Monster High Monsterhigh Role play Ski Trip

bratzdolly11 posted on Mar 01, 2012 at 03:26AM
everyone can join BUT YOU HAVE TO ASK ME FIRST!You can play four originals and 3 ocs.

I'm playing my ocs Kiki and Laurie

I'll start

Kiki brushed her tail eager to start her ski trip with her friends.She brushed the last piece of fur sticking up and placed her goggles on her head.Taking her snowboard she exited out her cabin and mad her way to the main office to wait for her friends

Monster High 553 replies

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Showing Replies 51-100 of 553

over a year ago CuteBlossom123 said…
"Nothing much." she giggled, "Well I do have one problem..."
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
Laurie and Jackson sat in the chair together.
Kiki who was looking at them made kissy face at Laurie.

Responding quickly Laurie shot a snowball at her friends head.
over a year ago CuteBlossom123 said…
Bloodalina giggled and formed some water.
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
"What's the problem."asked Kiki

"You okay?"asked Laurie
over a year ago CuteBlossom123 said…
Bloodalina looked down and blushed, "A boy."
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
"Who is is you must tell us now!"Laurie said walking up to her
over a year ago Cookiesmyname said…
"Yeah who's your special someone Bloodalina?"asked Katia poofing over to her friend
over a year ago CuteBlossom123 said…
"Josh Howls." She said while her eyes turning from red and purple to light pink.
over a year ago CuteBlossom123 said…
over a year ago Clawtina said…
"Yeah that cousin of mine". Clawtina added while sitting on a chair.
"He's so darn annoying, and rude".

Clawd was finishing the snowman.
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
"Awe you two would make a fangtastic couple."!exclaimed Laurie

"Yeah you two would be the cutest couple,third to Laurie and Jackson.commented Kiki
over a year ago Clawtina said…
"Id your talking to me, Clawd and I are just Friends". She said calmly.
over a year ago CuteBlossom123 said…
Bloodalina rised one eyebrow "He wont go for me, and if he did my father would so not aprove for it..."
over a year ago Clawtina said…
"Trust me he'll do anything for you". Clawtina said.

(Your allowed to Rp on The Emerald.... Just join any time)
over a year ago Clawtina said…
over a year ago CuteBlossom123 said…
(Oh kk.)
over a year ago Clawtina said…

"But Josh is nice as a boyfriend, but not as family member".
over a year ago Clawtina said…
over a year ago CuteBlossom123 said…
Bloodalina bit her nails.
over a year ago CuteBlossom123 said…
over a year ago Clawtina said…
Josh came in and sat down.
Clawtina rolled her eyes.
Clawd sat down next to Kiki.
"Soo, what's new". Josh asked.
over a year ago CuteBlossom123 said…
"Umm... Nothing..." Bloodalina said nevously biting her nails.
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
Kiki motioned for her to talk more."Go on,go on!"she said under her breath
over a year ago Clawtina said…
Josh raised an eyebrow.
"What's wrong with you I've called you, you don't answer. I say hi you ignore". He said angrily.
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
(I have no idea who he's talking to)
over a year ago Clawtina said…
(He's talking to Bloodalina)

He rolled his eyes.
over a year ago Cookiesmyname said…
Katia sat down near the benches near Laurie and Jackson."Drama may start."she said giving them a warning
over a year ago Clawtina said…
Clawtina sipped her hot cocoa.
"Bitch". Josh replies.
"Hard Carnt". She says.
He growled, he growls.
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
"You guys fight like cats and dog."joked Laurie.

Kiki nodded her head agreeing with Laurie's joke
over a year ago Clawtina said…
"Well he starts it like always". She said honestly.
"But am I always a bitch, hanging around people and flirting around them". He said while looking at Clawtina.
Clawd was angry.
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
"That's a little far Josh even for you."Kiki said putting down her cup of cocoa

"Yeah she's your cousin not your enemy."Laurie said
over a year ago Cookiesmyname said…
"He sure acts like she is."Katia commented
over a year ago Clawtina said…
"I know how dishe end up being my cousin". He laughed.

"Hoe". She said under her breath.
over a year ago Cookiesmyname said…
"Guys stop this is our winter vacation and I don't wanna spend it listening to you two argue.Sorry if it sounds mean but we're supposed to be having the time of ours who wants to go sledding!"Katia exclaimed
over a year ago Clawtina said…
"Ok, well I don't know about this Ass over here". He referred to Clawtina.
She left.
over a year ago Clawtina said…
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
"Josh either you stop acting like a ass or you can just go home."screamed Kiki getting frustrated with him.

"Kiki wait don't let him go just ignore him this is his vacation too you know."she couldn't believe she was standing up for him.

"Fine but don't ruin our vacation.she said picking up and sled and placing it at the hill
over a year ago Clawtina said…
"Kk, but I can't keep promises". He replied cheekily.
Clawd thumped Josh one in the Chest.
"Shut up then". He replied.
Clawtina sat outside quietly.
over a year ago Cookiesmyname said…
"Whatever."Katia rolled her eyes at Josh,then noticed Clawtina walking over she sat by her friend."Hey what wrong aren't you happy are you upset."she asked
over a year ago Clawtina said…
"..........." she kept quiet.
"Smooth move". Clawd said.
Josh rubbed his chest.
over a year ago Cookiesmyname said…
"Oh great now Clawtina's upset thanks to Josh."she complained getting up from her spot.
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
"Seriously Josh go somewhere your annoying."Kiki said rolling her eyes and walking toward the log chair
over a year ago Clawtina said…
"........ It's my job". Josh smirked.
Clawtina sat down and played with a snowball.
over a year ago Clawtina said…
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
"NO it's not you chose to do it!"yelled Kiki getting all up in his face
over a year ago Clawtina said…
"Wanna go out". He snickered.
over a year ago CuteBlossom123 said…
Bloodalina acted shocked and just walked away.
over a year ago Clawtina said…
"Jokes"!!!!! He yelled out.
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
Kiki scoffed."Whatever you not even cute."she walked away to avoid seeing his face for awhile
over a year ago Clawtina said…
"Bitch"!!!!. Josh yelled out.
Clawd twisted Josh's arm.
"Mercy upon my sexy arm". He squilled.
Clawd let go with anger.