Leyton Family<3 Wall

Displaying wall entries 71-80 of 1478

Margooterd said …
Why do I have the feeling Lexie is going to die tonight...?
Posted over a year ago
rorymariano commented…
a;sdlfjaldjf I have that feeling too! I'm really hoping that it won't be her too. It just seems so obvious with them showing her stuck under the plane and everything during the promo. Usually promos are pretty misleading. Plus the death is supposed to be unexpected, so idk. I think I might just be trying to talk myself out of it being her though. over a year ago
Margooterd commented…
I don't want it to be her! Lexie is my favorite GA character and she was about to get back with Mark. kgdsfjksdvhjdsvcjshdvcjfhsdv SHE CAN'T DIE!!! over a year ago
mooshka commented…
jfadlfjaljfadjfkadjfkajf afjkad jfadjfda I CAN'T EVEN FUNCTION. THAT WAS HORRIBLE. over a year ago
bright_angel said …
Chair fans said that Blair is happy only with Chuck right? Then they have to see this! It is a prove that Blair was unhappy not just once!
link Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
fjdakfjadkjfkajf the punching the mirror scene -_- I'm sorry thats abuse. over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo said …
Okay is anyone else having issues with fanpop? First the picks were acting like i hadn't selected an option & my comments weren't showing up. Now I made a new pick, and first it wasn't showing all the options, then i published it & i got redirected to the main page of this spot. At first my pick wasn't even showing up, but after refreshing the page a few times it showed up. But again, i kept getting redirected when i would try to click on it. Now when i try to answer, i get redirected.

WTF?? Posted over a year ago
bright_angel commented…
I have the same problem! The classic problems with fanpop! :@ over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo commented…
Ughhh! So annoying. over a year ago
Jessica4695 commented…
same here! over a year ago
rorymariano commented…
I'm having the same problem when I try to pick something. So annoying :/ over a year ago
nicole_23 said …
Oh God guys I need a hug! The Bones finale killed me! Steph will agree with me I'm still picking up the pieces of my crushed heart :'(( It was brutal but brilliant all at the same time! <333 Posted over a year ago
bbiatch said …
Hi girls! I'm here only to tell you that I will leave fanpop for a couple weeks. I start midterm exams next week and I want to get good grade. Also, I've been having hard time and I need to figure out some stuff...so I'll be back as soon as everything gets better and I finish my exams! ILY all!! <3
Posted over a year ago
Jessica4695 commented…
Oh not another girl leaving :( I will miss you <3 over a year ago
Jessica4695 commented…
oh & ofc, good luck hun! :) over a year ago
bright_angel commented…
I will miss you! Good luck on your exams! :) over a year ago
mooshka said …
Happy Mothers Day to all the amazing real, tv, and movie moms out there<3 Posted over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
<3333 over a year ago
XxXrachellXxX commented…
I hope my mom had the best day ever <333 obviously I spent it with her, but yeah.. :P over a year ago
Jessica4695 said …
You guys need to watch it, I laughed so hard with my friends + channing is super hot ;) Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
I want to watch that movie so bad<333 LOVE CHANNING! over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
LOOOOVE THAT MOVIE! :D over a year ago
mooshka said …

Go and nominate songs you feel fit Celine<333 Posted over a year ago
Kirkir said …
Guess who's back?? Yeah, mee. Hahaha
Soo, for those who've been wondering where I am.. my computer was having issues with fanpop, so I had to stay away from you all :( Anyway, my dear dad just bought me a new laptop and here I aaaam!
I really missed you alll!!! Sooo glad to be back :D xxx Posted over a year ago
Jessica4695 commented…
welcome back!!! 1000 kisses ;* over a year ago
Kirkir commented…
Thanks Jess ! ♥ over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
Malteser<33 Glad you're back :) over a year ago
Elbelle23 said …
Ugh someone really needs to take my bank card away...I SHOP WAY TO MUCH!!! I just brought ANOTHER 2 dresses, and a blazer AND a new pair of shoes....GAH I AM BUYING WAY TO MUCH!!! Posted over a year ago
nicole_23 commented…
Lol, I'm going to be like that when I go to Melborune in June! I'm gonna be brokeeee over a year ago
123Naki456 said …
omg omg omg. castle & beckett! THEY ARE SO PERFECT *sobbs*
'beckett, what do you want?" "you. *kiss* i just want you" GAAAAAAAAH! + the hand holding and Castle's speech and Alexis' graduation speech and the whole finale was so perfeeeeect :') and they put "You're In My Veins" which made it even more perfect :D <333333
Posted over a year ago
Elbelle23 said …
Go to do some picks...AND MY ICONS ARE NOT UPLOADING!!! This makes me very very VERY MAD!!! :( WAHHHHHHHHH!!!

