Heroes of Olympus RP Club The War of Hades Chronicles: Chapter of Ashes, Part 1

Liquidz-Flamez posted on Aug 03, 2015 at 07:09AM
"I will not stand the humiliation of being below my brothers any longer! No longer will I be belittled. I am Hades! The one who shall claim his rightful throne in Olympus!"

In year 2016 on the Ides of March, the venomous and spiteful anger of Hades aimed itself and was determined to land upon the great Olympus. Hades himself had had enough of being contained in the depths of the Underworld, left to collect souls and watch over the dead. His greed to obtain more and increase in his subjects had grew far greater than that alone. He wanted more. And with his spiteful anger, his sights landed more specifically on the throne of the King of Gods. Zeus's throne. He began to feel as if he had been tricked into drawing the shortest and being made the ruler of the underworld. And his hatred....grew. His sense of reason quickly dwindled down to ashes and soon, he began to build a war carnivorous legion. An army of which one of his three sons would lead into battle. With that army, came a weapon of mass destructive power. This weapon contained five pieces: Destruction, Hatred, Greed, Power, and finally, Despair. With each individual piece, there were a thousand eternally tortured souls used to create them. And with the five together, they were called Gaia's Final Symphony. It was said that when Gaia's Final Symphony was activated, ashes would began to fall from the sky.

In the year 2022, Demigods began to mysteriously disappear. And what was more mysterious was that all of them were the sons and daughters of....Zeus. This drew the King of God's attention immediately and soon, there was the spark for war from his rage. Something that was all in Hades's predictions and plans, which gave him a valid reason to "defend" himself and start an attack. But that quickly turned into the beginning of a war after he began to threaten every god and goddess in Olympus with the power of a weapon that would destroy and devour everything that the gods and humanity held dear. He also offered a deal that if Zeus steps down from his thrown and bowed to him, he would reconsider starting a war. The King of Gods refused to commit such an act, his honor and pride being to great for him to do so. And this began to anger Hades more. But little of his knowledge, Zeus had sent Hermes to destroy the weapon pieces, and though he couldnt destroy them, he scattered the five pieces out among the world, leaving them hidden. When Hades found out what had happened, if anger was beyond any such rage. He waged a war to put Olympus in ruins and kill his brothers as well as bring chaos to the world of mankind. And he gave an oath to the Styx that he would have Zeus's head, and his throne, and that he would destroy anyone who got in his way. Now....news gets to the Demi-gods of Camp Landooje ((a demigod camp located a little ways away from the Big Apple)) and other camps all around the world--

That The War of Hades....Has Begun.

What're we going to do!?
We're all in great danger....

There was a prophecy found by gods that the fate of Olympus and the world of man-kind lands in the hands of brave unknown heroes. Halflings. Demigods.

Who will be our heroes?


Meila Komptins, Daughter of Nike , Mortal Father: Thomas Komptins.
Alec Weston, Eldest Son of Hades, Mortal Mother: Diana Weston
Zacharias "Voltage" Edison, Son of Zeus, Mortal Mother: Melissa Edison

The setting starts off in Camp Landooje, where the news had just been learnt.

((A little sneak peek of what's to come. :P))

[i]"I will not stand the humiliation of being below my brothers any longer! No longer will I be belit
last edited on Dec 19, 2015 at 08:47PM

Heroes of Olympus RP Club 131 replies

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over a year ago Rogue475 said…

The son of Hades found himself at a loss for words, knowing he wasn't about to get himself out of it. "... Fine, since you're so adamant about it." He grumbled, allowing her to lead him off.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(I'm up for bringing this back)
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
(I question why I was never a part of this, but I can help you bring it back if you want? hahaha)
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
(( Sorry I have been busy as of late, will try catching up and popping back in. ))
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(It would be cool to bring this back, and I'm sure you'd be a great addition Pink, but alas we need Liquid. I'll message him later today and see if he might be inclined to returning to this forum)
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
(Okay, cool haha)
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(Completely forgot, doing it right now)
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
(haha, let me know when he replies :))
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((Present XD And heeeellooo newcomer :D it'll be nice of you to join us here!))
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
(Hey, and thanks haha)
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((No probs :P Well, I agree on getting this started again.))
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(I posted, so you guys go for it :P)
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((Right :D))

