Leyton Family<3 Wall

Displaying wall entries 81-90 of 1478

georgiapeach91 said …
Hey guys!!! I'm so sorry I've been MIA these last few days, I'm on vacation so I have barely been on my computer. Love you all and I'm not going anywhere. And if I haven't replied to your wall post I will soon I promise! Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Rach<3 miss you:) over a year ago
rorymariano commented…
Rach!! I miss you <33 Enjoy your vacation! over a year ago
bright_angel said …
Baby you light up my world like nobody else
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But when you smile at the ground it aint hard to tell
You don't know
Oh Oh,you don't know you're beautiful

♥♥I LOVE THIS SONG!I LOVE THIS BAND♥♥ Posted over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo said …
Totally random but i have to share - I finished HP Book 1 a few days ago & I'm reading Book 2 already! And tonight i watched the first movie! People kept telling me how addicted i would be once i started, and they were right!! Posted over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever commented…
Yay! :D The books are amazing and I'm glad you're enjoying them! over a year ago
XxXrachellXxX commented…
HP is the best thing in the world! :D over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
<3 over a year ago
tvfan5 said …
3 weeks from tonight, I'll be ME again! Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Is Bones back on? If so, yay for Stones:D over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
YEP!!! ;lakdjf;alkdsjfdls; :) over a year ago
nicole_23 commented…
:DD STEPH WE CAN CRY TOGETHER! over a year ago
angiii7 said …
So... I haven't really been here much lately, I've been dealing with some stuff and I'm really busy with school right now. I don't think I'll be able to be here at all this year and maybe I won't come back, so I wanted to say goodbye to you all properly, you've all been amazing friends and I'm really great full for all that you've done for me. I love you all and I'll never forget you. Thanks for everything guys really!
To make this less dramatic, add me on skype lol: angibarbera :) Posted over a year ago
Jessica4695 commented…
Oh bby no ._. I will definitly add you then! & I hope that you will come back, at least once in awhile. over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
I'm still sad! :( over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo commented…
=[ over a year ago
XNaley_JamesX said …
ICE CREAM. <3 Posted over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
Fuck yeahhhh! <3 yummbbbb over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Yummy<333 over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
I just had some<3333 over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever said …
What does 3 weeks of no TVD lead to? 3 weeks of figuring out what other shows to try out and guess where that lead me to? Two words:

Gossip Girl.

I swore I wouldn't even touch that show considering how aggressive the fanbase is, but Netflix + boredom can lead to dangerous things, lol! Needless to say, I'm officially addicted (although I'm only in S1-2ish)! D: Posted over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
YAY! Early seasons are the way! :D ugh, i hate the fanbase but i mostly ignore them -.- :P over a year ago
Elbelle23 commented…
Ugh!!! It's actually a really good show :P But Dair ♥♥ over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
Every scene Dair have ever shared (no matter what season) = EPIC. :) haha. :) over a year ago
bbiatch said …
Girls i need your help!!
please like this on facebook

if my picture gets more likes than the others a very poor shelter for abandoned pets will get 100kg of Dog food!!

thank you girls, love you all <3 Posted over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
It doesn't work :/ over a year ago
bbiatch commented…
that sucks :( thanks anyways Steph over a year ago
TiBiscuit said …
Hey everyone!
So Moosh told me this was the best spot on Fanpop :P and she kindly invited me to join, so here I am :) I hope you guys don't mind the intrusion (if you do, you should blame Moosh haha) ! Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
WELCOME:D and please they'll all be thanking me once they see how awesome you are lol. over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo commented…
Hi Imane! I'm Holly, welcome, welcome, welcome =] over a year ago
TiBiscuit commented…
Thanks Holly :) over a year ago
bbiatch said …
Completely random!
I hate when my brain betrays me and make me look dumb!!!
A girl and her boyfriend came to my showroom to buy some Fabaleé clothes and to make the ticket I had to do some simple math....45 + 27 and it took me like 3 minutes to get a wrong 82 and I had to be corrected by the client!! it was soo embarrasing!! and the worst part is that Im awesome in math ALWAYS :S

end of random stuff. Posted over a year ago
XNaley_JamesX commented…
LOL over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo commented…
Oh god I'm so horrible at math so i understand this =/ lol I try to just think of it the simplest way - like with 45+27, I'd have just added 30 then subtracted 3 to make my brain not hurt ;) over a year ago
Jessica4695 said …
Random ; It's my dad's birthday todaay ;) Posted over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
Happy Birthday to him :) over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Happy birthday Jess' dad<3 lol. over a year ago
XxXrachellXxX commented…
Happy birthday to him <3 over a year ago
mooshka said …
Don't you just hate when you're always helping others, but when you need the help no one's there for you:/ Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
:O We're ALL here for you, Moosh! What do you need help with?? over a year ago
mooshka commented…
^aww no Kelly I know you guys always have my back<3 I'm referring to real life crap:/ over a year ago
XxXrachellXxX commented…
I hate that, too :/ over a year ago
angiii7 said …
guys guys, please watch Posted over a year ago
Elbelle23 commented…
I have watched it!!! IT'S SOOOOOOO SAD :( over a year ago
mooshka commented…
</3 over a year ago
XxXrachellXxX said …
Ok, guys, I've been kinda depressed lately, and sad. and I don't really know what it's about, but I do know that it hurts me and my behavior might hurt the people around me. I'm sorry, I know you probably have better things to do than read my complaints, but what I'm saying is that if I have in any way insulted you or something like that, I'm sorry. I'm just really going through a bit of a hard time, but it doesn't mean I don't love you guys <3 so again, sorry if I've been bitchy! Posted over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
Stay strong, Lily! Love you<333 over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
Awwww love you Rachel!! And I don't think you've been bitchy at all. Hang in there girl, this is just a rough time, it will get better <3 over a year ago
XxXrachellXxX commented…
Aww, guys, thank you :) your support means a lot! I love you all very much <3 over a year ago
Elbelle23 said …
Finaly got my FANATIC MEDAL!!! I love this spot and this family!!!!

