje, where the news had just been learnt.

((A little sneak peek of what's to come. :P))

[i]"I will not stand the humiliation of being below my brothers any longer! No longer will I be belit
last edited on Dec 19, 2015 at 08:47PM

Heroes of Olympus RP Club 131 replies

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over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
"Yeah, Voltage .... Don't know why is comedical to you" I say as I sit down
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
Meila only laughed more. "Because it makes you sound like a car battery or some sort of taser!" She exclaimed as she laughed. "Out of all of the options that could've been possible, you chose Voltage!?" She covered her mouth in attempt to calm her laughter.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
"Names are given, not chosen" I say touching her and giving her a little jolt, not asuch to hurt but to see hr jump and squeal. I chuckle a bit as Meila's hair is now standing up with frizz. "And there is more where that came from"
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
Meila let out a slight shriek when she felt a jolt and jumped a bit. "Jeez!" She whined as she made attempts to straighten her hair back. "I thought we agreed that you werent going to do---" She stopped as everything in her vision began to dim. And then she heard a voice inside her head.

"Take up your weapon child!A threat is nearing!"

"M-Mom!?" Meila she exclaimed to herself. She was both surprised and shocked to hear how panicked she sounded, and looked around before looking to Zach. "Come on." Was the only thing she said before she stood up from her seat. Her heart was thumping in anticipation of wondering what it was exactly that was "nearing" them.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
(Wait, isn't Hermes a boy?)

I stand up and grab my sword, "ok what's going on?"
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((Meila's Immortal Parent is Nike XD))

"M-my mother says that there's something coming!" Meila said as she ran to go get the sword that she had gave the man. Afterwards, she didnt bother going back and instead ran off to see what had infiltrated the camp.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
(It says Hermes up top, lol)

I give a nod to the jets as we leave, and they follow us out, "Just when things can't get any worse"
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((I only just now caught on to that, and had to change it earlier lol. My mistake.))

Meila didnt bother to strap her sword around her waist because unfortunately, her instincts told her that whatever was there was closer than she had thought her mother meant. Her blood rushed through her veins as she heard screams and a loud groan/angry roar that echoed through the air along with a loud voice.


Meila's blood almost ran cold. Eye? There was only one creature that she could think of that used the word "eye" instead of "eyes" and had a voice as loud as the one they were hearing. "How in the names of all of the underworld is a cyclops doing he---get down!!?" She suddenly pounced over onto Zach, knocking him onto the ground as a thick and large tree stump when flying into the air in their direction.
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over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
After being tossed, I take to the sky and start taunting it, "do you remember Nobody? For I am he" I say zipping through the air. Prepping a Chakram for an attack
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
"Nobody!? NOBODY!!?" The cyclops roared and went charging at the sound of the voice, running into trees and knocking them down in a frenzy of rage.

Knowing that she didn't have her trusty winged shoes with her, Meila knew that she was going to have to improvise and do it quickly before things got to out of hand. An idea came to mind and she started taunting the cyclops as well. "Over here you big sloppy oaf! HEY!"

The cyclops turned it's head wildly, drool flying from it's mouth as it heard a girl's voice. "I'LL PICK YOUR FLESH FROM YOUR BONES!" it rushed towards where the voice had came from mindlessly.

"THAT'S RIGHT, I HAVE YOUR EYE!" Meila yelled before taking off on foot and throwing names at the cyclops. "Come and get me!" Her idea was to head towards the old broken ram their camp used to ring a huge bell that signaled out notifications for events. Or used to anyways. The bell had fell off and only the large ram was left. If she could get there and get the cyclops into position then she could plan an effective attack.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
As the Cyclops is confused I send a Chakram spiraling at him, cutting deep in his arm and getting lodged in it, he is enraged and starts screaming, the other Jets take the sky and start fighting
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
I start prepping my second Chakram for launch as well.
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
The cyclops begans to rage between Meila's taunts and the attackers it could not see. It ripped up two large trees from the ground and threw them at the sky blindly with a enraged grunt before going back to where it heard Meila's voice. It wanted it's eye. And if she had it then it would skin her alive to the bone. It ripped out another tree and went after her, swinging it wildly and knocking away anything that got in it's path.

Meila kept running as she found herself darting passed a few lower branches in which she quickly slid under and got back to running, more than noticing that the cyclops was right on her tell. WITH A TREE!! "H-hey!! A LITTLE HELP HERE!!" She yelled to her allies above.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
Tank and V8 go and lift her up, both holding an arm. While everyone else focuses on the cyclops. I send the second Chakram into this other arm. I the put up my aviator Goggles and yell, "Ground bound" all the jets then fly to the ground as I send a lightning bolt to each Chakram, when the hit they electrocute him far more powerful than my normal lighting using him as a conductor of the energy.
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
The cyclops stood there, it's body in complete shock and pain from the lightning bolt that had struck it so viciously, and it slowly but surely fell to the ground face first extremely hard, causing the ground to quake a small bit.

