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Aphelia stopped in front of two doors beside each other. "Here are your rooms. Everything you need will already be in there. We will send you both back to Earth soon as we can. Until we do, though, I need you to stay here and don't cause problems."

Proserpina nodded and pushed open the door, disappearing into her room. Diana sighed, and followed suite.

"Hi there! Who are you?"
Diana was startled at first, but then, not so much. It was her roommate, who seemed just as cheerful as her good-for-nothing sister, Proserpina.

"Nunya business." Diana scowled, looking around. Not a bad room!

"Well, hiya,...
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When the light dimmed, Diana found herself in a palace. In front of her were two people - Queen Aphelia, the woman from before, and Propserpina.

"So you found Diana?" Proserpina questioned the queen.

"Yes. I have indeed, Proserpina." Queen Aphelia responded, "Now come on, both of you are staying in Hydromeda for the rest of the week. It's too dangerous to send you a portal back, you know."

Diana couldn't believe it. This couldn't be happening.

"Excuse me, but I don't know." She blurted, "Where is Hydromeda, and what portal?"

"We are in Hydromeda." Aphelia explained, "And as for the portal, you both don't need to know anymore. Oh, and in case you were wondering...we have fresh clothes here. And you will get roommates, too. We don't have that many rooms here anymore."

Diana and Propserpina both nodded in unison. They trailed after Queen Aphelia up to their rooms. This is so weird. Diana thought.
Suddenly, a swirl of light appeared in front of Diana, taking her by surprise. This made Diana immediately furious. She was never caught by surprise! Not usually, actually...but still, she was going to give this thing a piece of her mind!

Soon a human shape began to form as the light slowly dimmed. It was a lady. A beautiful, middle-aged, finely-dress, crowned, lady. Diana could only stare, dumbfounded and stupefied.

"Are you a queen, or a god?" Diana blurted, forgetting to be mad. She was once again surprised by what she saw. It wasn't every day you saw a goddess-queen visit you, and especially...
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Part 2: Diana

"Ugh, that rat." Diana complained to herself, "And that stupid flower. What in the world was wrong with it anyway?"

Diana knew Proserpina thought she was the one who was spoiled rotten, but the truth was Proserpina was spoiled rotten. In Diana's opinion at least.

And now Diana had PROOF Proserpina was not only spoiled and selfish, but stupid as well. How could she bring them to THIS desolate place? There was absolutely no one here, and of course Proserpina had deserted her.
"Get inside Proserpina." Queen Aphelia appeared, her voice curt.

Where? Proserpina looked around, hoping to find a palace. No such luck. But when she turned back to Queen Aphelia, it was there, the most beautiful palace ever.

A bunch of grownups that were standing around swept past her into the palace. Proserpina followed. A bunch of guards surrounded her and pushed her into a room at the far side of the palace. Proserpina tried to get back to Aphelia, who had dissappeared in a flurry of blue and white and was swept away with another group of guards.

Queen Aphelia's voice suddenly started echoing in her head.

"Do not go. This is for your own good. Stay in the room and don't get out, no matter what. We are going to find Diana. Now."
"But what about Diana?" Proserpina wondered aloud, "Aphelia, are you still there?"

No reply. Guess not.

Proserpina hurried up the hill. The ground was rocky and hard to walk on, but lucky for her, Proserpina found a trail. A smooth, and, most importantly, VISIBLE, trail.

Soon, she was at the top of the hill. Still no palace.

Fortunately, there were people. Finally, there was somewhere with people. Proserpina recognized one of them.

"Mr. Hassen!" she hollered,

Mr. Hassen turned around. "Proserpina! Aren't you supposed to be in Amphitha?"

Proserpina opened her mouth to reply, but was interrupted.

"Don't worry, Paul. It isn't her fault."
Proserpina hurried out after Diana, scared the door would dissappear and leave her trapped.

"Wait, Diana!" Proserpina hollered, "It isn't my fault! And anyway, do you even know where we are?"