THANK YOU ALL FOR BEING AMAZING <333 Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
CONGRATS!!!! You so deserve it<3 over a year ago
Elbelle23 commented…
Thank you :) xx over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
Congrats Elle!! over a year ago
Martym said …
I'm a Chair fan & a part of CB Family, I don't come here to fight or anything. I saw the wall post and once of all, I have nothing against Leyton fans or Dair fans, I'm okay with both and I hate ship wars. I'm here to say that you misunderstood my post( I don't know if you talk about it or anything else) . I never wanted to insult anyone by saying that CB Family have the same number of fans like LP Family. It wasn't nothing about an hate message or something. Peace. :) Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Hey, you seem like a really sweet person and you honestly look like you meant nothing by the wall post you made. You have every right to be excited about the fact that you're familly is growing day by day♥ What offended me and I would say a majority of the other girls is what other people commented below your wall post, We were called "show offs", "annoying", and "living in our own bubble" we were pretty much instulted by two of your members who don't even know us. And I feels as if we have every rigth to be upset about that. I also don't want any type of "war" to start between these two spots, because I know that your spot actually has some really sweet and caring girls. Its just a few of them seem to be juding us unfarely:/ over a year ago
Elbelle23 commented…
I understand what you saying, and we didn't mean to start a war or offend you guys either, but some of your girls also called us show off and that we were immature too, and that we didn't include new members,a dn that honestly offened me, And also, I am a Dair fan, and I felt like some of your girls were also attacking us for starting a spot like this, and though we were coyping the chair one. When we really werent't. I honestly think there was a bit of misunderstanding and what not. I am sorry for posting a wall post, but you also offened us with some of your words as well. And we sometimes feel like the Chair fans are attacking us becasue most of our family is dair fans. over a year ago
delenadarti commented…
Wow, things spread fast around here, anyway just like twilightlover73 said, i'm sorry if some of the things i said hurt you guys, but i can't say i didn't meant them, i never say/write things i don't mean, i can't say that i don't hate most dair fans because that would be a lie, once again, i'm sorry, but that's how i am. over a year ago
bright_angel said …
The difference between Chuck Bass and Dan Humphrey is as simple as the difference between "You're all mine" and "I'm all yours". Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
<333 over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
People are so freaking obnoxious. I'm seriously about to call it a wrap with FP. Too many drama-seeking little girls running around here now.

WHO THE HELL CARES HOW MANY FANS ANY SPOT HERE HAS?? That means NOTHING. That doesn't make you better than anyone. That doesn't make your precious couple better than anyone. And that doesn't mean that you "run" shit around here. Loving a couple is one thing. But damn, get a F-ing life. Seriously.

And yes (most) Chair fans- I'm talking to you. Posted over a year ago
Elbelle23 commented…
I KNOW I KNOW!!!!!!!!! I can't believe how immature some fans are being!!! The reason we made this spot isn't to see how many fans we got, or to 'run' FP, it was to create a spot for people to get to know each other and become close. IT REALLY ANNOYS ME!!!!! over a year ago
Elbelle23 commented…
Oh and can I also say...Does it really matter if the Dair fans created a spot for themselfs....THESE SPOTS HAD BEEN CREATED FOR YEARS!!!!! GET OVER IT!!!! over a year ago
mooshka commented…
People gosh. If a family means thinking your the shit and insulting others than something is majorly wrong. Fuck it. LPF FOR LIFE. I wouldn't have it any other way. over a year ago
bright_angel commented…
Kelly I couldn't agree more!Some people really need to get a life!This ridiculous! over a year ago
XNaley_JamesX said …
STILL 14 MORE DAYS TILL THE HUNGER GAMES!!! :))) Posted over a year ago
Elbelle23 commented…
EEEEEPPPPPPP :) over a year ago
Elbelle23 said …
OK, so I was just lurking FP and went on the Chair Family spot...and their was a wall post saying they have the same number of fans as us, and these were some of the comments.
Most of them are Dais shippers and besides they're always talking about little kids and i mean not that i'm the most free minded girl, but talking with them is like talking with your mother
(CONT) Posted over a year ago
Elbelle23 commented…
(CONT) We've. Got as many fans as they've got in 7 months, in only ... What? One month? And yes they do live in their own imaginary world, just being show-offs. I tried talking to them when I joined, no one really minded me, I was like, oh well. over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever commented…
"Most of them are Dair shippers" <--- THIS explains it all. They're lashing out on us because most of the fanbase here are on Dair side. over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever commented…
It's complete BS though. Immature. Drama. Obnoxious. over a year ago
energizerbunny said …
Hey girlys<33 I just wanted to tell yall that I'm not gonna be back on here till Sunday! I'll miss you all while I'm away and I love you girls!!! = ]
Posted over a year ago
Elbelle23 commented…
LOVE AND MISS YOU :) HAVE FUN ♥♥ over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Gonna miss you honey<3 over a year ago
XxXrachellXxX commented…
I'll miss you <333333 over a year ago
mooshka said …
We have such creative people in our family<3 Posted over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
Hell yeah we do :D over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
We do indeed = ] over a year ago
Elbelle23 said …
I don't know why I bother going on the GG spot. I just got attacked for answering a question, AND I DIDN'T CHOOSE AN ANSWER!! I swear every comment gets attacked on that spot!!!!