Is this happening to anyone else...or just me...? Posted over a year ago
XxXrachellXxX commented…
It happened to me too when I tried to change my profile icon :( lame, fanpop. once again. over a year ago
Elbelle23 commented…
:( over a year ago
bbiatch commented…
ugh FAILpop! over a year ago
Margooterd said …
Sorry I haven't been here a lot the last couple of weeks, but I was too busy obsessing over The Hunger Games!! I've read all the books, saw the movie twice, watched interviews and video's on youtube,... I'm soooooooo addicted!! :D Posted over a year ago
bbiatch said …
There was an earthquake here this morning!!! at 7:30 am on a sunday!!! not the best way to be woken up for sure!! Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Ah scary! Hope everythings okay! over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
Well, that's a terrible wake up call! I hope everything's alright!! over a year ago
Jessica4695 commented…
^same :) over a year ago
mooshka said …
Sorry for bombarding the wall again! But I was looking through the LP spot and found this!~
Kelly made it a while back, but I noticed that not a lot of people answered the questions:o I think people should get on that:)<3 Posted over a year ago
mooshka said …
Random Question!
Have you guys ever taken a small worry/thought and exagerate it in your mind sooooo much that it turns into some crazy scenerio? Because I'm doing that right now, and its really freaking me out:/ This is honestly why I avoid thinking so hard and deeply:/{no joke} Posted over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
Yes. I do it all the time!! over a year ago
bbiatch commented…
All the time honey!!! all the time!! over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
all the time.. over a year ago
maryam1311 said …
Please vote for The Secret Circle!♥

link Posted over a year ago
bbiatch said …
A fan asked Marlene, "Can we have a spoby quote from 301 or 302 please?"

Marlene obliged, tweeting, "'you'll remember when I put some clothes on.' - TOBY"

mooshka commented…
oooooo<3 over a year ago
Elbelle23 said …
A little bit of Louis in my Life, A little bit of Liam by my side.
A little bit of Harry is all I need, a little bit of Zayn is all I see. A little bit of Niall in the Sun, a little bit of Bromance all night ling.
A little bit of Britian here I am, a Little bit of Ireland makes me your fan!

GAH!! I am still alive <3 But school is sooooo hectic lately. Anyway I am back :) And as you can tell ONE DIRECTION IS TAKING OVER MY LIFE!!

I love you all :) xxx Posted over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever commented…
OMG you too! <3 over a year ago
mooshka commented…
<3333 over a year ago
big smile
Leyton__OTH said …
Hey everybody!! I just wanted to say sorry for neglecting this spot and you guys. I've just been so busy and I honestly couldn't find time to get on! But everything has calmed down now!! (: Posted over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
Yay!! Missed ya SC buddy<333 over a year ago
bbiatch said …
Today is Psychologist's day!!!
and I got a lot of chocolate boxes as a present!! yay!! Posted over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
That's awesome Ale!!! over a year ago
XxXrachellXxX said …
I really can't go on TVD spot much anymore :/ I know that most of you girls ship Delena, but I just feel like that if I say something nice about Stelena on the spot, I'll get bashed on sooo hard. Why can't everyone be allowed to have their own opinions, and why, WHY do people always have to come at me when I fangirl about Stelena? I love them soo much and when I talk about them, I don't need to hear about Delena. and I'm sure the DE fans feel the same about SE. Ship wars kill me :( Posted over a year ago
XxXrachellXxX commented…
Sorry for ranting! <3 over a year ago
XxXrachellXxX commented…
Oh, and I wanted to make it clear that I did not mean any of YOU girls when I was referring to some Delena fans :) 'Cause you're all awesome <3 over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
OMG Celine, that link is absurd. I cannot believe people are sending death threats. I'm a huge shipper and fangirl, but at the end of the day, it is a fictional show and couple. I feel one of the biggest problems is the TVD fandom has a lot of really young fans, like 12-13 years old who go out of control. They're beginning to ruin to show and couples for me. It's really insane. over a year ago
rorymariano said …
So, I don't know how many of you know this, but back in the fall I had about $500 dollars go missing out of my purse. Then this weekend I couldn't find my wallet...that had about $100 plus my license and social security card in it. Both times I thought that it was my brother that took it (I know that's horrible to say but I was pretty sure it was). Long story short, I went into my brother's room tonight and my wallet was under his bed, but all of my money was gone. Posted over a year ago
rorymariano commented…
He's only come home like 3 times in the past month (even though he still lives here) and two of the times my parents and I weren't home, and then one other time my parents were at work and I was asleep. over a year ago
rorymariano commented…
Thanks girls :)<3 I'm definitely going to confront him whenever he decides to come home. And he actually is my younger brother, so I guess that makes it even worse? I mean I've always stuck up for him/helped him out with stuff and this is how he repays me? It just all really sucks :/ over a year ago
bbiatch commented…
Im really sorry to hear that Amber, you should talk to him and sadly you are gonna have to hide your money from now own.Talk to your parents too and try to get him some help, he must going through bad stuff to act like that, maybe he needs someone to talk to. over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
Is it crazy that I just spent $300 on a watch? *sigh* ...I have problems lol Posted over a year ago
bbiatch commented…
it's not crazy if you really really love your watch and of course if its a good one ;) over a year ago
XNaley_JamesX commented…
I wanna see a picture!!! :)) over a year ago
sasa112 commented…
hey kellyerin87 can u be my buddy over a year ago
mooshka said …
Where is Elle?
I miss her♥ Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Where are you ElleBelle?!? :P over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
Ikr? Where is the girl??? ; over a year ago
Margooterd said …
Already got my first bday present: a brand new Blackberry :) Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Oh nice<3 Is it the 29th in Belgium already?:o over a year ago
Margooterd commented…
Not yet, but I wanted to pick my Blackberry myself and because the stores are closed on Sundays, I went today :) over a year ago
angiii7 said …
Today was one of the worst days of my life.
All the teachers were a little bit tense and none of the students knew why, so we started to do like a little investigation and it turns out my drama teacher was accused of abusing three little kids from my school. And I've had classes with him for the past 2 years and I saw him on Wednesday at my drama class and he looked normal and everything and now he's a pedophile and I don't know what the hell is going on. Posted over a year ago
angiii7 commented…
So... suddenly my school is filled with cameras and journalist and there's a big mess everywhere... And I wish it had finished there... I had to stay late because I'm in the school chorus and when I finally got to leave after spending like 8-9 hours there I saw a kid getting hit by a car right on my school's parking lot and he started shouting and people went to help him but I just stood there shocked and then all I could do was crying and I don't even want to remember it now. I called my mom crying and said if she could pick me up and when I finally got into my car someone hit my mom's car from behind,thank God nothing happened but I was like "fuuuuck, let this day be over now pleeeeeeease". And now I'm finally home, shocked, sleepy and feeling awful. So yeah, not my day. Oh, and my school is all over the news, Yay... over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Honey! Everything's going to be okay<3 and I'll try to talk to you soon! Love you unicorn<3 over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
Wow, that sounds like a hell of a day! The same thing happened with a teacher at my school:/ Stay strong! over a year ago
big smile
XxXrachellXxX said …
Guys, new round for the LF icon contest. please join? pretty please? plleeeeasseeee!! :D

