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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. RolePlay

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. RolePlay - Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - Fanpop
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
So for the Role Playing Society, I thought this would be a cool Idea to make a RolePlay for Agents of Shield. You can be a Agent, a Super Hero, a Hydra Member, or a Civilian pulled into the Mix! you can be creative, Have your own team! Make your own operations! and make your own friends! there will be a Couple of Rules just before we begin
1. Please do not RolePlay an Existing Character, you may interact with them, talk with them, but they may want to be used by others as well. and don\'t kill them off either, let the TV Show do that!
2. No God-Modding, as this show has Proven, even Invincible soldiers can be taken out of the picture, allow your character to be human (or alien) by letting them experience pain sometimes.
3. Don\'t Kill living Characters unless they have given you permission.
4. Dont Curse excessively, If at all. Cursing is a big annoyance to me and I wont tolerate a bad mouth.
5. You must fill out the Character Rubric before Playing.
Status: (Shield Agent: Lvl 1, Civilian, Asgardian etc.)
Status: Shield Specialist-LVL 5 (if levels were still in place)
Appearance: Blonde hair, blue eyes, fair skin,5\' 10"
Clothing: Operations - Black light Kevlar Jacket and Pants, Kelvar Gloves and Mouth Mask. Combat Steeltoe boots, all are interlaced with the Material from the Daredevil series
Formal - 3 Piece Black suit, black tie, interlaced with the material from the Daredevil series
Casual - Leather vest, Blue button up shirt, slacks, Dress shoes
Weapons: I.C.E.R Pistol, Asgardian Short Sword.
Other Gear: Com Communicator, xray/infared/heat vision Oakley radarlock path Sunglasses
Likes: Hand to Hand Combat, Sushi, Secrets, and Adrenaline
Short Bio: Having been injected with a less potent super soldier serum, his strength is abnormal. His father was a field agent, Mother an administator, He has been born, raised and Taught under the Shield way of life. He loves getting his hands dirty as much as he likes to accomplish a mission.
I head to the heart of a factory, it\'s making fortune cookies, *its got to be here somewhere* I keep looking, under the cover of a regulation inspector "3 minute Tristan, you find it or you walk out" "This place looks clean, one last sweep boss" I say thinking about ways to find this trigger. Pulling out my glasses I put them on, I see the entrance and follow its wires to a \'days since last accident\' board and press it to advance a day, I hear a click from behind a machine and open the secret door from behind it. "Presto"
Appearance: Tall brownish-blonde hair, very pretty, freckles, hazel eyes
Clothing: Purple outfit with gold A W in white circle, light purple cape, purple boots with rockets on soles, purple gold mask
Weapons: ninja stars, grappling hook, nunchucks, smoke bombs
Other Gear: pepper spray, exploding gum, laser pen, insta-tie rope
Likes: Superhero friends, family, games, jokes, hanging out
Dislikes: Arch Enemies, bullies, arguing, no one helping each other
Short Bio: Made into a superhero by doctors at a local hospital, Alexa has super strength, can fly(when she doesn\'t want to use her rockets or hoverboard), can read minds, has ex-ray vision, and can breathe underwater. Her mother is a superhero as well, her father is a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. Her younger sister, Caira, is training to be a superhero as well. Alexa loves going on missions and fighting alongside her mom and helping her sister with her training.
