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Deathding's Top 20 Fictional Characters

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called Deathding's Top 20 Personal Favorite Fictional Characters - Deathding - Fanpop
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
*Insert obligatory bad-word and opinion warning here*
So at this point I’m pretty sure that I’ve already mentioned numerous characters being my favorite, and I thought it was about time that I made a list on that particular subject. Think of it like my anime characters list, only on ALL THE STEROIDS! =D
But yeah, I’ve always loved a ton of fictional characters, and I’ve had this idea for quite a little while now, so why not? Also keep in mind this is going to be a HUGE list. After all, such a special topic deserves to have a great article, right?
And now... Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, moles and trolls alike, welcome…… To a very special list. In this edition, my Top 20 Personal Favorite Fictional Characters. Enjoy! =D
Starting off this list is probably one of the most DIFFICULT decisions I’ve ever made, and you’ll see why later in the honorable mentions section. But getting to the point here, Courage from his respective show is really an amazing character.
You could go the obvious route and say he’s goddamn hilarious, which he is, but there’s a lot more to Courage than being hilariously cowardly. And as a matter of fact, there\'s a ton of meaning behind this character than you might’ve initially thought.
Either that, or I’m just looking way too deep into this. Let’s just pray it’s the former option.
But anyways, Courage is a direct representation of an average person. When he gets into a dangerous scenario, he gets scared, like anyone else would. And he even thinks he’s absolutely perfect, at least until… THAT episode.
At first glance, it all seems pretty skeptical, but to truly understand the concept of this character, we’ll need-
Courage lives with Eustace and Muriel in The Middle Of Nowhere, (THAT’S LITERALLY THE NAME. XD) and they get attacked by unwanted intruders quite often. But who’s the one who knows what he’s doing? Courage. Who’s the one with a heart of gold who always tries to save everyone? Courage.
Who is the one who ALWAYS saves the day and goes up against seemingly impossible odds JUST to try to make things right? Courage!
You see, Courage is literally a symbol of good. Yes, he gets into dangerously bad scenarios left and right, but he’d always behave the way a good person would. He freaks out at first, but after some quick analysis from probably the most hysterical computer on any Cartoon ever, he stands up and fights for what he believes is right. Now THAT is some pretty damn deep symbolism.
I could go on and on about how deep the show was in symbolism and story in general, but for the sake of this list, I won’t. Courage is just a great character, both in comedy AND heart.
So Mizore Shirayuki, from her respective show Rosario + Vampire, is a girl that comes across Tsukune around Episode 4. She has the power to manipulate ice, and the shapes it can take.
Which REALLY makes you question… Could she make ANYTHING out of ice? Like a jacket? A Nintendo 3DS? A DVD? :D
Then again, I’m probably the only dumbass out there who’s pondering that. >.<
But long story short, I’ve always liked Mizore. She has a great design, a funny and surprisingly deep character. And of course, cryokinetics are always fucking awesome.
(That’s literally all I have to say about Mizore. I covered most of her in my Top 10 Anime Characters, so yeah. XD Moving on!)
The only good thing that came out of MAD. :P
Once upon a time, there were two rat-like men. They were both the EXACT representation of a terrible sin. They met each other, in one fateful alleyway…. And ever since then, they’ve gone full-out doomsday.
This is the classic story of rival versus rival. A legendary tale of war and survival. They can never be killed, by some mystical power of revival. And to this day, people ponder their time of arrival.
Yes, I am talking about the all-time classic cartoon, Spy V.S. Spy. And yes, that poem was goddamn amazing. ;D
First appearing in a Mad magazine in January 1961, Antonio Prohías created this series as an ongoing political satire comic strip of comedy, action, and adventure. And to this day, I STILL don’t know who to root for, the White Spy or the Black Spy.
In the original cartoon, the Black Spy won A LOT more battles than the White Spy did, but the White Spy started kicking the Black Spy’s ass in the MUCH more recent MAD cartoon, so it’s hard to pick a side for these two.
Also worth noting is the violence in some of these. Seriously, the VERY first Spy V.S. Spy cartoon was EXTREMELY brutal, at least to me.
It’s about 10 seconds long, and you can find it pretty easily on YouTube. But basically, you know those cords they put inside your body in the hospital? The Black Spy got a giant army of ants, and put those in the White Spy’s cords, and we get to see him scream in pain as real-life ants enter his body.
So needless to say, this show isn’t for everyone. It can get pretty violent at times, and the black comedy often presented in it can insult quite a bit of people. But if you look past that, then this is one of the best comic strip ideas ever made.
