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The 10 Best Animated Movies for (Traumatizing) Kids



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Holy crap I never thought of The Incredibles that way before...
posted over a year ago.
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HA! Omg... just... HA!
posted over a year ago.
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(And I totally reserve the right to totally steal the line 'Holy Fuck, Batman' and forget to credit that guy, thus looking like I totally thought it up all on my own)

posted over a year ago.
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harold said:
The article has some funny comments, but it relies on the assumption that if a film is animated, somebody might show it to little kids. As an aficionado of animation, I take objection to that attitude, though it is a persistent misconception in the US. There's something pretty wrong with an adult if that adult shows most of these cartoons to little kids, since they both weren't made for little kids and weren't rated for little kids to watch. Pixar movies in particular are notorious for being inappropriate for young children. Remember: animation does not mean "appropriate for kids".

Batman: Mask of the Phantasm? Not for little kids. This is pretty universally regarded as the best Batman movie. Batman is not for little kids.
The Incredibles? A Pixar film. Not for little kids.
Transformers the movie? Not for little kids.
Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Not for little kids (they forgot the whole dissolving in acid part in the article)
Cars? A Pixar film = not for little kids.
Pom Poko? A studio Ghibli film = not for little kids.

With the straight Disney animated films, you also have to be cautious, of course. Many parents also object to The Hunchback of Notre Dame movie for the reasons the author stated for Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

Whoops - I didn't mean to rant. But most animated films are not intended for a very young audience, and it irritates me when people assume that they are. That's just bad parenting AND dismissive of animated films. Grr.
posted over a year ago.