I head in the secret base and take a look around "it\'s it alright" I say sneaking through. I find the central computer and start downloading intel, when two hydra guards come around, I punch the first and know I\'ve broken his jaw, the second pulls a gun out, "wrong move" I reach at what seems to be nothing and pull out my asguardian short short, I slice the barrel and cut gashes in both arms, he then hits me with the stock of the gun and when I fall the blade cuts some unused wire, he grabs me as his leg gets wrapped in the wire. I then plug in the other end and touch it to him, electrifying him. I then grab the blade, finish the download, put the sword in its sheath and it dissappears. "Got the data, tell coulson evac is a go, as I turn a corner and see 5 more hydra guards. "Oh this isn\'t good"
Alexa headed to her secret H.Q. where she conducted her missions. As soon as she landed in her headquarters, her Golden Lab puppy, Sunshine, came bounding over. "Sunshine!!"Alexa cried, crouching to pet the excited puppy. "How are you, girl?"she asked. The puppy looked up at her. "I\'m great now that you\'re here!!"Sunshine said. Alexa smiled. That was the thing that made Sunshine special. The doctors did an experiment on her and now Sunshine could talk, which she loved. The two of them headed over to the mission control board and looked at the online map of the world. "Any updates about bad guys, Sunshine?" Alexa asked. "Nope. Quiet as a mouse so far."Sunshine replied. Alexa nodded and said "Good."
Alexa hears over the intercom, "Someone please tell Coulson I have stern words for not telling me about no extraction plan" followed shortly by Pistols and punches.
Alexa groaned. "Again, are you serious?" She looked at Sunshine and said "I\'ll be right back. I gotta deal with this.". Grumbling, she heads over to the tube and presses a button on her belt. The sides of the tube come down and Alexa is shot up it. She runs to where the argument and fighting is happening.
I feel the bruises on my back as bullets hit the specialized material in my suit, I pull out my I.C.E.R. And rapidly gun 3 into unconsciousness, then duck behind a pillar.
Alexa leaps into action, back flipping into the fray. She takes out handcuffs and catches the workers by surprise, handcuffing them to poles and latches. She swipes her legs under other worker\'s legs, tripping some of them and handcuffing their wrists to their legs, so they were unable to move. Once everyone\'s hands were handcuffed to something and the workers stuck where they lay, she said "Ok, this is the 8th time I had to come in and stop a crazy fight between you guys. What has gotten into you? It\'s been less than a month since the past 7!! Can\'t you guys just work together? If I catch you guys one more time, I\'m firing different workers. Understood?" She gives them all a stern look, waiting for a response.
I tranquilizer the remainder of the hydra operatives, then smile at Alexa, "I called for an extraction, not an invasion" I say jokingly, "Geez I\'m supposed to be under cover. By the by what was that chatter back there Root Beer?"
Alexa looks at Tristan and says "We\'re suppose to discuss these things as a group, you know." She sighs. "Root beer is in mess hall, get some if you want. I\'m going back down to the mission room. When you\'re done getting root beer, join me there so we can discuss things." With that, Alexa left and went to the tube and dropped down to the H.Q. mission area. She went back over to the online map, zooming in on cities in different countries, checking security cameras, while Sunshine sat as guard.
I shake my head as she walks away, "these were hydra, not us" I say then I think to myself *coulson, stop sending me on missions that the teams doesn\'t know about* I then chuckle knowing Alexa didn\'t get that I was calling her root beer
Back in the mission room, Alexa was hard at work making sure there was no problems happening anywhere. She pressed a button and said "Tristan please report to mission room to discuss things. Thank you."
"Roger roger, root beer." I state again, now being in shield HQ, dressed in my casual gear. I head to the mission room, or nicknamed debrief. I might actually get to tell director coulson what is on my mind.
Alexa is standing when Tristan comes in. "Ok, first thing, what is it with you and root beer? Now that you\'re here, there are some things we need to discuss."
"I agree" I say to Alexa, "and to answer your question, I look at your logo with the big AW and it makes me thirsty" I joke around.
Alexa gives him a puzzled look before shaking her head. "Nevermind. Anyways, we have gotten reports earlier this week about a evil mastermind who wants to take over the world. He calls himself Dr. Dangerous. Do you know any information about him?"
"Hears rumors, and seen his name on a couple of Hydra files" I say, knowing this is another assignment not just a debrief. I hand her the flash drive from my last mission. "This has quite a bit on him."
