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Who is Cheetah? Kristen Wiig's Wonder Woman 2 villain explained

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It was called Wonder Woman 2: Kristen Wiig villain Cheetah explained |
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The time has come, once again, for another crash course in comic book lore for all you casual superhero enthusiasts.
Director Patty Jenkins confirmed Friday that the rumblings about
‘s secret villain are indeed true: Kristen Wiig, of
fame, will play Cheetah. But, like all of those puzzled viewers walking out of the theater after a post-credits scene, we know there are others out there going, “Are we supposed to know who that is?”
No need to fret. You can start dazzling your geeky friend circle with this quick guide to the character.
So excited to confirm the most thrilling news. Yes! It’s true! So incredibly lucky to welcome the sensationally talented Kristen Wiig to our Wonder Woman family. Can't wait to finally work with one of my favorites. And SO excited by what we have planned. #Cheetah!!! @GalGadot
— Patty Jenkins (@PattyJenks) March 9, 2018
I’m SO excited welcome on board Kristen! This is going to be WONDERful!
Cheetah is one of Diana’s most famous adversaries. If the name didn’t tip you off, she assumes a feline appearance, typically with cheetah-esque spots, tail, and ferocious claws to match. She also maintains feline agility and strength. Unlike Catwoman, Cheetah is an actual cat woman.
She has appeared across DC’s comic books, animated TV series, and animated movies. But, after Wonder Woman herself finally got the live-action feature film she deserved in 2017, her foe will come to life on the big screen with
Various characters have assumed the name Cheetah. Priscilla Rich was the original Cheetah, hailing from the Golden Age of comic books in the 1940s. Suffering from a split personality, one side of Priscilla was a rich debutante who felt upstaged by Diana. The other side was the Cheetah, a nefarious huntress who executed robberies. Priscilla’s niece, Deoborah Domaine, picked up the mantle of Cheetah in later issues.
There was also a male Cheetah at one point, though his stint was short lived, and another iteration saw the character as a resurrected Amazon warrior.
Perhaps the more recognized version of the character came in 1987’s
. Barbara Minerva, a British archeologist, invoked the cat god Urzkartaga and transmogrified into a superhuman feline form. Barbara’s origin has been tweaked in various comics over the years, like in the 
story line when she was seen alongside Steve Trevor in Washington, D.C. as Wonder Woman arrived. Obsessed with Greek mythology and historic artifacts, Barbara became enthralled with Wonder Woman and her golden lasso
We’ve seen Cara Delevingne’s June Moone channeling an ancient sorceress in
, so Wiig channeling a mutant cat lady isn’t exactly out of the realm of possibility.
Not much is known about how Wiig’s version of Cheetah will fold into the mythology established in
, though the film will reportedly take place in the 1980s against the backdrop of the Cold War. Jenkins’ first film introduced Diana as the daughter of the god Zeus and Themyscira’s Queen Hippolyta (Connie Nielsen), and the heroine fought against Ares, the god of war (David Thewlis).
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