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Nintendo Question

Is Birdo male or female?

Birdo is represented as very feminine, but I'm sure she was actually referred to as male in early games.
Is Birdo male or female?
Birdo is male,and that why he has eggs out of his mouth.His voice was also a man's voice in a commercial that took place in Japan.
Lamineko posted over a year ago
not it is not a male because it is a female that loves yoshi!
Yoshi238 posted over a year ago
 PkmnTrainerJ posted over a year ago
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Nintendo  best answer

astroasis said:
Birdo is actually a guy... who likes to be a girl. That's right, a transgender Mario character. XD

The original SMB2 booklet said, "Birdo thinks he is a girl and likes to be called Birdetta. He likes to wear a bow on his head and shoot eggs from his mouth."

He is usually just referred to as a girl (apparently cos he likes it that way XD), but in Super Smash Brothers Brawl, Birdo's trophy labels his sex as "indeterminate" and the game refers to him as an "it" XD

So yeah, Birdo's technically a guy... but we'll all humor him and say he's a girl ;)
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posted over a year ago 
Worst answer evr! On top of tht its false. No offense but ur competely off! Birdos a female! AllLWAYS HAS BEEN, ALWAYS WILL N!!!
Dynofox15 posted over a year ago
your wrong
yoshi1234567890 posted over a year ago
Correcting myself, misspelled "character". Also think it's awful that so many let themselves be brainwashed just like what the disney corporation does.Nothing wrong with LGBT
carebarriere posted over a year ago
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makintosh said:
Birdo character wears a red bow, a diamond ring, and appears to have a close relationship with Yoshi!
It's clear to me that she is a female!
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Birdo character wears a red bow, a diamond ring, and appears to have a close relationship with Yoshi!
It's clear to me that she is a female!
posted over a year ago 
i agree birdo is a girl no doubt about it
yoshi6340 posted over a year ago
birdos a girl!
meghan1013 posted over a year ago
Nintendo actually changed it permanently to be female a little while back
NintendoDaisy posted over a year ago
LuigiFan55 said:
I'm not sure, but i think he is a guy because thats what they say in Mario games.
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posted over a year ago 
God1 said:
He's a guy, I heard this on X-play when they were reviewing a Mario Baseball game.
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posted over a year ago 
yoshifan1976 said:
Doesn't matter. If Yoshi's happy, then that's What counts
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posted over a year ago 
I also agree with that. Yoshi is happy with Birdo so I don't understand why people are beefing about there relationship.
MarioLuigi25 posted over a year ago
Yeah I mean they're meant to be together ^_^
yoshifan1976 posted over a year ago
they are cousins...
elephant-chan posted over a year ago
sadlysweet said:
Birdo is a male, in the early games "she" had a really deep voice and in mario rpg the guy "she" was dating paused every time before calling it a dame.
The relaitionship with Yoshi? That kinda makes sense, I'm almost sure Yoshi's a girl!

look @ it this way:
Yoshi; High voice and lays eggs
Birdo; Low voice and shoots fire-balls and eggs

plus to the best of my knowledge, Birdo was an enemy (like a goomba) in the really early games..
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Birdo is a male, in the early games "she" had a really deep voice and in mario rpg the guy "she" was dating paused every time before calling it a dame.
The relaitionship with Yoshi? That kinda makes sense, I'm almost sure Yoshi's a girl!

look @ it this way:
Yoshi; High voice and lays eggs
Birdo; Low  voice and shoots fire-balls and eggs

