Nickolas St. North Wall

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BellaBlueEyes13 said …
More fans people more fans!!!! Hi can I have something for Christmas this year? And I knew you were real but everyone says at my school that you guardians are not real but I knew you were real all along. I just knew it. You know why? I feel it...... In my belly. Lol Posted over a year ago
BellaBlueEyes13 commented…
I'm actually 11 not 14 and am I on the naughty list? Plz say yes so I can be in it with Jack Frost! Plz!!!! over a year ago
BellaBlueEyes13 commented…
Can I have the movie RISE OF THE GUARDIANS this year for Christmas plz and can I see you all this Christmas like Jamie gets to its unfair. And can I have Jack, Sandy, Tooth, Bunnybund, and you PLZ. And everything that has something to do with the rise of the guardians including pitch and his awesome nightmares! over a year ago
BellaBlueEyes13 commented…
Ok, I'm confused! Is it Bunnymund or Bunnybund because I have this app and it says Bunnymund and in fanpop it's called Bunnybund weird, but since u are mostly with the Easter bunny, u night know more things about the Easter bunny so I wanna know his name. Is it the first or second? over a year ago