P.S I feel like I am getting/going to get reported for the comments/my opinions :( Posted over a year ago
bright_angel commented…
I know what you mean honey!I have the same problem because I am no picking Chair but Dair for an answer! over a year ago
mooshka commented…
UGH. That spot is Cray Cray. I've been attacked there as well. Chair vs Dair is getitng pretty bad. over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
OMG, Chair fans on tumblr are the worst. over a year ago
Margooterd said …

(I'm sorry, Elle) ;) Posted over a year ago
Elbelle23 commented…
-______- that is alll!! Ha!!! over a year ago
angiii7 said …
Hi, I love you all.
That's it.
Bye. Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Love you♥ over a year ago
bright_angel commented…
Aww we love you too Angi <33 over a year ago
angiii7 commented…
lol no bitch! they changed the date, I'm back on Tuesday over a year ago
rorymariano said …
I had the weirdest dream last night! I dreamed that I was pregnant with Mark Sloan's baby, lol. I'm not complaining or anything, but it was so weird :P I think I need to stop watching Grey's Anatomy before I go to sleep, lol! Posted over a year ago
nicole_23 commented…
Lol, you're a lucky girl to have him as your baby daddy ;) Wish I had that dream:P I've dreamt about Bones and Buffy before because I watched them before I went to sleep haha. over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
Who wouldn't wanna have a baby with McSteamy!? :D over a year ago
mooshka commented…
haha thats awesome:D over a year ago
123Naki456 said …
Omg, this:
link Dair scene, when he says "You just said my name" and then like "Say it again"
reminds me of that Leyton scene after the wedding reception, when they get back home and Lucas calls Peyton Mrs. Scott :') Posted over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
a;lkdfja;sdklfja;sldkfjdsk I KNOW!! That's exactly what I thought of! over a year ago
bbiatch said …

link Posted over a year ago
leeleerobin commented…
Me too! And it looked like he got a new haircut :) over a year ago
Kirkir said …
Hi everyone.
So I don't know if any of you noticed me not being around here much.
Anyway, I'm sorry for that. I've been going through some tough time lately and I've been neglecting lots of stuff. What can I say.. I'm a mess. But I'm trying to get it fixed. So when that's done, I'll be back here with you guys. LOVE YOU & MISS YOU ALL <33 Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Kirface<3 muwa! over a year ago
Elbelle23 commented…
I LOVE AND MISS YOUR KIR ♥ Come back soooon :) xx over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
Of course we've noticed. We miss you <3 Come back to us when you're ready :) And if you need anything, I think I speak for all of us when I say that we're here if you need to talk! over a year ago
Leyton__OTH said …
Hey! I just wanted to inform everyone that I'm not dead :p
I know it's been so long since I've been on! I've just been busy with school, family and such.
Love and miss you guys!<33 Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Hey Sawyer:) over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
Hi!!! I'm so relieved tht you're not dead :p I missed u buddy!!<3 over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
Hiii :) over a year ago
AdaLove said …
Miss you gorgeous ladies,so much <3 :* Posted over a year ago
rorymariano commented…
Miss you too! Hope everything is good with you <33 over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Ada♥ Miss you Disney Buddy<3 over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
<3 over a year ago
Elbelle23 said …
GUESS WHO IS GOING TO THE MIDNIGHT SCREENING OF THE HUNGER GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!????????? ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SO EXCITED!!!! hjdwfipuetygf6jnshfvdfuaskfhgikjgvb!!!!!

IT WILL BE EPIC AND AMAZING AND I CANNOT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Yay:D over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
ME!!!!!!!!! and you, I'm guessing ;) over a year ago
angiii7 commented…
XxXrachellXxX said …
Okay, girlies, the day after tomorrow I'm going skiing, so I guess for the next week I'll not be online as much as usual, but I will come around almost every day at least to say hi and stuff ;) end of report :P
love youu <33 Posted over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
Have fun sweetie :* over a year ago
bbiatch commented…
have fun ray!! and be careful!! over a year ago
nicole_23 commented…
Have funn :) <3 over a year ago
tvfan5 said …

Would you all mind voting? PLEEEEAASSSSEEE :) Posted over a year ago
nicole_23 commented…
Voted :D <333 over a year ago
tvfan5 said …
Dair is perfect. HOLY FUCK.

I apologize to those who don't watch GG or those who ship Chair. I just can't even think right now. <3 Posted over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
MY HEART IS EXPLODING FROM HAPPINESS!! I ship them so hard it's not even funny. DAIR until the end of time <333 Flawless ship is forever flawless. over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
And I sincerely apologize to everyone for that obnoxious above comment ;) over a year ago
nicole_23 commented…
I don't watch the show but they seem greatt! <3 over a year ago
bbiatch said …
is anyone else annoyed by the adverts on the left side of the screen?? everytime I get into fanpop one of those annoying IQ tests pops out on the side!! ugh! Posted over a year ago
angiii7 commented…
uggggggggh meeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I hate them over a year ago
bbiatch commented…
there is any way to make them go away?? seriously!! they are killing me!! over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
omg yes. those really piss me off -.- over a year ago
mooshka said …
Baby Sawyer is winning as the perfect Chair baby..