link Posted over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
Done<3 over a year ago
energizerbunny said …
Spot look is amaaaaazing O_O Posted over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
Agree!!! It's beautiful!! over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
Soooo beautiful! over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
Agreed! My Brennan is even in it@!! a;sdlkfjd <3 over a year ago
nicole_23 commented…
<333 Brennan over a year ago
bright_angel said …
Guys, I will not be on fanpop for almost two months because I am going to have a hard exams period so I have to study! I just wanna tell, that I am going to miss all of you soooooo much! LOVE YOU♥♥♥ Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
2 months is so long ;( I'm gonna miss you<3 but I know you'll do amazing on you're exams<3 good luck:) over a year ago
bbiatch commented…
gonna miss you!!! study hard, get good grades and come back soon!! ILY Maria!! over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
Go and be amazing! Love you :D over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo said …
Ahhh today is just one of those rainy, dreary days where I'm just going to chill in my room, curled up under the covers with my headphones plugged in and sing like an idiot! Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Haha I'm doing the same on this rainy day here in NC! Except I'm in bed watching tv, not listening to music :P over a year ago
bbiatch commented…
Im so jealous!! we never have rainy days here :( over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
Sounds like an amazing day! over a year ago
maryam1311 said …
Tomorrow is Fatemeh's birthday a.k.a tvdlover !!♥ Posted over a year ago
aNNalovechuck commented…
Happy Birthday over a year ago
tvdlover commented…
Thanks. (: over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever said …
OMG! Amazing! I don't know how I didn't notice it before :D link Posted over a year ago
XxXrachellXxX commented…
I hate Delena, but I still find the connection between these scenes pretty cool ;) over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
they are so perfect <33 over a year ago
XxXrachellXxX said …
Ok, guys ;) so I'm gonna do the LF weekly article thing. and I have one question, for the "Actor/couple (etc) of the week". There are very many options, since I collected all of the clubs you're a part of, and that's the way I wanna do it, but I'm just asking if I should put all the choices in one pick, like "Pick the actor of the week" with all of the choices, like.. crazy amount of choices, or should I seperate them a little into seperate picks or something like that? Posted over a year ago
Jessica4695 commented…
I would do one huge pick, so it will be faster ;) over a year ago
XxXrachellXxX commented…
Ok! If no one disagrees until I make the picks, huge picks it is :P over a year ago
XxXrachellXxX commented…
Noo.. change of plans. I can't put them all in one, fp doesn't let me put that many options XD I'll seperate them a little ;) over a year ago
mooshka said …
When does everyone's summer break start? Posted over a year ago
Margooterd commented…
At the end of June, so only two more months of high school and then it'll be over forever :) over a year ago
XxXrachellXxX commented…
2nd of June! over a year ago
AdaLove commented…
same ...about 21 of june...cant wait.like REALLY over a year ago
big smile
nicole_23 said …
Woo just wanted say that its my birthday in 3 days :D That is all.. lol Posted over a year ago
nicole_23 commented…
*To say over a year ago
mooshka commented…
woot:) over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
Yippyyyyy! (: over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
WOOOO:D over a year ago
energizerbunny said …
Hey guys!!! I know i haven't been on much lately. One of the reasons being that the last 3 days I've been doing HSAP testing. Today was my last day so I'm finished!! =D Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
NIKKKKKY<3 i miss you:) over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
I miss you too Mooooooosh!!! (: over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
I was just thinking yesterday that I haven't seen you around here lately! over a year ago
mooshka said …
Had a shitty day, talked to my Banjo, feel 100% better♥♥♥