Meila stared down at the scene of the cyclops collapsing and looked to Tank and V8. "Thanks guys." She said before her eyes went back to focusing on the cyclops. "Sheesh....that was intense."
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
"He should be out for 30 minutes, enough time to get the councilors to decide his fate" I say pulling out my sword.
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
"The councilors? You gotta be freakin kiddin me! What are they honestly going to do? There's no telling where this thing came from, or how exactly got here!" Melia exclaimed. "All we know is that it's here for it's eye, and mom saw it coming." The only conclusion she could come to was that Hades had to have his hand in the matter somehow.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
I swiftly stab through his heart, "I am a councillor after all" he disolves and leaves his loincloth as a trophy, "I don't think anyone wants his underwear" as Tank grabs it and states, "speak for yourself"
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
"Oh...I forgot that you were--EWWW!!" Meila said in jittery disgust as Tank grabbed the cyclops' underwear. She glanced in the direction she was previously heading in when she heard a loud bell ring and it brought an anxious feeling to her. How was it possible that the bell was ringing....if the bell was gone? Just as she was going to go check it out, the ground rumbled harshly and she seen that people from other cabins began to go scattering out. The centaur archers, the swordsmen. And then she heard it. Something that struck her with more than just anxiousness.


And with that, Meila heard someone scream out "GIANTS!!". What was going on!? She looked to see that the cyclops' skin had began to melt away and revealed some sort of robotic feature to itself. It was a distraction. The cyclops was a distraction!
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over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
I look at the time and see it is 10 minutes until my Godly Rendezvous with Hermes, "Sunny is leading the charge, I have something I have to do" I say taking off to the Jets Hideaway
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
"Wait WHAT!? HEY!!" Meila yelled after him. But she quickly realized that she had to return her attention to what was the main problem. The giants. Now from the stories, one of the facts were that the giants despised Olympus. So all of it was coming together. As her fellow camp mates rushed passed her, readying to battle against the catastrophe, she had to run back to her cabin. Once she did, she burst through the door and grabbed her winged shoes. She kicked off the boots that she had on then, and slipped them onto her feet before running off with her sword already drawn, all the way back to the battle field. She took to the sky to meet up with the Jets in order to see what the strategy was going to be.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
I wait on edge at the wall, our meeting spot. I hear the sounds of war in the distance, "trust me kid, don't want to be over there right now, with your dad in Hades scope and all" I turn and see Hermes in a UPS suit, leaning against the wall next to my monument I made that day. "Herm ... Hey be careful!" I say to him. "Don't worry, I like what you did, but we need a serious moment here."
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
He walks up to me, "Hold your hand out" I do as he says and he puts an item in it, it is very heavy and I almost drop it "Careful, that is Despair, a burden not easy to carry by ones self. It is part of that weapon Hades threatened your father with. I need you to Hide it, and to not reveal its location to anyone. Protect it's secret to the death if necessary." I stand there in awe, "OK" I say as I put it away in my bag. "Hurry Quick, the monsters sent here are trying to find it or me, so please, move swiftly, don't get caught, be ever vigilant."
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((We sort of need Hades's eldest son now, for he is a vital piece to this story.))
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
((is that a wink wink to Alec, or we need someone else to join?))
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((Yes, it is preferably a *wink wink* to Alec.))
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
I take off, flying to a very secret place, the only place I know I have solitude.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(Hehe, sorry... I know this is long overdue, but alas lemme post. ^_^)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(Forgive the harsh words)


"Piss off, why don't you..." The boy hissed to the darkness, plopping down onto his bed. "I'm not your errand boy any more, find another son to bother." His tone was venomous, as if he truly hated the voice of his dear ol' dad.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((Well well, this is certainly a early gift for this RP! Welcome back Rogue!))

"Oh please, spare me the act child." There was a flicker from the ceiling and floor before a flame ignited. But this was no ordinary flame, but the phantom of Hades himself. A hell spawn of fire built itself into existence. Giant horns curved from the sides of it's head, and it held a particular wickedness to it's well being. "Do not put on the façade that you enjoy a place that you were never welcomed to be." The phantom of Hades let out a devious chuckle. "It's in your heart....that feeling, isn't it? The feeling that the time is nearing. It spoke as it began to slowly pace around the room, inching closer with each step. "You want it.....I know you do..."