plus to the best of my knowledge, Birdo was an enemy (like a goomba) in the really early games..
posted over a year ago 
yeah! and in the mario bros 2 they said he was a male
Yoshi233 posted over a year ago
Eevee7Pichu2 said:
Birdo's gender has been switched from male to female over the years, but I think Birdo will stay a female since number 1: the diamond ring and big red bow on her head, and number 2: she has a very special relationship with Yoshi. And just to answer the question, some Birdo are male as some Yoshi are female, but this Birdo is 100% female, no doubt about it!
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posted over a year ago 
I have to agree with Eevee7Pichu2 on this one. The looks and actions of this unique character is only one way to tell its gender. But, Birdo is a female in recent games, plus the relationship with Yoshi. Weird to say that Yoshi became gay when Birdo appeared. But, yes, I believe Birdo is also a female!
Yoshachu posted over a year ago
Yoshi not gay but I agree tht Birdo is 100% female
Dynofox15 posted over a year ago
brittany3 said:
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posted over a year ago 
Dynofox15 said:
Birdo is a female. If most of you dont already know, Nintendo messed up on the video game manual Super Mario Bros 2 stating that and I quote "He thinks hes a girl and would rather be called Birdetta." This was one mistake, the other being Ostro and Birdos names being mixed up in the game credits and the manual. They confirmed that it was a mistake and fixed it in the remake Super Mario Advanced for the Gameboy Advanced. Also, they said that Birdo was a female since the very beginning. Birdo has always been portrayed as a female ever since the mistake, evrn before the mistake occured. If Birdo was a male, how come she has purple eyes, eyelashes, purple eye makeup, a beautiful red bow on her head, a diamond ring on her left hand and has a very VERY special relationship with Yoshi ever since she made her debut on Mario Tennis for the Nintendo 64? And on top of all that, she COMPLETELY ACTS LIKE A FEMALE. She hasnt been seen NOT acting like a female. Now back to Yoshi's relationship with Birdo. It was like love at first sight for the two dinos. They automatically became partners ever since they met each other. Its pretty clear that they LOVE EACH OTHER very much. And another lthing...u kno how animal know wats a boy from a     girl? Well if u didnt notice Yoshi an animal...a dino to b exact a and this dino aint stupud. Yoshi KNOWS Birdos a GIRL not no GUY!! Otherwise that they wouldnt b together like they ARE NOW!!! So Birdos a girl. Always HAV BEEN , ALWAYS WILL B!!!!! Get ur facts straight people!! Oh and work on ur observation skills and so called research!!!
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Birdo is a female. If most of you dont already know, Nintendo messed up on the video game manual Super Mario Bros 2 stating that and I quote "He thinks hes a girl and would rather be called Birdetta." This was one mistake, the other being Ostro and Birdos names being mixed up in the game credits and the manual. They confirmed that it was a mistake and fixed it in the remake Super Mario Advanced for the Gameboy Advanced. Also, they said that Birdo was a female since the very beginning. Birdo has always been portrayed as a female ever since the mistake, evrn before the mistake occured. If Birdo was a male, how come she has purple eyes, eyelashes, purple eye makeup, a beautiful red bow on her head, a diamond ring on her left hand and has a very VERY special relationship with Yoshi ever since she made her debut on Mario Tennis for the Nintendo 64? And on top of all that, she COMPLETELY ACTS LIKE A FEMALE. She hasnt been seen NOT acting like a female. Now back to  Yoshi's relationship with Birdo. It was like love at first sight for the two dinos. They automatically became partners  ever since  they met each other. Its pretty clear that they LOVE EACH OTHER very much. And another  lthing...u kno how animal know wats a boy from a	  girl? Well if u didnt notice Yoshi an animal...a dino to b exact a and this dino aint stupud. Yoshi KNOWS Birdos a GIRL not no GUY!! Otherwise that they wouldnt b together like they ARE NOW!!! So Birdos a girl. Always HAV BEEN , ALWAYS WILL B!!!!! Get ur facts straight people!! Oh and work on ur observation skills and so called research!!!
posted over a year ago 
Well taking looks into consideration your argument is invalid. You can't look at person and tell what they are. There are gay people who dress like girls and wear makeup. Birdo could just happen to be a guy who acts femenine. That would mean Yoshi either didn't know or is gay/bi.
shadowfirdark posted over a year ago
Good answer there, Dynofox15! Your answer is very righteous!
Dragon-88 posted over a year ago
thank s Dragon-88! at least you know what I mean!! some people will just never ever learn!!
Dynofox15 posted over a year ago
Vaisin08 said:
Pink Birdo is female, she is Yoshi's girlfriend, she has feminine voice in games, but green Birdo is male, as he was given a male voice.
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posted over a year ago 
TDIlover226 said:
Birdo is beleived to be gender comfused. Actually a male Birdo, but It is beleived by many that they wanted Birdo to have a relationship with yoshi and changed it, though it's gender has been changed many times, I don't think we'll ever know for sure.
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posted over a year ago 
Mario12345 said:
well LuigiFan55 is right i think birdos a guy to because that is what they say in Mario games
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posted over a year ago 
true,true i read 'bout it
Bannani2000 posted over a year ago
Rong! Shes a girl! Get yo facts staight!!!!
Dynofox15 posted over a year ago
You misspelled wrong Dynofox15.
kirbymaniac1 posted over a year ago
cybermario96 said:
a girl.
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posted over a year ago 
dark-link said:
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posted over a year ago 
SuperMarioFan said:
birdo is a female duh!
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posted over a year ago 
kirbymaniac1 posted over a year ago
Shizno759 said:
Transgender, But they propably just switched from male to female because in the old games on the snes they called it a he, but now its metioned as a she.
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posted over a year ago 
Birdo a girl retard. Nintendo messed up on the Super Mario Nros 2 manual and credits! U heard tht? They made a mistake! Birdo has ALWAYS BEEN A FEMALE AND IS STILL ONE NOW! No transgender but ALL FEMALE!!
Dynofox15 posted over a year ago
Calm down. 1) Transgendered people exist whether you like it or not, and 2) It's a game (series).
thatnerdyguy posted over a year ago
I see that. and I apologize for getting out of hand. I shouldn't tell at people because of what they think.
Dynofox15 posted over a year ago
MarioLuigi25 said:
I think she's a girl because while she is referred to as a male in the earlier Mario games, she is now mentioned as a female in the more recent Mario games.