Just goes to show how people in this family always tend to cheer me up<3 love you guys:D Posted over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
Love u Moosh<3 over a year ago
angiii7 commented…
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww <3 I love youuuuu over a year ago
nicole_23 said …
I haven't been on here in ages... How's everyone going? :) Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
everything is pretty well i would say;) lol how are you? over a year ago
nicole_23 commented…
Lol. That's good to hear :) I'm good. Life has taken a turn at the moment I have no idea what I want to do for a career anymore so I've dropped out of uni and now I'm trying to find work, its not easy :/ But things are looking up.. over a year ago
nicole_23 commented…
Thanks Moosh :) over a year ago
angiii7 said …
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah earthquake again, I hate theeeeeeeeeeeem :(:(

PS: Hi everyone
PS 2: I love you all! Posted over a year ago
bright_angel commented…
Aww I hope everyhting is okay! I know earthquake is so horrible! We love you too Angii! <33333 over a year ago
bbiatch commented…
again? was it a strong one? hope not!!! love you angi!! over a year ago
tvdlover commented…
Be careful! (: Lovee you. over a year ago
tvdlover said …
Does anyone have a twitter? (: Posted over a year ago
Jessica4695 commented…
yes ;) do you,too? over a year ago
tvdlover commented…
Yes, mine is @AlluringFatemeh, what's yours? (: over a year ago
nicole_23 commented…
22705boothbren :) over a year ago
Jessica4695 said …
Again something from the commentary:

Antwon Tanner; (about reading the script) “I figured, since I didn’t read the first one, why read the last one. Ya know what I’m saying?”

I also saw 'The Evening with OTH' & that was so funny! <3 Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
<33 over a year ago
Elbelle23 said …
Watching the Logies
TV: "Text in the best dressed now"
Mum: They're not dressed that well,they look normal
Me: Yeah,you're right....They would be better dressed without clothing
Mum: WHAT!
Me: I'm just gonna go in for a shower now

Just a normal conversation with my mother and I ;) Posted over a year ago
bright_angel commented…
haha..love it :) over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
Haha! That's hilarious :p over a year ago
Margooterd said …
Hi guys! I'm back and so much has happened :)

Did I miss something important? Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
WELCOME BACK:)<3 over a year ago
Elbelle23 commented…
XxXrachellXxX commented…
Welcome back <333 over a year ago
tvdlover said …
I love the new banner. Sorry if I'm late!! :) Posted over a year ago
bright_angel said …
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!This is so so so so so so cute!Guys you have to see it! You don't have to be One Direction fan in order to enjoy it! Larry Stylinson♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

link Posted over a year ago
Elbelle23 said …
haha I AM just a tad excited ♥ I GET TO SEE MY BOYS IN 3 DAYS!!!!!!!! ♥♥ *I am dying*

LOVE YOU ALL ♥♥ Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Love you too<3 and have an amazing time at the concert:D over a year ago
bright_angel commented…
Ohh Elle I want so bad to come too! But damn I am just so far away!Enjoy it and scream a lot!haha :))))) over a year ago
Jessica4695 said …
Since we are posting comments from the commentary here, I laughed so hard about this:
Antwon Tanner; (about the kid who plays Logan ) “Oh, he asked me the funniest stuff that day… he said ‘Um, excuse me?’, he said ‘Do you belong on this show?’. I was like ‘huh?’.” Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
hahah<33 awww! Keep posting things about the commentary you guys<3 I like reading them;) over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Haha :) over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
Haha that's adorable! over a year ago
rorymariano said …
Sophia Bush; (about Peyton’s room) "It was so surreal to be back in that room and to touch the records and to see our photos and I remember I just started taking pictures of everything and texting them to Hilarie and being like ‘we miss you!’." Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
FREAAKKKKY. I just posted this on the LP wall with out realizing you posted it here:p lmao! over a year ago
rorymariano commented…
^ Lol, great minds think alike :P over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
Thats adorable<33 over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo said …
So you guys have probably seen me talking/bitching about my back problems right? Well I've finally got some answers!

I've started going to the Maryland Pain & Spine Center and this is what I've found out - In my lower-middle back i have swelling & inflammation of my muscles and joints, and i have arthritis as well.

The doctor I'm seeing has started me on a monthly prescription of Percocet & Flexaril. Posted over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo commented…
And when their anesthesiologist returns from vacation, they're going to set up an appointment for me to come have a procedure done where they inject needles in to my back and burn off small nerve endings. If that helps relieve some of my pain then it's good, and if not I'll have to look in to physical therapy. So even though the news i got isn't great, I AM glad to finally have some answers and to start working on a solution. over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo commented…
Thank you Angi <4 over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo commented…
** <3 over a year ago
Elbelle23 said …
I am BACK!!!!! And feeling heaps better :) Though I would like to let you all know that Mitch and I broke up...but it was me who broke up with him, so yeah.

