Physical Beauty Wall

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Displaying wall entries 1-4 of 4

audreybrooke said …
How can we make this club more active? Posted over a year ago
Diazdiaz95 commented…
Yeah, I know. How is it that some of these clubs have so many fans? over a year ago
big smile
Diazdiaz95 said …
Thanks everyone for contributing to the club! Please invite other users to the club so that it can become even more active. Great contributions so far! :) Posted over a year ago
audreybrooke commented…
Thanks! I'm really enjoying it here so far. :) over a year ago
big smile
audreybrooke said …
I just posted a slew of polls! Let's get this club moving. Posted over a year ago
lionkingartist commented…
I've already answered most of them! :D over a year ago
audreybrooke commented…
Just added another one! :D over a year ago
big smile
Diazdiaz95 said …
Hey, I made this club so that people could post beauty lists and polls and just talk about what they consider to be beautiful :) The club is not only dedicated to human beauty but beauty of all types. Feel free to share your opinions on what is beautiful. Posted over a year ago
Diazdiaz95 commented…
Oh, and I know that the club name sounds vain but it's not meant to be that way. I would have called it the beauty club but that was already taken :) We can talk about true inner beauty is well, if you'd like. over a year ago
uploaded900 commented…
This club seems cool! Once I get home, Im going to upload a few things :L over a year ago
Sk8er__grl commented…
Okay, I'll post the link first thing in the morning. I'm working on a banner right now with the very little skill I have, and I can't figure out for the life of me how to get it to fit. I'll try to in-cooperate everything you wanted if it ends up working. XD over a year ago