Again, it’s a classic tale of rival versus rival, it’s pretty badass as well. And of course, both the original AND the MAD theme of Spy V.S. Spy is pretty damn awesome. Give this series a try sometime, you won’t regret it in the slightest.
#17. Haruo Niijima (Kenichi The Mightiest Disciple)
He's back! And even creepier than before! XD
Once again, the hysterical masterpiece of a comic relief character that is Haruo Niijima gets on my best character list. Why am I not surprised? XD
But honestly, I just couldn’t help it. I didn’t WANT to put him on here because he was already in my Top 10 Anime Characters list, but the more I thought about it, the more I would’ve hated myself for NOT doing it.
Haruo Niijima is a rare case for a comic relief character. He’s not just your average stupid moron who accidentally looks up girls panties and walks right into walls, OH NO. He’s WAY more than that.
The thing I love SO much about Niijima is that how INSANELY over-the-top he is. And I’m not kidding when I say that it’s REALLY difficult to NOT have a good time whenever he’s around.
He’s like that annoying friend you had that always wanted to make you feel like you’re going to die, and when you finally proved yourself to be a tough person, he’d just cash in on your popularity. TELL ME that’s not the best idea for a comic relief character EVER.
And again, we get some of Anime’s FUNNIEST scenes out of this guy. And again, he’s the most riotous and insane character I know in ALL of anime.
I just can’t praise this guy enough honestly. Kenichi The Mightiest Disciple has always been my favorite fighting anime, but with Niijima in there, it makes the show SOMEHOW even better.
Props to you, Niijima. You psychotic alien freak. ;)
First appearing in the hit retro-game of 2014, Plague Knight is one of the members of the Enchantress’s evil Order Of No Quarter, which composes of eight evil and powerful masterminds who, you guessed it, want to dominate everything.
Also worth noting is the fact that he even got his own story campaign, along with two upcoming ones involving King and Specter Knight, ain’t that fucking incredible?
Getting on task here, the reason I love Plague Knight so much BESIDES his frenzied comedic personality AND spectacular array of explosives is his symbolism.
Plague Knight is a very obvious reference to probably my favorite topic in all of history, the Bubonic Plague. And everything about him from his stage, to his design, even to his signature theme ALL represents that tragic event in SOME way.
It feels mystical and can even be considered educational, as well as very intriguing. Plus, Plague Knight’s campaign gives him a LOT of insight on his backstory, character, and even his life in general, which was SO fun to explore as the bad guy.
All of this combined made Plague Knight my favorite member of the Order Of No Quarter. Sure, Specter Knight is cool, and King Knight is really damn funny, but not only is Plague Knight both of those elements combined, but he manages to have some really interesting innuendos to the Bubonic Plague disease.
By the way, play Shovel Knight guys. For the love of sanitizer on a swordfish, PLAY THE GAME DAMMIT!
Doofenscmirtz Evil Incorporated! Anyone remember that? ^__^
You know one thing I’ve always loved? When a villain actually has some comedic elements, it ALWAYS ends well.
……...Well, almost. :P (Looking at you, PINGAS Robotnik. XD)
But really, whoever thought of that idea deserves a golden medal. We got SO many great characters from this trope, but among the BEST of them is Doofenshmirtz from Phineas and Ferb. Hell, even my auto-correct knows who he is. LOL
Doofenshmirtz is such a great example of not only how to do a comedic villain correctly, but how to AMPLIFY IT TO THE MOTHER-FUCKING MAX!
I seriously can’t remember the last time a BAD GUY made me laugh so hard. Well, other than YOU KNOW WHO, but we aren’t there yet. ;D
And for a little while, he even got his own short cartoon show where he reviews modern tropes, THAT was a great idea by every meaning of the word.
Also worth noting is his appearance in the movie. I won’t spoil anything, but MAN is it such a blast to watch.
All in all, Doofenshmirtz is a great example of a comedic villain. Everything about him from his design, to his personality, to his concept in general, I love it all. Trust me when I say he’s one of the better parts of Phineas and Ferb, and that’s saying a LOT.
Such an inexplicable badass like Meta Knight HAD to get on this list. And really, I love a TON of the Kirby cast. But in the very end, it’s the mysterious Star Warrior hero that gets the top spot.
I don’t even know where to start with Meta Knight, there’s WAY too much I admire about this guy. For example….