BUT NEXT MONDAY I AM GOING TO THE ONE DIRECTION CONCERT!!!!! Gahhhh!!! Louis Tomlinson has replaced my love for Mark Salling!!! ♥♥ Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
YOU ARE BACK<333333 over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Welcome back! So glad you're feeling better. Sorry to hear about you and Mitch... everything happens for a reason though :) over a year ago
angiii7 commented…
<3* over a year ago
tvfan5 said …
Happy Easter <3 Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Happy Easter ladies! :) over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
Happy Easter!! over a year ago
XxXrachellXxX commented…
Happy Easter :) over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
12:56 am-- and I'm absolutely DYING for some french fries! UGH. Why do my cravings always happen when I can't have them? lol... ohhh life's problems :P Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
I hate that. I also hate when I'm all comfy in bed and then my stomach just randomly starts to growl lol. over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
FRENCH FRIESSSS<3 over a year ago
bright_angel said …
After so many time,I finally got my dedicated medal! ♥ Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Congrats:D over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
Congrats :) over a year ago
dalma commented…
congratssss :) over a year ago
dalma said …
Hey guuuuuuuuuys♥
Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Hey honey:) over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalma <33 over a year ago
mooshka said …
There was a situation involving a gun in front of our school and we went into lock down:/ scariest shit ever.

Everyone's fine and it was only for about ten minutes, but it gets a girl thinking!!

Love you all<3 Posted over a year ago
dalma commented…
:O It must have been awful, I'm glad you're ok. (: <3 over a year ago
Jessica4695 commented…
oh god i'm really happy that you're okay though <3 over a year ago
angiii7 commented…
my poor baby dragon :( I'm glad you're ok! over a year ago
bright_angel said …
''We were here'' ''Friends For Ever''! REMEMBER ? Lucas Scott,Peyton Sawyer,Brooke Davis,Nathan Scott,Haley James, Mouth McFadden,Skills Taylor! Posted over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
over a year ago
georgiapeach91 said …
Well then, I love the real OTH, LP, the characters, and everything that made OTH so fantastic. But I hated a lot of things about the finale. A couple good moments, but overall I am extremely disappointed. I know I shouldn't be surprised at this point, but maybe it's just me. What are everyone else's thoughts? Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Completely agree :/ over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
My thoughts exactly. over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
Agreed. over a year ago
Elbelle23 said …
I honestly can't believe that OTH has ended :( That show has been there for me and given me some good moments and quotes! I have related to so many characters and to now know that it has finished has made me so sad :(

It has given me some amazing couples to ship and two amazing families AKA BL and LP girls. And that will always remain in my heart!!

'There is only one Tree Hill. And that is your Home'

RIP One Tree Hill! Thank you for giving me an amazing story to watch ♥ Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
So greatful for my OTP and you guys<3 over a year ago
ashesandwine said …
It’s been a show, it’s been a life, it’s been happy moments, it’s been sad stories, it’s been amazing characters, it’s been an incredible cast, it’s been so much for so long, it’s been ONE TREE HILL♥

Goodnight One Tree Hill Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
:( Bye OTH</3 Bye LP</3 over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
Goodnight One Tree Hill. ♥ over a year ago
Jessica4695 said …
I can't believe it's over in like 2 hours :(( Posted over a year ago
georgiapeach91 said …
I can't believe OTH is actually ending today. It's just the weirdest feeling, even though the true OTH ended a while ago for me, it's still really sad Posted over a year ago
rorymariano commented…
Aww, Rach, I agree <33 It's just the thought that we'll never see any of the characters, couples, or friendships that we've grown to love ever again :( So sad. over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
</3 over a year ago
bright_angel said …
I feel so lonely sometimes! :( Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Aww... you have us! <333 over a year ago
XxXrachellXxX commented…
Me too :( but like Kelly said, you have us, you're not alone <3 over a year ago
bright_angel commented…
Thank guys for the support!Love all so much <3 over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
So am I the only one freaking out about Titanic coming back to theaters?? I can't wait! Haha just seeing all the previews on tv lately have been giving me chills. I just adore that movie <333 Posted over a year ago
nicole_23 commented…
No you're not the only one I CAN'T WAIT! over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
No!!! I'm totally freaking out. I'm definitely going to see it in theaters. It's one of my favorites over a year ago
bbiatch said …
After a very long break of 8 months tomorrow I go back to Uni!! yay!
I never tought I would be so excited about school!!! Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
We all look so epic with our matching OTH icons! Props to Celine for making them, and for coming up with the idea to do it <333 Posted over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
<333 over a year ago
rorymariano commented…
Love it <3333 over a year ago
bright_angel said …
Dedicated to all of you guys

English - I love you.
French - Je t'aime
Italian - Ti Amo
Spanish - Te Amo
Greek - Σ' αγαπώ
Dutch - ik hou van jou
German - Ish Libe Dish (ich liebe dich)
Arabic - أحبك
Chinese - 我愛你
Japanese - 私はあなたを愛して

Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Love you too<33 in all of those languages! Hahaha over a year ago
mooshka said …
Have we been working on our good bye OTH questions:)???