Alexa takes the flash drive and plugs it into the computer. Files after files pop up, photos and videos come up about Dr. Dangerous. She scrolls through everything, furrowing her eyebrows. After a minute, she gasps. She turns around and says to Tristan "Look at this video I found!!". She clicks the play button and the video starts. Tristan and Alexa see Dr. Dangerous appear on the screen. He gives an evil smile. "Hello, there. S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. It\'s me Dr. Dangerous. I\'ve been watching you for a while now. You seem like quite a big group of people that saves the world. Well, those days are coming to an end....I\'m coming to your little headquarters soon and destroying it, so the bad guys can take over. All villains will praise me, knowing all those stupid superheroes are done for!!! So might as well say goodbye to those you love, because you\'ll never see them ever again, muhahaha!!!!". With that, the video ended. Alexa was horror shocked at what she just saw and heard. She turned to Tristan, who was ghost white. "He\'s coming to destroy us, Tristan."Alexa said, her voice hoarse. "What are we going to do?" Tristan couldn\'t even talk. Alexa turned around and loomed over the control panel. She found the button labeled EMERGENCY MEETING and slammed her hand down on it. A loud siren started wailing. Soon, all workers and agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. came down to the mission room. Alexa looked over them and said "Everyone, we might be at the end of the good human world." She turned around and replayed the video. Soon, everyone was gasping and horror struck as well. Alexa turned back around and said "Tristan, you said you found the flash drive with information about Dr. Dangerous. How did you acquire it?"
"Agent Sabre" I correct with a wink "Director Coulson sent me on a level 9 Mission into a HYDRA encampment and collect top intel. And I took all I could, battle strategies, secret plans, and Dr. Dangerous\' message. Just when we get rebuilt someone wants to tear us down. But I do not doubt our Operatives and Heroes." I say to lift up hope. "I notion to put Project ASSEMBLE in motion " followed by a mixed reaction of gasps and cheers.
Alexa nodded her head. She said "I will officially put Project ASSEMBLE in action." She turned around and found it on the control panel. She pressed it and a voice said "Project ASSEMBLE activated." She turned around again and looked at everyone. She raised her voice and said "As Agent Sabre said, we shouldn\'t doubt our Operatives and Heroes, everyone is special and very skilled. I propose we start preparing for when Dr. Dangerous comes to destroy us. Starting tomorrow, we\'ll have higher level training. We need to collect higher level medicine in case of any causalities. Agent Sabre, will you oversea the training program? We\'ll need all of our agents and superheros ready to bring Dr. Dangerous down. He\'ll be sorry he messed with S.H.I.E.L.D."
"Yes Agent Alexa" I say and the group starts dispersing, "y\'know first names are replaced by agent in more formal meetings, root beer girl" I say smiling as I turn to the operative training room.
Is your character trying to be flirty with mine?
Alexa watches him leave and turns around to the computer. She starts scanning things and reading more from the flash drive. She gets more worried the more she finds out about Dr. Dangerous. Sunshine comes over and says "Can I learn some fighting skills? I could be of some use for when Dr. Dangerous comes!" Alexa smiles and crouches down. "Sure, I can get someone to train you."
(Have you seen Criminal minds? Like Morgan and Garcia, just trying to make her not be as professional for now)
I am training new or newer operatives how to do hand to hand combat, and sees one not putting in much effort into the training, "What\'s the matter agent? Not confident in your skills?" He responds "just don\'t see the point, when I can just shoot them" "pull your piece on me" I reply, "your just going to do a swarm maneuver." He pulls his I.C.E.R. And aims it at me, he fires a shot, and I jump in the air and kick his jaw, he keeps dodging as I weave and throw punches to his kidneys, on the fourth shot I buckle his knee with my own, he gets up and grabs my wrist and tries pulling me toward him, I use his forward momentum to get to his left side, buckle the other knee and pull him backwards to the ground by his shoulders. While he gasps for air I flip him over and pull out his own set of handcuffs and cuff him. "Now let\'s see if you can pull a Romanov and get out of those in combat, resume practice"
Alexa could hear noises coming from the training room. She heads over and watches as Agent Sabre does combat with a new agent.
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