-His powers are among some of the most OP shit I’ve ever seen
-In Super Smash Bros Brawl, he was the most overpowered character in ANY Smash Bros game. More than SSB64 Pikachu, SSBM Fox, nobody even compares, NOBODY.
-He’s still pretty fucking strong in SSB4
So yeah, we’re basically talking Zero from Megaman X on steroids. HOW MUCH MORE COULD YOU POSSIBLY WANT!?
Also, fuck One Minute Melee, Meta Knight is way better than Zero. XD
Come here and say I'm a rip-off of Boba Fett. I FUCKING DARE YOU.
All of the words in the biggest human dictionary can’t even scratch the SURFACE to describing how much of a badass Vile is. And out of ALL the anti-heroes out there, Vile’s probably my favorite.
Better than Plague Knight. Better than Shadow. Better than Basil Fawlty, even. And he’s not even a fictional character. LOL
Probably my favorite appearance of Vile is in the AMAZING PSP Game remake of the first Megaman X, Megaman Maverick Hunter X.
In this game, when you beat the story and everything with X, you get to play as Vile.
I’m going to say that again, YOU CAN PLAY AS VILE. AND HE GETS EVERYTHING! His own epic dialogue, his own amazing weapon arsenal that beats X’s weapons by a fucking MILE, he even appears in the mini-anime movie on that game, The Day Of Sigma. And it is GLORIOUS.
I already LOVED anti-heroes, but Vile breaks beyond who an anti-hero is and what he can do. There’s so much interesting backstory and kick-assery in his design and weapons that I could go on FOREVER on how much of an amazing character that he is.
Get a PSP JUST for Megaman Maverick Hunter X. Seriously, that’s what I did. And I fucking loved it, and I still do! Vile’s weapon system is hard to describe, but HOLY SHIT you have so many possible combinations for weapons, similar to that of Plague Knight.
And that’s why I love Vile so much. He’s the best anti-hero around, no contest. COME AT ME SHADOW! I FUCKING
Putting in a bit of my anime characters list was pretty damn hard, and already there’s so many inconsistencies going on here that I’m starting to think of scrambled eggs. But after a lot of thinking, I decided to put Shana above Vile and scratch out a few of the Anime characters, more specifically the OHSHC cast and an honorable mention appearing later.
But still, very few can compete with the Flame-Eyed Burning-Haired Hunter of the Flame Hazes that is Shana. I mean, do I really need to bring up the FLAME SWORD again? Even fucking Enraiha from Kaze No Stigma would get jealous of Nietono no Shana, and that’s saying a lot.
Plus, Shana is a rare case of an anime character. She’s somehow capable of being simultaneously a really good-hearted nice character AND an epic badass with cool factors that would break the goddamned charts.
And ever since I first watched Shakugan no Shana a year ago, Shana’s always been one of my anime idols. She literally nails EVERYTHING I like about a female anime character.
Physically, she’s cute in a badass way, I love her design so much. Also worth noting is her powers, dear lord. Shana doesn’t lose very often at ALL, and there’s a good damn reason for that, but I won’t spoil it.
But she’s a great fighter, seriously. Underestimate her powers and suddenly being sent to the hospital is an UNDERSTATEMENT to the shit she’d do to you. She’d even KILL if she knows it’s the right thing to do.
And that, of course, leads me to a very obvious transition to the next entry on this list. Can you guess it? I bet you can’t. And by the time you found out you scrolled down, didn’t you?
Welp, here we go. I’m kind of scared right now, to be honest.
So, here we go. I never thought Yuno would place this high on a favorite fictional characters list, but she managed to make it. Past that of even Shana, holy fucking god.
But first, let’s discuss the anime itself. It centers around a high-school boy named Amano Yukiteru, who suddenly gets involved in a survival game in which you use your phone/other thing to predict the future and kill everyone else in the contest.
And the LAST thing I was expecting was Yuno herself. She’s pretty damn tame for the first few episodes, but it’s not until later on in which she REALLY shows her true form.
Yuno is a straight up stalker. And I’m not just talking about your typical stalker like Mizore earlier on this list, OOOHHHH NOOOO. ;)
She’s a straight-up PSYCHOPATH. She follows Yuki EVERYWHERE, WATCHING HIS EVERY MOVE. Hell, her diary, the Yukiteru Diary, can tell where he is at ANY GIVEN MOMENT.
Also, she’s a professional killer, and she’ll ANNIHILATE ANYONE who she thinks is even REMOTELY a threat to Amano. And that’s all I’ll say for now.