"Yep!" Meila said, still pulling him along and smiling cheerfully. "We totally kicked butt today!" They had won today, but she knew better than to think that this was the end of it. This...was only the beginning. And it was best to savor this moment now and celebrate because there was no telling what was coming next. As they continued there way to the Big House, there were people that were rushing passed them and she knew that the camp had suffered casualties as well. The war....was really coming. And for some reason she felt as if..they weren't entirely ready.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"You should all leave this place, it isn't safe anymore..." Alec muttered, observing the carnage brought forth by the vile creatures of his father.
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
"Wha--No way!" Meila shook her head. They can, but I'm not going anywhere. This camp needs our help and I'm not going to abandon the place that I was lucky enough to call home. And there's no way that I'm going anywhere....not after this. That was to close of a call, but we're gonna win this whether it's a battle or a war." She said confidently.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
(I'll post as soon as I make my character, but someone is going to have to bring me in somehow :))
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
((No worries there :) I'll have it covered.))
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"This camp isn't prepared for a war, not by a long shot... What did you want to show me, Meila?" The man questioned, almost impatiently.
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
"Oh don't be such a grouch!" Meila said with a sort of huff as they approached the Big House. "And sometimes it's not about being prepared. It's about what you're willing to do to make yourself prepared for whatever may come. Considering we've just experienced what i'm assuming to be a "first wave" then i'm pretty sure we have some idea of what to expect and how to prepare for it already." She smiled. "Come on, everyone's waiting." She said as she started up the steps and up to the large double doors.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
Alex kept quiet as they walked through the doors to the large house, several campers were standing and sitting all about the place. Many were wounded, some even in need of urgent attention. "If this is going to turn into another interrogation, then I'm gone." He grumbled as the girl led him deeper inside the building.
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
"Oh shut up. Even if it was, you wouldn't be leaving on my watch anyways." Meila said, casting a glance at him. It didn't take long before they reached the main hall. "Aaaaand here we are!" She said, as they go to the largest door that lead to the camp's Special Event Mess Hall. She pushed it open and there were numerous people as well as set up tables stacked with dish after dish of food and beverages. The people of the camp were gathered there and when the door opened, they all turned and welcomed them with a cheer. She smiled and looked over at Alex. "Still wanna leave?"
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
Alex's eyes widened, instantly he lowered his head, showing no emotion. "Yes... Meila I'm not that kinda person that likes this sort of thing." He muttered, his hair falling over his eyes as the others watched the two.
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
"Oh come on! You're not gonna do that sad mopey thing while everyone else is here giving a big fat Thank You for stepping in! Now come on, let's go have some fun!" She pulled him along with her, venturing through the crowd of people as the celebration began.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
Alex shook his head in protest, but was unable to say a single word before he was dragged along. The man could only think of how close this place was to being completely wiped out, and how they could even think to celebrate. "This isn't right, all these campers should be out building a wall or something around the camp, and what are we doing? partying..."
over a year ago Liquidz-Flamez said…
"Yep. Pretty much, but we're making a progress. I've been talking to my...err...mom. Things are getting done now as we speak, but who says a little fun is wrong? Besides, this is probably a war now and we're going to start living everyday like it could possibly be our last yes, but that doesn't mean we're idiots who don't know how to prepare themselves. Gods, you're a party pooper..." She mumbled, rolling her eyes.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"Party pooper...?" He scoffed lightly under his breath, a small grin emerging. "I'm a realist." Alex let out a sigh as they moved through the crowd. "... So where's the prodigal son of Zeus?"
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
(Oops, I completely forgot about making a character for this)
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(And le forum is dead... :P )
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
(I think the same goes for the entire club haha)
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
It is a shame...
It is a shame...
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
yeah, it's kinda sad