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Sons of Anarchy season 7 Episode 8 Review/Recap

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called Jax is Running Out of Time! Sons of Anarchy – Season 7 Episode 8 – “Separation of Crows” - Kernel Critic
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
Jax is Running Out of Time! Sons of Anarchy – Season 7 Episode 8 – “Separation of Crows”
Okay, after last week’s excruciating episode, I don’t know how much crazier this #FinalRide can get.  Fans were in shock and awe at the crushing final scene where we see Jax receive a box with a video of Bobby being tortured as well as a Tupperware container with Bobby’s eyeball. Just check out some of the tweets that came in during that moment!
WOAH. Damn. SOA is doing a fine job of raising my blood pressure this season lol #FinalRide #SOAFX
 Sutter you really gonna toy with our hearts like that?! Jesus that ending was rough! #SOAFX #FinalRide @SOAAddicts @Thevfrye74
So what can be expected this week?  Well, hold on tight and let’s find out!
Jax is understandably upset and reflecting on the choices he has made which have landed the club where it is today.  He feels he may be in over his head, but Chibs reassures Jackson that they are indeed on a mission and that mission started with the brutal death of Tara, and the mission isn’t over yet.  I hear what Chibs is saying but is revenge worth what the cost may be?  The bottom line is that the Sons need their leader and Jax is going to need to decide their next move.
Bobby is still being held by Marks and he assures his captors that they won’t get anything from the Sons and they should just kill him already.  Juice is still sitting in his prison but tells a guard that he is ready to talk and wants to meet with the Sheriff and Unser.  I wonder what he plans on talking about and if this is part of Jax’s plan for him.
First order of business for the Sons is tracking down where Bobby is.  Jax and the Sons sit down with Tyler who tells them that they are trying to figure out where Marks is keeping the Son.  Tyler tells the club that Marks wants the Pastor’s body and the family or Bobby loses another body part every 24 hours.  This means the Sons are on a timeline and Jax knows it.
They also have another problem.  They need to figure out who ratted out the club out to Lin. This person could also be tied to Marks and feeding him intel as well.
Are you wondering about Abel and his creepy behavior since overhearing his Grandmother confess to killing his mother?  Well, it seems the little tike is back in trouble at school, but now they want either Jax or Gemma to come get him.  It sounds like the Abel situation is getting more serious by the minute.
Bobby gets a sit down with Mark’s ex-military special ops henchman, who asks Bobby for the location of the pastor’s body.  Bobby knows his body parts are at risk, but he stands his ground for his Sons and tells Mark’s thug where he can go. You gotta love Bobby and unrelenting loyalty, even in the face of what he has already endured, and the prospect that more could be coming.
The Sons gets intel on who might be able to lead them to the rat. A boy named Gibbs may be the rat and they have information on where he may be living with his mother and stepfather.
The Sons head out to the woman’s home and are met by a hail of bullets.  When they calm the situation down and are able to talk to the woman, they discover that Gibbs is one of the boys they killed and pinned Lin’s stolen heroin on. They also find out another intriguing piece of information, Gibb’s father was a reaper, Jury Widen. Is Jury the snitch?
Jax is determined to find out and tells Chib to set up a meet with Jury and his VP alone.  I sure would not want to be Jury right now, I can tell you that much!
Gemma shows up at Abel’s school and is pulled to the side by Abel’s teacher. This is a conversation that does not go well for Abel’s teacher.
Juice gets his meeting with Unser and Jarry.  He tells them that he will give them information on who killed Tara and Eli if they make him a deal and move him to solitary.  Unser begins to put the puzzle pieces together and figures out that the Sons are using Juice to get to Lin.
Jarry is able to get Juice into solitary for 48 hours, but Unser still thinks that something is missing.  She suggests that maybe Unser is too close to the situation and I tend to agree.  In his head, I don’t think he can see Gemma ever being responsible for Tara’s death and that is the piece he doesn’t realize he is missing.
Gemma makes it home with Abel, but is horrified when she discovers that her birds have been killed in a most grotesque way. Wendy calls for Gemma and she heads to Thomas’ room where they find a stuffed animal pinned to the wall with a knife and a message, “No Son is Safe”.
This is getting more serious by the minute and I can only imagine how Jax is going to respond to this.  He has lost his wife, is in jeopardy of losing another of his crew, and now they are going after his mother and children. Someone is going to pay!
Jax and the Sons meet with Jury and his VP.  Jax accuses the Indian Hills Chapter President of ratting them out to the Chinese, to which Jury denies any involvement. Jax tells him he knows about Gibbs and tells Jury that he should have told him. Jury admits he wanted Jax dead but he did not rat them out. Jax doesn’t believe him.
Jury brings up Jax’s father and how disappointed he would be in Jax and what the club has turned him into. Jury also brings up that his father’s death may have been a suicide, and that is the final straw for Jax.
Jax gets the call about what has gone down at Gemma’s house and the Sons head out. Once he makes it to Gemma’s house, he scopes out the scene.  Chibs reminds Jax that they are running out of time to help Bobby. Jax tells Chibs to make the call that he will give up the body and the statement to them, but not the pastor’s family.
It seems this deal is not good enough for Marks and Bobby goes down for the count again.
Chibs has another talk with Jax and points out that they now need to be ready for the heat they are going to get from the other chapters about the way Jury went down. Jax assures Chibs he is ready, but I kinda wonder if he really is.  There is a lot of chaos swirling around the club and I wonder if Jax is truly handling it or if he is going to crack.
This week winds down, if you can even say that, with another box arriving for the Sons and I think they now know that their terms were not accepted.
What do you think Jax’s next move should be? What would you do?  Let us know in the comments, and then tune in next week to find out what exactly Jax is planning on doing next.
Jax is Running Out of Time! Sons of Anarchy – Season 7 Episode 8 – “Separation of Crows” was last modified: October 28th, 2014 by
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