Posted over a year ago
rorymariano commented…
I knew I was forgetting something!! I'll have them to you tonight! <33 over a year ago
Jessica4695 commented…
ah right, damn :D over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Ahh damn! over a year ago
Jessica4695 commented…
Answering them brings back so many OTH memories </3. over a year ago
Margooterd said …
I won't be here for the next 2 weeks, because I'm going on vacation. I'm gonna teach some more little kids how to ski.

Goodbye everyone and see you in 2 weeks!

X Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Bye Margot! Have fun<333 over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
Have fun and be safe (: over a year ago
Elbelle23 said …
Hey guys :) So I thought would say Sorry I haven't been on much :( And I won't be on much for the next week or two....I have been in the hospital for the last couple of days. It's nothing serious, but I have been stressed and I collapsed at school the other day, and i haven't been sleeping and eating at all, so they they kept me at the hospital for a couple of days. They have been monitoring my eating and stuff yeah.

So If i am not around much, please don't think I have left you all [Cont] Posted over a year ago
Elbelle23 commented…
[Cont] I have just been sick and they are trying to get m blood levels back to normal and doing heaps of tests and stuff. But I love you all and I will try and reply to all your posts soon :) xx over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Ellebelle!! Don't worry about us... you take care of yourself and get better! We love you! <333 over a year ago
bbiatch commented…
Dont worry about us honey!! get better and try not to stress!! Love you!! over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
Just saw Hunger Games! AMAZINGGG!! Everyone go see it! <333 Posted over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
I JUST SAW IT TO! OMG :O IT'S SO AMAZING over a year ago
angiii7 commented…
agreeeeeeeeee, watch it people! It's FLAWLESS over a year ago
mooshka said …
:o where did Kelly go? Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Never mind! Papa just messaged me, she's back:) over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
THANK YOU MOOSH!! I totally F'd up, and didn't even realize it lol. I was trying to make a wall post for you guys with 9x13 spoilers that I just read... and accidentally posted a link that wasn't allowed. Totally my bad! But thank you for noticing! over a year ago
angiii7 said …
So I spammed your walls :D:D

I love and miss you all!!! Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
My baby unicorn:( I miss you ;( over a year ago
bbiatch commented…
you didnt spam mine Karen!! Y U NO USE YOUR BRAIN?? lol over a year ago
angiii7 commented…
see? I'm still brainless, nothing has changed :D I forgot a few walls sorry over a year ago
tvfan5 said …
3 days till Bones. a;dklfjs;f;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; AHHHH! I COULD CRY I AM SO HAPPY! Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Yay for Bones and Stones:D over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
^^<3 over a year ago
AdaLove said …
miss you all so freakin much ♥
hope everything is okay ? ♥ :* <3333333333 Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Miss you<3 over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
"Every good story needs a villain, Lucas. I'm sorry, but I'm yours."

I swear Dan had the best damn storyline in OTH. He brought so much heart to the series that it's ridiculous. These last few seasons full of newbies, and meaningless storylines have made me realize just how vital, and special his character really is. Evil villain and all... I'll always adore him, and what he did for this show. <333

link Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
I was never a huge Dan fan, but his story was so important. It still breaks my heart that Lucas wasn't able to say goodbye:( over a year ago
XNaley_JamesX said …
Hey guysss!!!
So, I just wanna say goodbye to all of you because I'm going to Italy tomorrow for 10 days.
♥ I love you ♥
♥ I'm gonna miss you ♥
♥ Take care of yourselves! ♥

Cel Xxx
Posted over a year ago
bright_angel commented…
Have a nice time Celine!We love you and we are going to miss you ! <3 over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Gonna miss you<3 over a year ago
XxXrachellXxX commented…
Going to miss you loads <333 love youu :) over a year ago
bright_angel said …
''To celebrate their official coming out as a couple, Blair (Leighton Meester) and Dan (Penn Badgley) host a glamorous British-themed Salon''

OMG!I AM DYING OF HAPINESS! Posted over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
I KNOW!!! <3333 ASDBASDBAK over a year ago
bright_angel commented…
Another great new about Dan and Blair!Here is a part of an interview of Joshua Safran! Safran says Dair becoming a couple was the plan all season long, too. "Last spring was the tease," he admits. "We knew Dan and Blair were going to get together at some point this season, as Dan's feelings for her would only grow, and Blair would grow more aware of them." "Blair gave up her control, her power in becoming a princess. Now that dream is over, for better or worse, and she's finally breaking free and finding out who she is. And from the beginning, Dan was the one basically saying 'I'll be here always, I accept whoever you are.' over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo commented…
♥♥♥♥♥ *dead* over a year ago
mooshka said …
I'm can't watch OTH Tonight but I'm curious to know what happens in tonights episode?:) Fill me in on it, anyone?

