Lucozade Wall

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Keyzxx said …
I DO NOT recommend Summer Fruits lucozde heres the story-We were sitting after lunch one afternoon and Amy came up with Summer Fruits we were dying of thirst and wanted some and we drank some...Only to discover It tasted like Fairy washing up liquid....It was Vile and I was sick...It makes you feel lightheaded and you see things either blurry or a different colour well thats what I happened to experience...If you'r brave enough go ahead and have some but DO NOT IF YOU ARE INTOXICATED! (by horrid Posted over a year ago
Keyzxx commented…
Please join my clubs- ME;WRITTEN ALL OVER, Movies and TV....Only the greatest, Quotes of life...The cutest on Earth and now in about 20 minutes- My Love for Vampire Diaries. Thkx x over a year ago
katialautnerxx said …
I love cherry Lucozade. And orange. And cola. And lemon and lime. Basically every flavour. :D
Except Summer Fruits. That's poisonous. My ex-friend gave it to me once and I got a REALLY sore head, felt sick and bile kept rising in my throat. It also gave me a sore stomach. :-S Posted over a year ago
Keyzxx commented…
Hehe, Yeah that stuff made me sick... Thanks alot Amy! >:( over a year ago