Diana turned around and narrowed her eyes. "Like you know where we are? And why should I believe it isn't your fault? It isn't mine. And it isn't the rose, I mean, it's a plant! So it IS your fault, and you can't prove it's not."

"Nevermind." Proserpina turned around, and tried to find someone who could tell her how to get back home. But there was NO ONE AT ALL.

After a while of walking, Proserpina heard...
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Proserpina closed her eyes, then opened them again. "Where am I? This doesn't look like Hydromeda." She wondered aloud. It really didn't look like the palace they landed in last time. For one thing, the room they were in had no windows, doors, or furniture as far as Proserpina could see.

"What's Hydromeda?" Diana sneered, "And what did you do, you nincompoop! I'm going to be late for Archery, and you decide to take me to this gross place? I'm not even going to ask how you did it. I want out!"

Diana snatched the rose away and started walking to the door. Proserpina did a double take at Diana. That door wasn't there earlier.

But Proserpina decided she probably just didn't see it, because Diana walked out and left. And left Proserpina in the dark, mysterious room that had weird doors.
The next day...

"Proserpina!" Diana hollered, barging into her room, "What are you doing? I have an archery tournament in twenty minutes! Hurry up, get your butt off your chair and start getting ready!"

Proserpina rolled her eyes, but got up from her chair and began to bring her bag and some money. She hated Diana's tournaments, they were just someone hollering at a bunch of other people to shoot an arrow, and plus most people missed anyways, so there wasn't much of a point of going.

She put in twenty dollars (her yearly savings) into her sparkly green and pink bag, which Diana had gave her because...
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"Proserpina, are you listening?" Mr. Hassen asked,

"Uh..." Proserpina didn't know what to say.

"I said, your education will begin soon. Your tutor will be here any minute. Get yourself ready." Mr. Hassen replied.

"Oh, okay." Proserpina said.

Mr. Hassen left the room, then came back with woman. Then he left again, but the woman stayed.

"Proserpina." the woman looked at her, "I am Countess Peniah, your tutor in magic. But you are to call me madam. If you misbehave during your lessons, you will be sent back to Earth. And never to return ever again do you understand?"

Proserpina nodded. What a disciplinarian.

"Good. You are to return here on Wednesday at the same time. Do be prompt." Madam walked out of the room.

"Here. Read this." Mr. Hassen plunked a scroll onto the table in front of Proserpina, snapping her back to reality.

Proserpina opened the scroll and read.

Once long ago, in the city of Amphitha, a prophet to Aphelia reported the birth of a time of prosperity. The prophet said that Aphelia would have a daughter, but would never truly give birth. Instead, the girl would be born into a family of ordinary Earth people. And althought it was the mother in that family that had the child, she was really Aphelia's. There would come a time when they would form a telepathic bond, and when it happens, Prosperity...
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The man opened the door and gestured for her to enter. Once inside, Proserpina was given a minute to look around.

There were a few old-fasioned chairs, lots of bookshelves of books, huge windows, fancy rugs, and fashionable curtains.

"Have a seat." The man said, scooting a chair out in front of a desk for her. Proserpina sat. The man sat in the chair facing hers.

"We recieved a note from Her Majesty Queen Aphelia. Your name is Proserpina, correct? You live with your sister Diana?"

Proserpina nodded.

The man continued. "Good. I am Paul, the advisor to the King of Hydromeda, which is the city you are in, however you are to call me Mr. Hassen. You will be trained here, due to the siege in Amphitha."

"Siege?" Proserpina thought, "In Amphitha? Why?"

Would Queen Aphelia be okay? And why Hydromeda? What was special about this city?
Proserpina followed Queen Aphelia down the corridors and staircases all over the huge house. It looked like a mansion, or even a castle to Proserpina, however, to Queen Aphelia, it looked merely like a normal house.

Finally, after a lot of walking, Aphelia brought Proserpina to a room much like the room in Amphitha. There were three people waiting for them. A man and two women. All looking quite distinguished.

"She's here." Aphelia announced to them.

The man nodded. He was tall, slender, and the most finely dressed out of the three. "Come with me, now, Proserpina." He said, "You, Aphelia, can return to Amphitha now."