I saw the promo to the finale and saw Peyton's room.....good sign? Posted over a year ago
rorymariano commented…
****SPOILERS****Well, Julian is making an Unkindness of Ravens into a TV show, and apparently it's going to be the Brooke show. Oh, and Julian wrote himself into the highschool years :/ Umm, Haley did the Burning Boat festival. Clay and Quinn got engaged. Mouth is going to get back into sports stuff, and Skills is filling in for him on the Mouth/Millie talk show. It's the 10th anniversary of Tric and Haley sold it to Chase. I'm hoping that next week they'll at least mention Lucas/Peyton since they're going to be making HIS novel into a tv show and celebrating the success of HER club. But my hopes aren't up. over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Yeah, Julian in the HS years?:/ so I'm assuming the episodes not worth watching? over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
Ughh. Glad I didn't watch it. I probably would've gotten furious! lol over a year ago
Margooterd said …
So, I'm thinking about auditioning for The Voice, but I'm not sure. What do you think I should do? Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Sounds fun:D I think you would be great:) But I guess I can't really say what you should do since I don't know all the details...why are you doubting to audition? over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
Go for it, girl! What have you got to loose? :D over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
I love that show! You should do it, they have to let you through!! over a year ago
angiii7 commented…
DO IT! You have an incredible voice :) over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
So... how was Hunger Games?!? (for those who have seen it!)

I need feedback! I'm hoping to go see it within the next few days :) Posted over a year ago
Jessica4695 commented…
Well I never read the books, so I can only talk about the movie. I really liked it, eventhrough I was dissapointed with the end (not saying more) Have fun ;) over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Yeah, I haven't read the books either. I JUST started reading th first one, but haven't gotten very far. I was hoping to finish reading it before I saw the movie, but I doubt that'll happen. lol :P over a year ago
XxXrachellXxX commented…
I loved it, it was really great :) over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever said …
FINALLY done with GG :D

Totally, and COMPLETELY a Dair fan (with a touch of Chair)!! Posted over a year ago
bright_angel commented…
Awww Dair epicness!I am so glad! <333 over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
YAY! :D over a year ago
Elbelle23 said …
HOLIDAYS IN A WEEK!!!! So if I am not on here much, DON'T WORRY!!! I will be here in a week and say I LOVE YOU LOTS ♥♥

P.S I think I have found someone I love more then Mark Salling... :O
Posted over a year ago
Jessica4695 commented…
well have fun! & who :O over a year ago
Jessica4695 commented…
josh? over a year ago
bright_angel commented…
Have fun honey <3 over a year ago
mooshka said …
awww you guys watch this video<333


My heart<3333 Posted over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
Oh my gosh!! Amazing! The ending is PERFECT<333 over a year ago
mooshka said …
Does anyone have the game Draw Something on there iPhone or iPod? Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
No, but I keep hearing about it all over facebook! What is it? lol over a year ago
mooshka commented…
It's really fun:D you basically draw something and send it to the person and they have to guess what you drew:p haha I explained it stupid, but ya;) over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Hahah Kelly I suck at drawing as well:p and Celine my username is rak_rak27:) over a year ago
big smile
nicole_23 said …
I got my dedicated medal :D Go me! Posted over a year ago
XNaley_JamesX commented…
Congrats!!!! over a year ago
nicole_23 commented…
Thanks :) <3 over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
Congrats girl :D over a year ago
123Naki456 said …
Random fact: There's a club in my town called LP
EPIIIC :D Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
:o It's a sign<333 hahaha. over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo said …
It's almost time for Hunger Games!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!! I am so fucking excited!!! Posted over a year ago
rorymariano said …
OMG, you guys that episode of One Tree Hill had/has me crying so hard. Especially the end and the scene on the River Court. I won't say anything else for the people who haven't seen it, but let's just say that the episode ended 15 minutes ago and I still have tears in my eyes, lol. Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
It was pretty amazing. Although I will say that I thought some scenes were a little over the top! I dunno. A few times I just couldn't help but think to myself "Okay, Dan's sorry. We get it!" lol... but yes, overall it was very well done. And his character got more than enough redemption, forgiveness, and closure! over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
Totally agree Amber! I was crying pretty much the entire episode. I thought it was an amazing episode, really one of the best ever IMO. over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
I know! I was crying the whole episode! I was such an emotional mess. The very end though with Keith just killed me. <33 over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo said …
*sobbing* Naley!!! Oh my heart, my heart is so happy right now ♥♥♥♥♥ Posted over a year ago
XNaley_JamesX commented…
^ OMG!!! Same here!!! over a year ago
othobsessed92 commented…
Yes, yes, yes! They were so beautifully amazing, LOVED all their scenes! Really, the things this couple makes me feel even after 9 years is truly mind blowing! over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo commented…
It's just now REALLY hit me how devestated I'm going to be without them on my screen every week =/ over a year ago
Elbelle23 said …
HUNGER GAMES= AMAZING!!!! Posted over a year ago
Jessica4695 commented…
wanna see it too :( over a year ago
Elbelle23 commented…
JESS IT WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
Elbelle23 said …
In less then 6 hours I will be watching the Hunger Games!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!! I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THING MOVIE FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HSFGUADjasfihldjknidlgu!!!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!! IT'S THE HUNGER GAMES MIDNIGHT SCREEENING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOP Posted over a year ago
Jessica4695 said …
Bethany Joy Galeotti is getting divorced :/ Posted over a year ago
ashesandwine commented…
It's so sad:( I really liked her and Michael together:( over a year ago
mooshka commented…
I know:( I ususally don't care about celebrity break ups and stuff but this one really got to me for some reason</3 I always thought she had the most stable and adorable relationship when it came to all of the cast so it sucks that they're divorcing</3 But I wish her, her husband, and her baby all well. over a year ago
bright_angel commented…
That sucks!Especially with a child in the middle that doesn't deserve to pay her parents faults! over a year ago
mooshka said …
I got all excited and stopped HW just to go online, and watch the new PLL.