Weird to see. lol.
Posted over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
Haha that is weird :p over a year ago
nicole_23 said …
I haven't been on here a lot lately been busy with things in general and getting reading for my sister's 21st and school. How's everyone going? :) Posted over a year ago
boothcrazy425 commented…
Everything's pretty great! Can't wait till Bones comes back! over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Hey girly<33 everythings been pretty chill;) over a year ago
nicole_23 commented…
Ready haha I can't spell today :P*** over a year ago
nicole_23 commented…
And that's good Moosh :) over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
OMG I have the most badass cat around lol... she officially knows how to (and LOVES) to play fetch! As I'm sitting here right now on my computer she keeps bringing me peppermints to throw for her haha :P Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Awww smart kitty<3 over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
Awww! Thats so adorable :) over a year ago
mooshka said …
How do you get Kir's attention?

Simply say, where is Niall's girlfriend?

LOL<3 Posted over a year ago
XxXrachellXxX commented…
Or Niall's future wife :P over a year ago
XxXrachellXxX commented…
But yeah, that ought to do the trick XD over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
I last heard from her on twitter a few days ago. She said she had some troubles with fanpop. I miss her :/ over a year ago
mooshka commented…
I talked to her today on Skype Nad:)<3 I know she misses FP as well! over a year ago
Margooterd said …
I'm on vacation this week, so I'll see you next Sunday!! Gonna miss you Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Gonna miss you<33 over a year ago
nicole_23 commented…
<33 over a year ago
bright_angel said …
I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS VIDEO!You don't have to be Damon Salvatore fan or watched TVD in order to love this video!Guys you have to watch it!I was laughing so much at the end!

link Posted over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
love it :D over a year ago
Elbelle23 said …

It was such a goood 3 days!!! And I just love my group and my house that I went with :) I MISSED YOU ALLL SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥♥

I hope everyone is well and what not :) xx Posted over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
WOOO! Missed ya<3 over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Woot Woot!! over a year ago
bright_angel commented…
Missed you Elle <3 over a year ago
Jessica4695 said …

Logan is Clay's son & I'm crying! :(
Logan was born to Clay & Sara. After Sara's death Logan moved in his maternal grandparents. Clay finally remembers Logan is his son, that he blocked him out after Sara died. Logan finds his father and soon moves in with Clay and Quinn.

I think it's a bit stupid, but also the cuttest thing ever, but just because I love that boy so much <3
Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Yeah, I actually read this a while back. It's a very dumb story line IMO. But omg Logan is the most adorable kid ever<33 over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
WTF? How do you just forget about your kid? He can remember every detail about Sara, and her death... but nothing about their child? All because he "blocked it out"? I'm sorry, but I think that's strange lol. over a year ago
rorymariano commented…
It does seem out there, but I love it :D Probably because I'm a big Clay/Sara fan and Logan is just too cute lol. over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo said …
Ughh okay i need to rant for a second. People on the Delena spot are annoying me right now.

Too many people are just impatient as shit. We're trying to figure out how to handle changing the spot look since there's been far too much complaining about constantly changing the icon, the banner was changed before voting closed like 3 times before the current banner won & got put up, etc. Posted over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo commented…
Some people are insisting on changing it "Every time a big moment happens." Yet these SAME FREAKING PEOPLE are saying that doing a Monthly Change would be "changing it too much." :O ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?!? over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo commented…
I just sorta went off a bit, after making a final pick with the 3 majority options - I asked in the pick title for people to please wait & READ THE COMMENTS BEFORE VOTING. I finish typing my comment with pros & cons for each option {& asking for others to give pros&cons} and a bunch of people already voted... over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo commented…
And Kim, ughhh i really hope it doesn't turn out like that this time. If it does I'm just gonna say "fuck it, figure it out your damn self!" over a year ago
big smile
bright_angel said …
100 members!Our family is multiplied day by day! <33 Posted over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
Yippy!!!!!!!!!!<33333 over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Yay:D over a year ago
bbiatch commented…
I wonder where are the 85 members that not participate on this spot....it would be cool to meet them! over a year ago
gomez19bieber17 said …
is this your family??

Posted over a year ago
angiii7 commented…
hmm yeah, best freaking family ever. over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Most amazing most epic family ever<3 over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
^^Word over a year ago
Elbelle23 said …
So I am going on camp with all the seniors for 3 days, so if i am not here in the next couples of days....DON'T PANIC!!! I am just camping ;)

LOVE YOU ALL :) XX Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
BE SAAAFEEEE!!! Love you<3 over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
Have fun :) LY <3 over a year ago
bbiatch commented…
have fun ellie!! over a year ago
tvfan5 said …
I love you all :) I feel like I haven't talked to a lot of you in TOO long. Posted over a year ago
Elbelle23 commented…
I MISS YOU STEPHY :) X over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Stones<33 over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
LOVE YOU STEEEEPHY:) over a year ago
bbiatch commented…
love you steph!!! <33 over a year ago
big smile
energizerbunny said …
Eeeeeeek! I just noticed that we are at 99 fans!!!!!<3333 Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Woooootttt<333 over a year ago
Margooterd said …
Chuck Bass is sexy. Yum :) Posted over a year ago
bbiatch commented…
soo true babe over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
yep, he so is :D over a year ago
mooshka said …
Omg do you guys remember these picks!?:o they were so long ago<333