Or here's a better answer, Birdo could be a male in Japan, but female in the US. I think that could be it.
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posted over a year ago 
coonkiller said:
well from the sounds of it, it is a guy who would rather be a girl, possibly from the color he is his was tired as a kid and said wtf so from that point on he says he is a girl but if he was initially refereed to as a guy in the older games, the newer game makers are portraying him as a girl so the kids will not get confused. But yes he is in fact a very confused MALE!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
jodie32790 said:
Birdo is has both sexes so it is both male and female...
that is why no one really knows if Birdo is a guy or a girl.
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posted over a year ago 
I see where you're going, but nothing is half male half female.
Eevee7Pichu2 posted over a year ago
agentperry said:
femail because of the bow
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posted over a year ago 
leonsgurl1102 said:
She wears a bow,is pink,and acts like a girl with that said i think she's a girl.
Wait she can be a gay guy....
i'm confused now?!
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posted over a year ago 
nala11red said:
Hey everyone if people say Birdo is a boy then is Yoshi a girl? and Yoshi seems like a boy and I don't think their gay so I just think Birdo is a girl
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posted over a year ago 
Least u kno wat ur talkin bout unlike sum ppl!
Dynofox15 posted over a year ago
freya-the-cat said:
Apparently, Birdo is male and Yoshi is female...
Birdo is a crossdresser, and Yoshi lays eggs. And And males don't lay eggs.
Not sure what to say about that...
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posted over a year ago 
birdorules99 said:
i personally think that birdo is a female, but some people beg to differ. He/She first appeared in Super Mario Brothers 2 as a male. In Japan, they refer to him/her as male. Nintendo has switched Birdo's gender back and forth, therefore, not clarifying whether he/she is a male or female. In som games, Birdo appears to be a male, and some (mostly more recent games) a female. As for Yoshi, I don't see why people argue over HIS gender. Yoshi is a boy.
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posted over a year ago 
Yeah, I think Nirdo is a female. And Yoshi is already clairified as a male.
MarioLuigi25 posted over a year ago
Exactly! Yoshi's already known as a male. So, it confuses me when people say Yoshi either turned into a female or became gay once Birdo came along. Can't argue with that!
Eevee7Pichu2 posted over a year ago
you can think what you want and insult me all you want, I REALLY DON'T GIVE A DAMN!!! You really have the nerve to talk shit about me and assume things because you think you know it all!! Well, dumbass, YOU DON'T!! I could care less about what you say and actually, I'm a 4.0 student! I know alot more than you can think of and i know Birdo is a GIRL without the manual that's incorrect! People like you really piss me off!!
Dynofox15 posted over a year ago
birdo123456 said:
birdo is a female.all these weirdos that say birdo is a guy are very stupid.
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posted over a year ago 
DracoFanGirl said:
Transgender. Like loads before me, for teh same reasons.
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posted over a year ago 
dixiekongfan1 said:
birdo was first made a boy. but then it was better if she was a girl so they just change him. but how theres proof that he is a boy they just started calling him it. so now birdo is a girl in usa and boy in china.
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posted over a year ago 
Thts stupid! If Nintendo wouldnt hav made tht one mistake none of this stupid stuff wouldnt b goin on now!!!!!
Dynofox15 posted over a year ago
yoshi12345 said:
birdo is a girl all of those people that say birdo is a guy are just dumb.There is more than one birdo.Besides the birdo that is with yoshi is not the same one from the super mario bros. 2
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posted over a year ago 
Dynofox15 posted over a year ago
yoshi12345 posted over a year ago
shadowstar11 said:
I think Birdo is a girl since she's with Yoshi but if Birdo is a boy then the both of hem are considered to be gay.
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posted over a year ago 
JohannaKittylol said:
who name in roblox?
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who name in roblox?
posted over a year ago 
I don’t play Roblox. How about you post that on a Roblox page.
hideme posted 12 months ago
PeachStar said:
well i think it's not jutst oe birdo i think it's like there diffrent birdos get what im saying?

