Monster High Monsterhigh Role play Ski Trip

bratzdolly11 posted on Mar 01, 2012 at 03:26AM
everyone can join BUT YOU HAVE TO ASK ME FIRST!You can play four originals and 3 ocs.

I'm playing my ocs Kiki and Laurie

I'll start

Kiki brushed her tail eager to start her ski trip with her friends.She brushed the last piece of fur sticking up and placed her goggles on her head.Taking her snowboard she exited out her cabin and mad her way to the main office to wait for her friends

Monster High 553 replies

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Showing Replies 201-250 of 553

over a year ago Clawtina said…
"That's why you don't use, unairconditioned magi carpets".
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
"Actually it has a heater I'm just cold because it um,SNOWING!"
over a year ago Clawtina said…
"........... Okay". Clawtina said happily.
over a year ago Clawtina said…
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
"Yep now come on."said Laurie giggling
over a year ago Clawtina said…
Clawd was in the distance.
over a year ago Clawtina said…
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
"Let's go why aren't you coming."screamed Laurie
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
"Clawtina why are you not coming?!"
over a year ago Clawtina said…
She was coming BratzDolly11. :P

"Okay, I'm coming......." she said happily
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…

"Good because we are so cold!"
over a year ago Clawtina said…
"....." she sat down with the rest.
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
"Okay Katia go."she said giving her the ok sign
over a year ago Clawtina said…
Josh started whistling annoyingly.
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
"I thought you were asleep."complained Laurie
over a year ago Clawtina said…
Clawtina looked at him. He stopped. <----- lmfao
over a year ago Clawtina said…
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
"Thanks you."Laurie sighed
over a year ago Clawtina said…
Josh had an angry face on.
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
Laurie smiled at Clawtina.

She turned to Jackson who made room for her in the covers.

"Thanks."she said resting her head on his chest.
over a year ago Clawtina said…
*How sweet* Clawtina thought...

"Sour Puss". She whispered to Josh.
He raised an eyebrow.
"WTF....!!!!" he yelled.
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
Laurie blushed deeply realizing she was being watched.

"Guys stop."she begged then smiled
over a year ago Clawtina said…
"Oops". Then turned around.
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
Laurie laughed at Clawtina."It's okay."she said hugging her
over a year ago Clawtina said…
She hugged her back.
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
"Who wants to play a game."she said bored
over a year ago Clawtina said…
over a year ago Clawtina said…
Clawtina smiled.
Josh snickered.
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
"Okay truth or dare."

"I'll start,Josh how many girls did you date."she asked
over a year ago Clawtina said…
"Truth....." Josh started counting "Ummm..... 12 Ghouls". He smiled.
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
"Looks like we gotta playboy on our carpet."snickered Laurie
over a year ago Clawtina said…
"And all those 12 were in 2 weeks, not including sex".
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
"Good to know."she said sarcastically while rolling her eyes
over a year ago Cookiesmyname said…
"Guys hold on we're making a turn."shouted Katia over the wind
over a year ago Clawtina said…
"I like being called PlayBoy it matches my loils and personality". Josh smirked.
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
"If you say so."Laurie said kicking her feet against the snow
over a year ago Clawtina said…
"I think he's just lucky, for now that is". Clawtina giggled.
He stared at her angrily.
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
"Yep."she said giggling with Clawtina,"Pretty soon girls aren't even gonna look at him"she went on giggling
over a year ago Clawtina said…
He frowned with puppy dog eyes.
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
"Don't do that!"she said,knowing she was sucker for the puppy dog eyes.
over a year ago Clawtina said…
He kept on doing puppy dog eyes until Clawtina pinched him.
"Hi I'm Josh have we met". He said sarcastically.
"No, I don't know you but I'm your cousin". She answered back.
"What a shame to the Family Tree". He snickered like a smartass.
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
Laurie giggled out loud."So funny."she said
over a year ago Clawtina said…
"Ass". Clawtina said.
"Really so I was born a Donkey, I never knew apart from my long ears". He cut her off.
"Good to know". She answered.
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
Okay my turn someone think of one for me.Laurie said wanting to continue the game
over a year ago Clawtina said…
"Truth or Dare.... How many crushes have had so far". Asked Josh.
over a year ago Clawtina said…
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
Um truth.

"I had one,his name is Jackson."she said smiling bright.
over a year ago Clawtina said…
"You got guts". He said astonishingly.
over a year ago Clawtina said…
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
"Thanks."she said avoiding eye contact.

"Who's turn is it now?"she asked