Hahahaha I don't know how I found it but I'm glad I did because it put a big smile on my face:D
Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Haha aww <33 over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
Those picks were so much fuun :) over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
Ahh, I remember those<333 over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
LOLOLOL I just looked at mine and one person commented: "who's Steph?" and then proceeded to ask how you all knew what I looked like LOLOLOL I'm dying. over a year ago
rorymariano said …

I thought that some of you (Moosh and Kelly especially :P) might like to read this :) Keep in mind that I'm not the most eloquent speaker (writer?) lol. Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
I sooooo agree with that post Amber! Every word!! But I had to skip reading the speech because it repulsed me:/ over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
OMFG. I love you so much right now. lol WORD!! Ugh... Baley. I can't even... over a year ago
Leyton__OTH commented…
This is so true. It's like Mark thinks we're stupid or have amnesia. Haley didn't even start liking Brooke that much till late season 1 or middle of season 2. Braley has to be the one of the most CONTRIVED friendship ever over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
as;ldkfja;lkdgha;ldkhg!!! I cannot stop listening to this <333

link Posted over a year ago
rorymariano commented…
Beautiful <333 over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Love that version<3 over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever said …

The parallels between LP & DE are just too crazy! Lol! Posted over a year ago
angiii7 commented…
<333333 over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
I'm not a DE fan, but that's pretty cool<33 over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
God, I love them! <3 over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
amazingggg over a year ago
123Naki456 said …
Okay, so I had 3 weeks of winter break then I got back to school and I went for like 3-4 weeks and now we're not going to school again. We didn't go this whole week and we're not going the next one. All because of the snow. Seriously, it's crazy but i'm enjoying it! :D Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Woot! Take advantage of it;) over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
LUCKY over a year ago
bbiatch commented…
you are sooo lucky!! I hate to live in a city where it doesnt snow!! it dont even rain in here!! :( over a year ago
Elbelle23 said …
It has been ONE WEEK and I am already exhausted!!! Plus the amount of homework I have gotten!!!!

Anyway wanted to pop in and say that I love and miss you all :) xx Posted over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
Love you & miss you sooooo much<3<3<3 over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Big sis I miss you<3 over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
<3 over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo said …
Ughhh. I want to re-sort my Top Couples list... but it's such a pain in the ass! I ship waaaay too many couples. Posted over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
Haha I know the feeling! I really can't do it, it gets so complicated LOL. Interested to see your new list though!!! over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo commented…
I'm debating on cutting out couples that I like, but don't pay much attention to. over a year ago
XNaley_JamesX said …
Can't wait till tomorrow night!!! PROOOOOMMMM!!!!
Well, it's not exactly a prom like most of you guys have/had,
But it comes close to it... I guess. LOL Posted over a year ago
Margooterd commented…
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY :) I'm looking fooooorward to it :D over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo commented…
Awww! I hope you ladies have tons of fun! && you must upload pics, i have to see what you wear! lol I love seeing pretty formal/prom dresses ♥ over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Have an amazing time! over a year ago
mooshka said …
Hey guys:)
Stressing over a chemistry test! Woot!
How are you guys? Posted over a year ago
Leyton__OTH commented…
I know how ya feel! I've had quite a few tests this and last week! Good luck! I'm sure you'll do great(: over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
MOOSH! I feel like you've been MIA lately! Hope your chemistry test goes/went well! :) over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Thanks guys! I got an A:D over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
I just wanted to take a second to thank you girls for all the birthday wishes yesterday, and for wearing those beautiful bday icons for me! It truly was a kickass birthday, and it started off great as SOON as it struck midnight, thanks to all of the amazing comments that immediately came piling in from you girls! I have the sweetest LPF around! Love you girls. So thank you for making turning 21 that much more special! ;) Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Love you Kelly and im glad you had a kickass day<3 over a year ago
nicole_23 commented…
<33 over a year ago
XxXrachellXxX commented…
Love youuu <333 glad you had a great time :) over a year ago
Elbelle23 said …
Ok, so as some of you know tomorrow I start my Senior year!!! The big year that basically decideds my future!!! Anyway I just wanted to say, I might not be on as much as I used too. I Haven't really been on the last couple of days either, as I have been getting ready for school.
And with homework and work, I might not be on for a couple of days!! So i just wanted to say I love you alll, and I will always try and get back to you guys as quickly as I can.

I LOVE YOU AL SO MUCH!!! ♥ Posted over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
AHHH CONGRATS ELLE!!! Yup, I know how busy school can be. I hope you have an amazing first day of school and rest of year! It's gonna be great, senior year is a blast! LOVE YOU <333 over a year ago
Margooterd commented…
Good luck :) From tomorrow on, we'll both be seniors ;) I know you'll do great!! over a year ago
bright_angel commented…
Good luck honey!I knoww how how schools work! <33 over a year ago
bbiatch said …
New Clothes I made!! <3


check it out and tell me honestly what you think...I wont get mad if you dont like it but you better like it! lol!