And wow. I'm dissapointed.

I dont wanna say anymore because I know not everyone's watched it but if you have Walpost/pm me! Posted over a year ago
Jessica4695 commented…
I have to say... that i don't know how to feel about this :/ there was this one scene through (which was supposed to be so intense & scary) but the acting was so bad, i laughed out loud :p over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
I was VERY disappointed. over a year ago
bbiatch commented…
I was dissapointed too but there was a little scene that made me forget about it. over a year ago
Elbelle23 said …
OMG!!! SO tonight, finally get to find out who 'A' is!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPP!!!! CAN'T WAIT!!!! I need to know!!! ha!!!
AND THEN Wednesday/Thursday night.....MIDNIGHT PREMIER OF THE HUNGER GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CANNOT WAIT!! I love that Australia is one of the first countries to see it!!!! HUDGFYUBCFHUSJKZSFDH!!!!!!

I AM LOVING LIFE!!!N Also, Hello everyone.....I MISS YOU ALL MUCHLY!!! xx Posted over a year ago
bbiatch commented…
IM EXCITED ABOUT PLL TOO!!! I'm diying to know who A is and if my theories are right!!!! but Im finding out tomorrow afternoon because Im so stupid that I forgot about it and Im throwing a party tonight. Damn me! over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Omg<3333 I won't be able to watch PLL until tomorrow, so tonight until I watch it, I'm avoiding the Internet!!!!' over a year ago
bbiatch commented…
I couldnt wait and now that the party is over and I watch it completely drunk!!! I think A is not who we think it is now...the main is the person wearing the red coat at the end!! who the fuck is that person? who cares we got the cutest Spoby scene ever!!! <33 can someone explain me why toby is soooo cute??? Spencer tought she was protecting him but at the end he was protecting her!! OMG i love him!! and the end WTF very predictable but it broke my heart!!! I cant wait until june to see what's next!! over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever said …
"Oh, look! It's Georgina's baby!" *runs off with stapler*

Lmao. I know I may be running my mouth a bit too early, but I'm already enjoying Dair :D Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
hahah that whole episode is great for them<3 over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
Oh just wait!! They get even better!! over a year ago
bright_angel commented…
haha they are amazing <3333333 over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever commented…
I can see that they are getting better! I can't seem to figure why anyone would dislike/hate them. I think they're so adorable! over a year ago
mooshka said …
So, I was bored and started to watch the movie Cyberbully and omg you guys my heart is breaking<\3 I always knew bullying was bad and affected people but this movie just shows how hurtful and cruel bullying is<\3 I can't even believe there's people in the world that would choose to torture someone like that:( its just so cruel.

Bullying is just so horrible. I don't know why people think its okay to do so. Posted over a year ago
bright_angel commented…
Completly agree with you Moosh!But I know one thing,people are bad! over a year ago
big smile
XxXrachellXxX said …
Hey, girls ;) just wanted to let ya all know that I have a terrible fever and that makes me basically useless for the next few days, so I'll be more active when I feel better!
Stay awesome :) Posted over a year ago
Jessica4695 commented…
hope you feel better soon ;) over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Get well soon! over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
So sorry to hear that. Get better soon!! over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever said …
Okay, so I'm done with S3 of GG and I LOVE THE SHOW! Although, it's kind of hard for me to keep up with all the couples. Most of them don't even last that long and the rest are kind of..out of the blue. But, there is ONE couple that has kept me smiling with every scene they have and I hate to say it guys, but Chair is starting to be my favorite. So far, they're the only ones that keep me wanting more. As for couples I liked before the show, as in Nate & Serena..well, I don't even know anymore :/ Posted over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever commented…
BUT I'm only in S3 and I have S4 & 5 to go. I'm pretty sure things will be COMPLETELY different by the time I'm done with everything, but for now, I like Chuck & Blair (&& other couples that I won't mention just cause I have mix feelings about them). I'm not saying I dislike/hate Nate & Serena together, it's just now that I KNOW the couple and seen how they are, I just have a different opinion on them. We'll see what happens next :) over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Keep watching<33 hopefully, you see the magic in Dair:D over a year ago
bbiatch commented…
ohhh gossip girl...I almost forgot that I used to watch that show...Chair is awesome but to me they lost their magic after the ILYscene from season 2. over a year ago
tvfan5 said …
I really miss you all. I feel like I haven't talked to a bunch of you in a really long time. </3 Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Stones:)<3 over a year ago
nicole_23 commented…
Stepph love you <33 over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Our family is drifting :( over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
I know. It breaks my heart. I LOVE YOU ALLL<3 over a year ago