Monster High Roleplay

xMiss-IceQueenx posted on Dec 30, 2011 at 12:16AM
Would you like to Roleplay as your favorite MH Character well now you can you jut have to request it and I will say yes or no all Characters are up for gens except for Abbey because I'm going to RP Her . Anyway Please Join :D

Monster High 4518 replies

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over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
"the floor thats real smart" Cleo rolled her eyes
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Abbey giggled as she twirled a piece of her blue streak .
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
"Bax" Spectra's eyes pleaded, "ok lets switch Spectra" Baxter suggested
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Abbey smirked "Let's see why you got pretty boy." she snickered.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
Spectra giggled at 'pretty boy'. Baxter grabbed a ball "ladies first" he smiled
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Abbey smirked as she chucked the ball at his face at full speed once more .
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
For once he acutuaLly ducked "ok not the face! Or anything below the waist please" Baxter shouted
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Abbey chuckled " Fine I will save your face and below you waist for the sake of Spectra" Abbey laughed .
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
"real funny" Baxter chuckled tossing the ball at Abbey
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Abbey quickly caught the ball smirking.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
"We lose" Baxter's smile turned into a frown "your still my tiger on the football field" Spectra smiled "heh same with you on the blogs" he laughed
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Abbey giggled "I am the queen of dodgeskull so no hard feelings ." Abbey said smiling and then turned to Cleo " Did this make you pass class."
over a year ago Clawtina said…
Billy and Clawtina watched.
over a year ago Clawtina said…
Clawtina started her homework.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
"i was joking, i just wanted to play a friendly gAme" Cleo smiled
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Abbey chuckled "That's you Cleo" she said . "So what should we do now."
over a year ago Clawtina said…
"I need some help, someone needs to coach me Fearball".
Clawtina said.

"Whoever volunteers must be hard as Rick, cause she plays really rough".
Billy said telling the truth.
over a year ago CuteBlossom123 said…
Bloodalina was in her room looking at pictures her dad sent her.
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
"I know Clawdeen does a little Fearball" Abbey told her.
over a year ago Clawtina said…
"Really.... But is she up to my level, cause I'm just like up there is she. Cause I need someone to coach me".
Clawtina said throwing some really fangtastic hoops.
over a year ago CuteBlossom123 said…
Bloodalina texted Abbey >Hey come to my room 2night! ~Linda<
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Abbey read her text <Okay I will be over later ~Abbey******>. "I don't know , I'm tough but I know nothing about this thing you call Fearball" Abbey said.
over a year ago Clawtina said…
"It's like Casketball but for ghouls". Clawtina explained.
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
"I know a little Casketball" Abbey told her.
over a year ago Clawtina said…
"I'd prefer Clawdeen to sorta coach me".
"But thanks anyways".
Clawtina said with a netball in her hand.
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
"You are Welcome" Abbey nodded.
over a year ago Clawtina said…
Billy laughed.
"Why don't you get Clawd to teach you do then you guys can make out".

Clawtina threw the netball at his head, but he ducked.
She stormed off to the ghouls room.
over a year ago Clawtina said…
Clawtina sobbed.
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Abbey turned back to Cleo,Baxter , and Spectra "What do you guys want to do now." she asked the trio.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
"well I have a football game in about 15 so we should go" suggested Baxter
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Abbey nodded "I wish you luck." she smiled .
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
"thanks" Baxter smiled "go get em!" Spectra giggled giving him a good luck kiss "later" he exited
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Abbey waved as he left and checked her iCoffin for any texted she recived .
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
"so what should us girls do?" asked Spectra
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
"Hmm , I have no idea" Abbey laughed still checking her iCoffin.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
"neither do I" Cleo tapped her fingernails against the walls "come on guys, we can't just sit here" Spectra whined
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
"Want to get a snow cone" Abbey asked the girls.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
"sure" Cleo and Spectra agreed
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
"but I'd also like a taco" Cleo smiled
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Abbey looked at Cleo strangely "What Is this taco." she asked her confused.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
"you don't. Know what a taco is?" Spectra gasped "a taco is a delicious delight. First we start with a crunchy corn shell, filled with meat, lettuce, shredded cheese, and hot sauce" Cleo could almost taste it in her mouth
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Abbey was starting to enjoy the describing of the taco till Spectra mentioned hot sauce . "Sounds good , but I can not eat , hot sauce ." she told them.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
"we can just take off the hot sauce" Cleo reminded
"I kinda want a taco now" Spectra smiled
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Abbey nodded "I will just freeze taco when I touch it so I will be fine." She said smiling now wanting a taco
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
"let's go to the mall and get tacos" Spectra grinned
" yum! Ok" Cleo agreed
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Abbey nodded as she set off to the mall with her ghoul friends .
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
"here we are. Taco terror" Cleo smiled
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Abbey smiled "It smells good" she said smiling.
over a year ago HelloKitty_Love said…
"trust me it is" Spectra took a bite of her taco
over a year ago xMiss-IceQueenx said…
Abbey grabbed hers freezing it and took a bite. "Mhmmmm Amazing." she said smiling at her taco "I think I could marry it."