"Alright Jets, what's the plan!?" Melia asked as she got to them. "The giants are wrecking the camp!"
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over a year ago Rogue475 said…

The young man watched the beast's form carefully, only to let out a soft chuckle after a period of silence. "What I want... I want a bottle of rum, a woman who doesn't mind me being the son of hell, and a house in the country... Other than that, I'd say I'm good." He mused, sitting up against the wall to watch his father show off. "You're not gonna win, we never do, regardless of whatever plan you've set in motion."

(Apparently I hadn't set this forum to my updates... Yeah, well I've fixed that and I'm back and ready for action.)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
(( glad to see this being revived ))

I put the piece of Hades weapon in my secreted area, once I am sure it is safe for now I head back to camp, trying to reunite with my gang to finish off the monsters
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((I'm ready for action myself! :D))

"Do you really believe that? That you'll beable to find any of that here"? The phantom began to laugh. "Women....rum.....a home anywhere you desire. And all you'd have to do is reclaim your thrown as prince just as your brothers have." Suddenly, the fire swirled in a tidal wave like motion before it regathered itself, only for the phantom to be right next to the bed. "Surely they will be ashamed to see that their dear older brother has grown soft and delusional. Listen to the sound of the destruction outside this brittle cabin." He cackled softly to himself as the sound of everything going on outside Alec's cabin began to become more recognizable and able to be heard. "When push comes a shove, whether they survive today to fight tomorrow, or they perish now....everything will be going all according to plan. But....can you say the same once they've found that you aren't aiding them on the battlefield now? No one likes your presence here. They only tolerate you. To them, you are insignificant.....below them. Come to my side....and no longer will you be a lesser. Assist me in taking back what is rightfully mine. Rightfully yours. Rightfully...Ours." He mused. "Preparations have already been made before hand. Olympus will burn."

Melia ended up taking her own action as the giants began to close in on the rest of the camp. She was not going to let overgrown humanoids destroy what was theirs! She moved swiftly across the sky, the wings on her shoes flapping rapidly as she swooped below and dodged through the opening between one of the giant's legs, spinning around quickly to split open it's ankles and causing it to fall backwards. "Crap!!" She yelled as she maneuvered herself out of the vicinity of the falling giant just in enough time to avoid being crushed.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
I get to the battlefield to see Melia almost get crushed, "watch it sweety" I say avoiding the giants swipe. I stab him between the ribs, "Arrow, Slightly, get a rope and use it as a trip wire, V8, tank, once they are down cut their Achilles' tendons, Sunny and I will start on the next one, carnage ... " I say looking back to see him already blood frenzied and striking the giants toes, "whatever"
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
"OH SHUT IT SPARKS!" Melia retorted to Zach's comment. She took a different position on the ground and started running along the legs of the giants, slashing at their achilles and dodging the large feet that were attempting to crush her. "By all the things---why couldn't things settle with the cyclops!"

"OOOOOOO!!" A hefty voice was heard, and soon, Headrig was at Melia's side keeping with her pace the best he could. "Feels good to be back in action ehh!!?" He said as he swung his ax and sliced open a giant's foot before spinning around swiftly and hacking through its achilles with one power swing, causing it to tumble side ways where its face would meet a torrent of arrows from the Marksmen groups.

"I don't think that this is actually FUN but yeah!" Melia answered. Despite her answer though, the thrill that she felt from the danger made her body a bit more jittery and naturally battle born. "Be careful!" She called out to him before she kicked the ground while she ran, using it as leverage to boost herself back into the air.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…

The lad glanced towards the door, his eyes lowering just then. "Save me a seat." He finally grinned, before taking his leave, pistol in hand.

Alec went outside to see several giants terrorizing the camp, campers falling like flies. "Get back, head for the big house." He told a young group of girls huddled together, all as he pointed towards the most defendable building. "You'll be safe." The man assured the three, before making his way over to the front lines of battle. "Who's in charge!?" Alec called forth, his handgun held at the ready as he strode about the formation of Archers.
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over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
The phantom grinned and laughed as Alec left the cabin before it dispersed and disappeared into the nothingness of the air. "All....according to plans", the last of the phantoms voice drifted through the room before it to, vanished into silence.

"Headrig, follow my lead!!" Meila let out a battle cry as she stabbed her sword through the top of a giant's head and it wailed in agony as she began to drag the blade of the sword to the front of it's face, creating a fatal opening that spewed blood from it. She then jumped off and was caught on the air thanks to her winged shoes, while below on the ground, Headrig sliced at it's ankles savagely with his ax until it fell. When she heard the familiar voice speak, she turned to see that Alec had arrived and quickly went down to greet him with a trusty have grin, half smirk. "Hey hey, what took ya so long!? We got giants on the loose!" Her trust in him increased a little just by seeing that he was there.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…