But I Think The "main birdo" is a girl,cause of the bow.
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posted over a year ago 
aiml3ss said:
I know There has been an answer already chosen. but in a game unreleased outside of Japan, called 'Captain Rainbow' there is a mission to prove she is female, and thus, may answer your question as it was made by Nintendo, and also show you why it has not been released outside Japan.

Google/Youtube : 'Captain Rainbow - Birdo's Mission'
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posted over a year ago 
Birdos a girl and I should not STUPID!!!
Dynofox15 posted over a year ago
You're even stupider than you thought.
shadowfirdark posted over a year ago
Dynofox15 posted over a year ago
MR_T_RULES said:
nop birdo is totally feminine
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nop birdo is totally feminine
posted over a year ago 
Nope "She's" a male.
kirbymaniac1 posted over a year ago
yes she is!! thank you!!
Dynofox15 posted over a year ago
cedr said:
sry yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
Bannani2000 said:
birdo is a male who wants to be a female play mario 3on 3 she defintly sounds boyish
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posted over a year ago 
I don't think so!!! She's a girl, but just because she makes honking noises doesn't mean she's male! I can imagine her talking without honking. So girly and cute!
Dragon-88 posted over a year ago
yoshi1234567890 said:
birdo is in the yoshi family but classified a different type of yoshi.This category is in fact females,so birdo is indeed a female
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posted over a year ago 
chase0000009 said:
Actually Birdo was originally a boy. But was later changed to a girl
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posted over a year ago 
No. she always been a female. Its not tht hard to figure out!!!!!
Dynofox15 posted over a year ago
i apologize since people have different view from me.
Dynofox15 posted over a year ago
yoshilove106 said:
There's a lot of controversy on this. I'm pretty sure that Birdo is a boy that is gay, and wants to be and acts like a girl. In a game called Captain Rainbow, there is an island where all of the old video game characters go to live out their dreams, and Birdo is one of the characters. His dream of coming to the island is to be popular with the GUYS, even though he had a distinctly male voice. However, it is not confirmed what his gender is or if he even has one, as he is often referred to as "it", and in one game, its listed as her gender being neutral... Nintendo's a little bit crazy..
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posted over a year ago 
ShyFanMan said:
she a female dahh the bow says it. see
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she a female dahh the bow says it. see
posted over a year ago 
So Bridget from Guilty Gear what gender is "he" or "she"
kirbymaniac1 posted over a year ago
pikachu-fan said:
He is male! I read it some where a few years ago..
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posted over a year ago 
NOPE! Manual's a lie!
Dragon-88 posted over a year ago
lonepine said:
Okay. I don't care if birdo is gay. but I'm pretty sure she is a girl. Doesn't have to be an official manual to tell. Not even.a japenese commercial where she was played by a guy! I mean look at hairspray! The mom is played by a fat dude cm on! Also, dinosaurs are like any other speicies! There can be MALE OR FEMALE humans! Make or female ducks! Y not fictional dinosaurs!? Don't reply wit all ur facts anyway I don't want to see them. I've read these comments and they are all the same with that jap commercial and manual screw up and her deep voice. And the egg shooting. Especially that because I hate to say it. But EGGS CAN BE UNFERTILE so there. My opinion
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posted over a year ago 
Yoshifire6 said:
I say female.
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posted over a year ago 
kirbymaniac1 posted over a year ago
Dynofox15 posted over a year ago
chuggaafanroy said:
i read that birdo is a male who likes to pretend to be a girl