Proserpina obediently followed the man, while the two women said goodbye to Aphelia, then returned to their work.

They walked for a few minutes, then went inside a room.
The doorknob turned. Proserpina was still standing in front of the door.

A beautiful woman walked in and stood in front of her. It was Queen Aphelia!

"There you are, Proserpina." Aphelia exclaimed, seeing her, "I was beginning to think the Transport didn't work."

"Did it?" Proserpina asked, not knowing what a "Transport" was.

"The rose, dear." Aphelia replied, nodding to the rose that Proserpina still grasped. "Keep it, you'll need it later."

Proserpina looked at it. She nodded.

"Now, that you are here, do you want me to explain why I sent for you?" Aphelia finally said, smiling at Proserpina.

Proserpina nodded again. Aphelia waved her out of the room, and locked the door behind them.
Expecting another whirlpool, Proserpina squeezed her eyes shut. Only this time, there was no whirlpool.

"Why?" thought Proserpina. She finally opened her eyes, thinking she looked dumb closing her eyes in her own room.

Except, she wasn't in her own room. She was in someone else's. Someone who was rich.

The room she was now in was about four times the size of her room, and three times the size of Diana's (who's room was already a great deal larger than Proserpina's). There was a huge canopy bed, which Proserpina had apparently landed on. There was also a mini chandelier instead of a light, a few...
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Proserpina hurried home. She said a quick hello to the twins, Ivan and Irene, and walked upstairs to her bedroom. She wondered if she should try the painting again. She pushed it a little, but no whirlpool came out to take her to Amphitha. Instead, she heard Aphelia's voice, which, Proserpina thought, wasn't bad either.

"Proserpina. You are to stayout of Amphitha for one more day." Aphelia's voice reverberated in her head, loud, clear, and not a bit bubbly this time. "I will take you tomorrow."

Proserpina wilted. She did not want to be at home on Monday. Her urge to travel was getting to the...
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One week later...

"Why did I have to leave Amphitha?"

This question was the only thing that Proserpina could think of for one whole week. Everything at home was normal, too, as if no one knew she had dissappeared and went to a whole different place.

When she had returned from Amphitha, everything seemed the same, as if no time had passed at all when she went throught the painting-portal. It was still a commercial break on the TV channel. Her mom still hadn't noticed her, or noticed that she had left, anway. And Diana still wasn't home.

And so Proserpina hoped to hear from Aphelia soon.

And today, Proserpina hoped extra-hard. It was a Monday again.
"The attack is over, Proserpina." Aphelia said, "I believe it is time to send you back to your home. We will see each other another time, but for now, you need some distance from this world."

She raised her hands up, and the same whirlpool that brought Proserpina to Amphitha appeared, this time to bring her back.

It was much stronger than last time's, and Proserpina helplessly got sucked in, even though she wanted nothing more than to stay in Amphitha forever. But still, she squeezed her eyes shut as the maelstrom took her back to her house. And that was the last she saw, or heard, of Queen Aphelia for the rest of the week.

A large number of burly creatures stormed out of the palace. After a few seconds, another wave of them stormed out just like the first.

Proserpina moved out of the way as a third group rushed out.

"Your Majesty...Queen Aphelia!" A royal advisor walked over to Aphelia, "We must prepare the rest of our troops. Now."

Aphelia shook her head, "Wait." She scooted off her throne and strode over to Proserpina. "You mustn't stay in this room. We must go somewhere safer."

Proserpina nodded. They took hands and rushed to the back of the palace, with Aphelia leading the way. "What was that? And why are there...
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Proserpina walked toward the double doors. Two burly creatures opened them for her, and gestured for her to enter. Once inside, she took a few seconds to register what she was seeing. The inside was even more gorgeous than the outside, with gold pillars in each corner of the rooms. She stepped into the grand circular area behind the foyer.

"To the throne room first." One of the burly creature says, "Her majesty orders." He gives a little push, and leads Proserpina though a few doors into a large room with a single throne, which, somehow, Queen Aphelia was already sitting on.

"Welcome to the...
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