"Sorry, dad called." He muttered, glancing about the line of Archers. "Aim for their legs, primarily the joints, it's your best bet." Alec told them before turning back to Meila. "... How bad's the situation?"
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
"The situation.....you spoke to your father!!?" Meila exclaimed. "You shoulda told that bastard, no disrespect to you by any means i'll have you know, TO CALL IT OFF!" She said with a small flail of her arms. Not only that, but she had also forgotten that she had her sword in her hand, so when she did so, her blade was only a half inch or so from cutting off Alec's ear maybe. "Oops....sorry about that..." Then she remembered his question and jumped back on topic. "Oh, situation, right! Uhh, first, cyclops, that's dead. Now, Giants. Half of the camps been trashed."
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over a year ago Rogue475 said…

He glanced back at the remaining archers, then to the rest of the camp behind them. "Alright, I'd round up all the campers at the big house, position the archers to defend, The rest of us can take care of the giants." Alec concluded, his gaze finding the girl before him. "You get that Zeus kid to keep hammering them and we might have a shot at pushing them back."

(I think I'm gonna make Alec kind of a Lone warrior arch-type, like he knows his stuff of battle but only works as a team if it is absolutely needed.)
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over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
Melia gave a nod. "Okii Dokie then!" She said before running off to get everyone positioned. If anything, she had to start with the archers first in order to ensure that the defense line of the camp could hold the charge for atleast a small while, enough to by them time. "Headrig! Round up the Big Boys, cause its time to get to it!" She called before giving the archers the signal to retreat and split into more effective groups. She had them douse their arrows in oil and set them ablaze this time as they fired from the trees and from the ground as well.

Headrig left the battlefield too gather up the Big Boys, meaning the strong arms of the camp so that they could execute the Coup de Log'O, a offensive and defensive strategy that he, Meila, and the Big Boys had come up with after visiting some of the numerous other camps in the past.

((Sounds good :P))
over a year ago Rogue475 said…

The lone man made his way off to the farthest Giant, attempting to single one out. He was methodical about it, his pistol aimed high towards the monstrosities head, even as it turned towards him. "Return to him!" Alec commanded with a deadly tone, hoping his voice could be enough to control the beast. "Leave this place, and never return!"
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
My jets keep flying around, wrapping up their legs, taking them down disabling them, and going in for kills, "hey skeltor, thought you didn't like teams" I say in my irritated sarcasm as I sever a tendon.
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
Meila swooped down from the sky and took to the ground as she headed towards the big house. The only thing that she had to do was make sure everyone was alright before she went back to the battlefield and was joined by Headrig and the Big Boys who were carrying large logs while some were pushing a contraption of some sort behind them along with oil canisters and torches. "Hey guys! Everything ready?"

"IYE!!", Both Headrig and his group of strongarms chanted in response, fearless and battle ready.

Meila grinned. " Alrighty then, let's show these poppysquat Giants how we show down at Camp Landooje!!"
over a year ago Rogue475 said…

The creature only grunted as it turned for camp completely avoiding the son of Hell. "I don't!" He called back, only to extend his arm out, pistol held execution styled. All as three rounds exploded off, tearing through the monster's left leg. It was forced to its knees instantly, a wail sounding off.
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
Only seconds after Alec had forced the giant to it's knees, a thick and large log engulfed completely in flames flew across the air and collided with the side of the giant's head, exploding into thousands of burning splinter like shards that knocked the giant sideways. "Oi! And where do ya think yer goin ya thick 'eded walker!" Headrig's hefty laugh cut into the air. "A grand shot for ye Meila."

Meila smiled proudly at her accomplishment of getting a perfect shot with their new contraption. Two more of those same contraptions lined themselves on both the left and the right of the injured giant, both loaded with large flaming logs, ready to fire. "I'm not usually one to show on, but I gotta say, you guys got yourselves into one HELL of a predicament, no pun intended." She spoke to the giant before looking over to Alec. "He's all yours pal."
over a year ago Rogue475 said…

The lad turned to the giant, his hand beginning to smolder before going out. He simply raised his handgun, firing a shot into the beast's head, ending the life instantly without pain. Alec then turned to Miela. "Seems as though you've got this taken care of, I'll leave you all to it then."
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
"Already done." Meila said simply. "Now come on, you're comin with me--" She said as she grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him along with her as she made her way towards the Big House of the camp. "Alright guys, time to clean up!" She called to Headrig and the other Big Boys.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…

"N-no, I've got some stuff to take care of, and why do need me?" The lad questioned, moving out of her grip as he stopped, stuffing his pistol into his pants.
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
"Ugh, no time to explain! And i'm more than sure that that "stuff" can wait a little anyways." Meila said as she grabbed his hand this time and went back to pulling him along. "And besides, surprises aren't meant to be spoiled so you'll just have to wait and see."