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posted over a year ago 
Jusagi said:
Birdo "was" a guy, as it says in the original booklet of Super Mario Bros 2, but due to the confusion of people not knowing what gender "he" was (just like on this page's answers) Nintendo decided to leave him as people wished.. a girl, so birdo is a girl officially.
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posted over a year ago 
Edvine2 said:
It's just like the Tootsie Pop commercial: "The world may never know."
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It's just like the Tootsie Pop commercial: "The world may never know."
posted over a year ago 
You know you could comment that on the question.
kirbymaniac1 posted over a year ago
kirbymaniac1 said:
Birdo is a male. According to Super Mario Wiki "Birdo thinks he is a girl and likes to be called Birdetta. He likes to wear a bow on his head and shoot eggs from his mouth."
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posted over a year ago 
Blah, blah, blah! again with the manual as your proof!! Not the correct answer! she's a girl! end of start!!
Dynofox15 posted over a year ago
I apoligize for what I said. everyone has their own opinion and I won't agrue about it.
Dynofox15 posted over a year ago
Dragon-88 said:
ARRGH!! She's a girl! End of story! Buncha Birdo haters!
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ARRGH!! She's a girl! End of story! Buncha Birdo haters!
posted over a year ago 
mariolover12345 said:
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posted over a year ago 
safetypickle said:
At this point its really opinion based.
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posted over a year ago 
GFlutters said:
Birdetta (her real English name), is a female dragon. She wasn't always physically a girl, but these times are from even before her very first appearance.
Now Nintendo uses this very background they created to mock her and other transgenders in games like Super Smash Brawl.

Short answer: She's a girl.
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posted over a year ago 
peteypiranhaXD said:
Here is an answer! Nintendo told everybody that Birdo is female
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posted over a year ago 
aryanmahajan88 said:
Birdo is a girl. Only because of a few reasons those are because first Birdo is dating Yoshi,second she has a diamond ring on her finger which I dont think any guy would wear a ring,third reason is she wears a red bow on her head.

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posted over a year ago 
sonic_rareware8 said:
Birdo is female
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posted over a year ago 
NintendoDaisy said:
Nintendo made her/him in early Mario games as a transgender male. Alot of people such as myself think that it is female and besides she loves Yoshi so i am very a ware that it is female now, but was male earlier.
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posted over a year ago 
Yoshi300 said:
Birdo is female because of the pink bow on its head. A guy never wears a bow on their head like that. Also Birdo is pink, so that makes the "it" a female
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posted over a year ago 
Birdo_is_male said:
OMG all these haters!
Birdo is MALE he always was!
Nintendo didnt make a mistake! Birdos voiceactor in japan is a male! and he is talking like a "Okama" (a male who act like a female) this is NORMAL in japan! it was always a part of "comedy" in japanes culture. You should look at youtube videos! there are alot of japanese videos/clips about birdo with a male voice! This people here are have no clue at all (maybe to young & naive) i just read "NOT GAY" "NO TRANS" grow up pls 2023
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posted over a year ago 
hideme said:
What I think is that you should make Birdo whatever gender you would like because you’re playing the game. But I also think that the pink Birdo is a girl and green Birdo is a boy.
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posted 12 months ago 
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