Love you girls <3 Posted over a year ago
XxXrachellXxX commented…
They're all beautiful! :D I especially like the beige, slightly long sleeved shirt :P over a year ago
Jessica4695 commented…
Those are stunning! Omg , really beautiful, I hav to say through some are a bit too transparent for me, so I would just wear those to the beach or put a white shirt under them, but other than that : BEAUTIFUL! :) over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
They're all great! You are very talented! I personally don't usually care for crop tops myself, but they are all still great! And I agree with Jess about them being so transparent, but that's nothing that a simple tank top underneath can't fix! The navy(?) blue crop top with the flowers is my personal favorite! Excellent job :) over a year ago
leytonfaan_18 commented…
They are adorable Ale! I want some XD over a year ago
energizerbunny said …
Grrrrrrr. My memory stick broke! I had everything on there!! All my icons, all my fanarts...EVERYTHING!!!!!! I guess I'm gonna have to re save all the really important things I made.
*Sigh* Oh, well :/ Posted over a year ago
nicole_23 commented…
GRRR ohhh that's baddd. That happened to me once I feel your pain :( Hope you can get everything back soon xx over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Awww that sucks:/ sorry girl! over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
*Sigh* I'm just glad that I never deleted them so I can save them again. over a year ago
big smile
123Naki456 said …
So, I always believed in that "you can only have one OTP" but..damn, i totally have two! :P
So, therefor, my two OTP's are: LEYTON and DELENA
I will ALWAYS love them. :D Posted over a year ago
nicole_23 commented…
Awesome OTPs :) I only haved one B&B <3 over a year ago
Jessica4695 commented…
Well I hope you follow this blog: linkthen? ;) She post' awesome LP + DE stuff! over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
yes, ofc, i adore that girls's tumblr. :D over a year ago
energizerbunny said …
Happy Birthday KellBells!!!!!

I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say we love you soooooooooooo much and we don't know what we'd do without you! I hope you have the bestest birthday a girl could have!!!!! <33333333333 Posted over a year ago
nicole_23 commented…
Happy Birthday! <33 over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Thanks girls!! :) over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Happy birthday! over a year ago
AdaLove said …
Guys i miss u tones u know ♥
hope everything goes well for you!!
TODAY IT SNOWED *yay* and we lost school :D

love you :** Posted over a year ago
bright_angel commented…
We miss you too!Yeah is snowing in Greece today! <3333 over a year ago
rorymariano commented…
Miss you <333 over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo commented…
Miss you too Ada ♥ over a year ago
bright_angel said …
Does this darkness have a name? This cruelty, this hatred. How did it find us? Did it steal into our lives or did we seek it out and embrace it? What happened to us? That we now send our children into the world like we send young men to war, hoping for their safe return, but knowing that some will be lost along the way. When did we lose our way? Consumed by the shadows swallowed whole by the darkness. Does this darkness have a name? Is it your name?

God I miss THIS OTH♥ Posted over a year ago
AdaLove commented…
...so much <3 over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
<3 over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Not even the same show. Mind blowing. :( over a year ago
tvfan5 said …
Emily is on Twitter. Emily is on Twitter. Emily is on Twitter. ;asdklfjad OMG! OMG. ;lksdakfjad <3 FINALLY. a;lsdkfja;sdkf I am so happy right now! <3 ;adslkfja;dkf THERE ARE NO WORDSSSSSSSSSSSSS. I thought this day would never come! AHHHH<3333 ;alsdkjfal;kdsf Posted over a year ago
nicole_23 commented…
OMG I knowww I just read it on there :D I am sooo excited! over a year ago
mooshka said …

MUWA<3 Posted over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
LOVE YOU!<3 over a year ago
bbiatch commented…
love you too<333 over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
LOVE! Best family ever <33 over a year ago
Rolemodel2011 said …
I've been debating over the last few weeks about what I should do regarding FP and as hard as it might be I have decided the best option for me is to leave it all together. This choice was extremely difficult for me but I feel as if it is time to move on from it. FP was an amazing part of my past that I will never forget. I've truly met some of the most amazing people on here and I've even made two life long friends that I will cherish forever. My life is just getting busier and busier and Posted over a year ago
Rolemodel2011 commented…
at times I feel like I'm just too old for FP now. I know I'm really not, but that's just how I feel. I am truly sorry to anyone that I may upset or make mad. This decision was not easy for me at all! I'm just at a point in my life where it's what is best. I'm still keeping my profile and I may drop in every once and awhile. Most of you know how to get into contact with me whether through Twitter, Tumblr, Youtube, or Facebook. If you'd like to have any of these let me know :) Or someone in the family can give them to you. This LP family is a true blessing and I hope you girls all stay close forever and one day meet each other ;) I'm sorry again but this is what is best for me. Hope you guys understand and like I said I'll try to drop in every once and awhile for a quick hello :) I love you all so much and thank you for being apart of my life <3 - Chan Chan ♥♥ over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo commented…
I'm going to miss you Chan ♥ Especially being able to randomly "yell", "CHANDLER'S A GIRL!!!" for no reason whatsoever! But like you said, there's still Tumblr && Facebook so it's okay. LY♥ over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
123Naki456 said …
YES! YEEEES! :D Novak Djokovic won. OMG! After almost 6 hours of the match, he WON! Our number 1! WORLDS number 1! Novak is seriously Serbian pride and joy. :D
And as you may notice I AM SO FUCKING HAPPY! :D

for those who have no idea what I'm talking about, i'm talking about a tennis match between Novak Djokovic and Rafael Nadal.
It was motherfucking intense.

:') <33 Posted over a year ago
123Naki456 commented…
Aw, such a great day for Serbian spot. Novak won Australian open, our Water polo team became European chams (again) and we won silver on Handball championship. So proud! :) over a year ago
Elbelle23 commented…
I WAS TOTALLLY AT THAT GAME!!!!!!!!!!! :) over a year ago
Elbelle23 commented…
Yeah finished at like 2 :) over a year ago
bright_angel said …
Damon: I took away your suffering once before, I can do it again but it’s your choice.
Jeremy: Look, I know you think you took it away, but it’s still there. Even if I can’t remember why, I still feel empty. Alone. And making me forget won’t fix it. It won’t fix what’s really wrong.