I think the thing that works so well about Yuno is how unique she is. I mean, who ELSE in the 2011 anime era was ANYTHING like Yuno? She’s an insane psychopathic BITCH who’s really good at killing. And it REALLY makes Future Diary fun to watch.
By the way, Future Diary is an amazing show. If you haven’t seen it yet, you NEED to. You are not allowed to be a true anime fan until you see it.
#10. The Terrible Trio (The Legendary Starfy)
Please tell me I’m not the only person in the entire universe to have played this underrated MASTERPIECE of a game.
But yeah. At first glance, this looks like a game for little kids. But the more you progress in this game, the deeper it all gets. I’m going to try my best not to spoil anything here, but I can’t make any promises either.
ANYWHO, the story centers around the Prince of Pufftop, named Starfy. He meets a stranger named Bunston being hunted by some evil people and decides to POUND THEIR FACES INTO GODDAMNED OBLIVION so they don’t bother him while he’s around.
The bad guys work for Mashtooth, a strong leader who believes, and I quote…….
It’s then revealed that he’s been sucking the power out of Bunston’s race to try and become the strongest being in the universe. (Don’t worry, this is early game story, I’m not spoiling much. =D)
And although I literally can’t say ANYTHING about The Terrible Trio without ruining half of the story, I can say that they’re pretty revolutionary villains.
First off, the basic stuff. They all have pretty unique and cool designs, as well as their own special powers and, obviously, boss fights. They aren’t particularly difficult, but it’s still fun to CRUSH THEIR NON-EXISTENT BONES RIGHT INTO THE MOTHER FUCKING CRUST OF THE EARTH regardless.
And that’s about all I can say for now. They may seem simple at first, but these three baddies had such a huge impact on me not only as a gamer, but as a person. Play the game yourself, it’s SO much fun and you’ll have such a great time learning the story, as well as getting new powers.
Originally, I wasn’t even going to BOTHER putting Bowser on this list. I was thinking of Luigi or Wario, but then I remembered…..
The MASTERPIECE of a game that is Mario & Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story.
If you’re not familiar, Bowser’s Inside Story is a CLASSIC DS game in which Mario & Luigi get stuck inside of Bowser’s body, and we get so much unique and intriguing game-play from it.
But similar to #10, it’s REALLY hard to talk about why I love Bowser so much in this game without spoiling this game’s PHENOMENAL ending.
But Bowser himself is at his BEST in this game. He’s cool, funny, and we can tell that he has to go through SO MUCH.
Also worth noting is that this game can get pretty damn dark, both literally and, more importantly, figuratively. Heavy shit goes on in this game and I think I even cried at one point.
But the ending…. IT IS AMAZING. I can safely call it one of the BEST final boss fights in the world. The tension, the dialogue, the battle itself, it’s AMAZING.
He went from a classic bad guy to a PHENOMENAL character of heart, determination, and power.
Again, I won’t spoil anything, and you’ll have to play the game for yourself to find out the rest. (Or at LEAST watch a play-through on YouTube)
But seriously, play this game. It’s one of my favorite video-games of all time for a good fucking reason. You’ll feel sad, happy, pissed off, all KINDS of emotions from this game.
I’m not joking at all when I say that if you have to play ANY game in your life, let it be this one. It’s hands down the best Mario game of all-time, second to none. NOT EVEN PAPER MARIO 64. I LOVE IT THAT MUCH.
I might even call it my favorite video-game EVER, but that list is for another day…. ;)
Also, before we move on, I’m not overreacting. Only those who’ve beaten Bowser’s Inside Story know how amazing it is, just saying.
Literally the ONLY reason he’s not higher on the list is because when he’s not being the best fucking character EVER in M&L: BIS, he’s being…. Alright. Kind of your typical bad guy, and not too much else.
But still, Bowser shall be remembered forever in this game as one of the best protagonists of all time.
WHAT’S WITH ALL OF THE FUCKING VILLAINS NOW!? I might as well call this my Top 10 Villains list now. XD
But yeah, I don’t think I surprised ANYONE with this entry. We all know by now how much I LOVE the WWW and we all know why as well.
I’ve said this countless times, and I’ll say it again. The WWW is some of the most HYSTERICAL villains to ever exist in ANY form of media. In the games they\'re alright, but it’s in the anime where they REALLY shine.
Everything about them from their designs, to their personalities, to their concepts, I LOVE IT ALL. I apologize for sounding like a broken record here, but I couldn’t help it. And when you’re even funnier than HARUO NIIJIMA, you deserve a platinum medal.