I miss Jeremy!I want him back Posted over a year ago
Elbelle23 said …
hgukvhbugyhnu rvjnsbikxdhfujksxghdsbihklzj!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO YOU KNOW HOW BLOODY EXCITED I AM!!!!!!!!

54 54 54 54 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't wait to see them!!!! THEY WILL BE FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC!!!!!!!!!!! :
THE HUNGER GAMES :O Posted over a year ago
nicole_23 commented…
I could never tell that you're excited Elle ;P over a year ago
mooshka commented…
^Right? Lmao. over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo commented…
Ahhh i finished Mockingjay last night Elle!!! I'm bummed that I'm done, but happy that i finished && can't be spoiled anymore! over a year ago
nicole_23 said …
Again I'm complaining about summer but its soo hot here :( I don't like it at all. I just want it to be Autumn already :/ Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
awww sucks:/ over a year ago
nicole_23 commented…
Yeahh :( over a year ago
bbiatch said …
I need help here...I want to watch Once Upon a Time because it seems like an awesome show but I dont want to wait until march to see it on tv...you know where I can watch it online?
Posted over a year ago
nicole_23 commented…
You can try linkI use that for every show it will probably be on there :) over a year ago
nicole_23 commented…
Heres the link to the show link over a year ago
bbiatch commented…
thank you so much nicole over a year ago
tvfan5 said …
Someone should make me feel better :( Not only is Chuck over but the finale broke my heart. WHY?! a;dlkfjads;flk Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Noooooooooooooooo don't be sad:((( WHAT DO YOU CALL A FLY WITH NO WINGS? A walk. Hahahahaha get it! over a year ago
mooshka commented…
^ I suck at making people feel better. over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
Thanks all<3 ...I mean, most of the two episodes was PERFECT, but the fact we didn't see her remember KILLED me. KILLED ME. over a year ago
123Naki456 said …
I can't believe that Chuck is over. :'( </3 Posted over a year ago
XxXrachellXxX commented…
Me neither :((( I love it sooo much <3 seriously, how could it end?? :(( over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Sorry baby<\3 over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
I am so depressed right now. Holy shit. over a year ago
XxXrachellXxX commented…
I feel so damn awful :( over a year ago
bright_angel said …
I feel like my heart will jump out of my chest!Hate the exams periods!I am so nervous! Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
You'll do great! Good luck<3 over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
You'll do awesome! =D over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Aww good luck!! over a year ago
bright_angel commented…
thanks guys for the support! <3 over a year ago
energizerbunny said …
I'm feeling some Paley love right now<33 Posted over a year ago
rorymariano commented…
PALEY <33333 over a year ago
mooshka commented…
<333 over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
LOVE Paley! Most natural friendship of the show IMO <333 over a year ago
mooshka said …
Am I the only one sick and tired of going on the Gossip Girl spot and always finding a coment about how Dair fans are stupid?
I don't go on that spot much but when I do it just pisses me off. It's even getting to the point where people are putting Dair fans are stupid as there GG opinions!? Posted over a year ago
XNaley_JamesX commented…
Ha, I've got the same 'problem' with the TVD spot. It's my 2nd fave show, but that spot just makes me depressed. over a year ago
bright_angel commented…
Agree with you Moosh!I am so tired of this situation!I mean it is ridiculous to called you stupid because you ship a couple!Everyone have different tastes! over a year ago
bbiatch commented…
I know what you mean, I stoped going to the GG spot because I was constantly attacked for liking Vanessa more than Blair... over a year ago
bbiatch said …
so I just watched Pretty Little Liars's new episode and it made me kind of sad...I never get sad with tv shows but my heart is broken because of Spoby!!! :( Posted over a year ago
rorymariano commented…
Aw the latest episode was so sad for Spoby :( over a year ago
Kirkir commented…
Aww yes:'( A is going way too far now!! over a year ago
Leytonfan4ever said …
Omg! LOVE the banner! Paley, Defan, Laley, and even though it is a friendship banner, I still love seeing HHr<3 :) Posted over a year ago
XxXrachellXxX commented…
the Harmony is LOVE <3 over a year ago
Leyton__OTH commented…
<3333 over a year ago
nicole_23 commented…
<3 over a year ago
bright_angel said …
Amazing new spot look! <3 Posted over a year ago
nicole_23 said …
The new banner looks beautiful :) <33 Posted over a year ago
tvfan5 said …
Hil on Castle = BRILLIANT. OMG. Such a different character than OTH or WC but I've laughed out loud because of her about 6 times. SHE IS FLAWLESS. Posted over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
And I'm only halfway through the episode. over a year ago
mooshka commented…
I wanna see her scenes:( I shall try to find them! Lol over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
Oh I forgot that was tonight! Must watch later! over a year ago
energizerbunny said …
*Sigh* I'm sorry for my randomness guys! I'm very hyper at the moment!! Don't know why! Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
<333 over a year ago
kellyerin87 said …
Anyone else starting to feel like FP is turning more and more boring these days? I dunno what it is, maybe it's just me... but it just seems like everything's kind of dying around here! I feel like nobody really has time for it anymore. Or atleast not as much time as we used to :/ Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
I agree:/ it's like every single spot. I just come here to keep in contact with all of you, because that's something I can't lose. over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
Kinda = [ over a year ago
XxXrachellXxX commented…
Agreed :/ over a year ago
mooshka said …
THE 49ERS...OMG MY HEART<\3 ;((( Posted over a year ago
Elbelle23 commented…
What are you talking about Little Sis?? :S over a year ago
mooshka commented…
The 49ers are a football team and today if they won the game they would go to the Super Bowl, which is l guess you could say the finals, but they ended up losing<\3 and I'm so sad right now:( over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
I want the Giants to win now. I HATE the Pats! Sorry whoever likes them = [ over a year ago
Margooterd said …
I know I haven't really been around the past week. This weekend was my school play and we had lots and lots and lots of rehearsals. It was so much fun, I really enjoyed it :) So, I'm sorry I haven't commented on some of my wall posts... Posted over a year ago
Elbelle23 commented…
I LOVE AND MISS YOU MRS LOCKWOOD :P You would have been amazing in your play :) xx over a year ago
mooshka commented…
<3 over a year ago
bbiatch commented…
hope you did great on the play and had fun <33 over a year ago
aNNalovechuck said …
new member..!
hi Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Hey welcome:) over a year ago
nicole_23 commented…
<3 over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
Hello! I'm Rach over a year ago
tvfan5 said …
I'm so lonely without our spammer. <3 Posted over a year ago
XxXrachellXxX commented…
I wish I could say the same :P I didn't really enjoy the "Stelena sucks" posts.. over a year ago
Jessica4695 commented…
well your wish came true hun.... over a year ago
nicole_23 commented…
LOL over a year ago
big smile
Leyton__OTH said …
Hey. I joined this spot a while ago, but didn't really know what it was about. I would love to be apart of this!! (:

I'm Sawyer [Ironic, I know] <3 Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Hey sawyer<3 welcome! We are so glad to have you:) hope you decide to be more active;) over a year ago
bright_angel commented…
Hey Sawyer!I am Maria :|) over a year ago
georgiapeach91 commented…
Hey I'm Rach! over a year ago
energizerbunny said …
I'm so devastated guys! The program I use to make icons/fanart etc.is closing in April! Some of you will see that I messaged you and asked you which program you use. Thanks for the answers and suggestions. I'm just really bummed. I've just gotten so use to picnik. That's the only thing I've ever used for my icons. = [
Sorry for being so dramatic, but This is just devastating to me.
R.I.P Picnik. </3
Posted over a year ago
bbiatch commented…
picnik is closing?? why?? I dont get it!!! anyways...I use photoscape, you have to download it. Its very easy to use and simple, you will get use to it very quickly! over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
^Yes, it is! I have no idea!! = [ Thanks Ale<3 over a year ago
energizerbunny commented…
*know over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo said …
lmao well i guess I'm not the only one our "lovely" spammer is annoying. Gotta love the crazies huh?! Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Where do these people come from?? I'll just never understand it lol over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo commented…
This one seems to come from Mars or something lol. over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo commented…
There was a spammer on here earlier but i know i reported all of her spam && I'm guessing many others did too, so she got deleted. over a year ago
othobsessed92 said …
OK, I need to ask, who was my SS? I haven't been very active here for a while, so maybe I missed the person, but I haven't seen anyone with my SS icon, so whoever it is, let me know if you read this! :) Posted over a year ago
XNaley_JamesX commented…
I think your SS was Angi because I haven't seen her wearing an SE icon. over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Yeah, it was Banjo;) she hasn't been on for a while:( which is freaking me out<\3 over a year ago
angiii7 commented…
Shit, sorry Maham! Me!! over a year ago
angiii7 commented…
:D over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo said …
With all the worrying going on due to SOPA/PIPA i thought i should post this:

Name -
Email -
Cell # -
Skype -
Other websites {with messaging capabilities} you can find me on -
Anything else I want you to know -

^^^Message your friends this info {Whichever sections you are comfortable sharing!} so that we won't lose contact if anything drastic is done to our websites. Posted over a year ago
kellyerin87 commented…
Wait, WTF? What's this SOPA nonsense? *confused*!! over a year ago
Elbelle23 commented…
WHAT IS GOING ON!? :S over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo commented…
Yeah things have been put on hold for now, thankfully, but they are cautioning that we shouldn't be too relieved just yet / over a year ago
nicole_23 said …
I'm sooo annoyed at this SOPA thing what is wrong with the US congress?! Posted over a year ago
nicole_23 commented…
I can't lose you guys or tumblr or forums or even Wikipedia! It’s not fair :( over a year ago
bright_angel said …
I am really crying,I can't read more hours today and after three hours I am still stuck in the same page!Damn why collage have to be so difficult! :( Posted over a year ago
mooshka commented…
Awwww Maria<\3 don't worry you'll make it through;) over a year ago
bright_angel commented…
thank you honey! <33333 over a year ago
mooshka said …
....anyone planning on making banners for the spot? The theme is friendship. Just thought I would ask a final time because I plan to put the pick up soon:) sorry its taking me forever! Im either too busy or forget:/

Also if you have any motto suggestions feel free to share:)<3 Posted over a year ago
XNaley_JamesX commented…
I would love to, but I'm kinda busy ATM. Depends on how long you can wait. But on the other hand, we can't have this Xmas spot look forever right? I'd say you can make this pick if you want to. over a year ago
xoheartinohioxo commented…
I'll make one, and do at least 2 or 3 coloring versions tonight =] over a year ago