Few can describe just what in the flying FUCK Marvin even is. He’s…. some kind of person with a helmet with a broom on his head and WHAT IN THE SHI-
But of all the Looney Tunes characters I could’ve chosen for this list, I had to go with my gut and pick the classic baddie that is Marvin The Martian, who yes, I consider even better than the Roadrunner, Wile E. Coyote, and even Daffy Duck!
The first time I’ve ever seen him was in a video I watched in my First-Grade class on a Friday. The teacher popped in a Looney Tunes tape, (Hey, EIGHT years ago tapes weren’t THAT unpopular. XD) and I just sat there and watched the magic unfold.
When I got home, I looked up the Looney Tunes on the family desktop (I didn’t get a laptop till, like, 2011) and I had the TIME OF MY MOTHER-FUCKING LIFE.
Four hours of me, my snacks, and Marvin the Martian cartoons, that was the best goddamn Friday afternoon I’ve ever had. Why was it Marvin? Because he’s the only character I actually remembered the name of. Oh the irony.
But I really grew attached to him, and eventually he just…. Kinda became one of my favorite characters ever. Yeah, when in the hell would that ever happen to ANYONE but me?
I even started a fan-fiction on him around two years ago that I never finished, it’s a parody of Dr. Seuss\'s “The Butter Battle Book”, my favorite Dr. Seuss story. I still got quite a little bit of it done, you can find it on the fan-fiction club right now if you’re interested.
And there you go. This silly alien thing that I STILL have no idea what species it is managed to become one of the most classic characters ever, as well as one of my all-time favorites.
Marvin inspired me to be quirky, and that it’s alright to be a little weird, as well as to make mistakes. So I guess he even had an impact on my life, in a way.
I salute you Marvin, you and that weird-ass broom hat of yours. XD
#6. Yzma & Kronk (The Emperor\'s New Groove)
But all terrible comedy aside, we have yet another “Funny Bad Guy” entry, and I SWEAR TO GOD that it’s the last one on here, I promise! I REALLY DO! :,(
But yeah, these two. Honestly one of the most classic duos of all time, debuting in the hit movie The Emperor’s New Groove, (Which, along with it’s underrated sequel Kronk’s New Groove, is one of my favorite animated films EVER) Yzma and Kronk are a STRANGE villain pair, but that’s where the fun comes in.
Yzma and Kronk both in the movies AND in The Emperor’s New School show are goddamn hilarious, and they also have their own unique personalities to make themselves stand out from the rest.
Holy crap, imagine if High School was like it was in the show, that’d quite LITERALLY be one of the best things ever, having these evil bad guys invading all the time, only to fail miserably EVERY time.
And of course, they give us some of the most classic cartoon moments EVER.
Yzma: *Comes Back* Why do we even HAVE that lever? -___-”
What soulless bastard WOULDN’T laugh their ass off at that the first time around? Haha, and that’s just one of their many great gags.
As a matter of fact, there’s a video on YouTube that shows all of the Yzma & Kronk roller-coaster scenes from the show, check it out! It’s pretty easy to find, and I loved watching it. You get to see the roller-coaster, usually followed beforehand by some funny dialogue. It’s fucking great, trust me. If you’re interested, the video’s called “Pull The Lever, Kronk!”.
And that’s it for these two. Round of applause, guys. Yzma & Kronk REDEFINED the “Funny Villain” trope, along with the WWW. I wonder what they’d be like together, I guess we’ll never know.
♫Who’s the girl next door living in the haunted mansion? You’d better know her name because it’s-♫
♫She knows the darkest spells and she brews the meanest potions, you may be the ingredient she seeks!♫
♫Don’t let yourself be fooled by her innocent demeanor, everyone knows she’s the greatest-♫
♫So just remember this when you see her on the street, she’s the cruelest girl you’ll ever meeeeet!♫
Man, my singing game has gone downhill…. o___O
SO UH, Ashley first appeared in the hit DS game WarioWare Touched in 2004 and has been a part of the WarioWare series ever since then. Hell, I even own the game, and I’ve loved it ever since I first bought it way back in the day.
Ashley herself is a tough nut to crack, because when it comes to personality, hers is rather…. Intriguing.
She’s a 15 year old (I CALL BS) witch who lives in a haunted mansion with her friend/helper, a little devil-like creature named Red. She doesn’t have any friends, but deep in her heart, she does want them.
She also has quite a short temper, seriously. Bump into her by accident and you’re going DOWN the goddamn drain. XD
But unlike a lot of the others in the WarioWare series, Ashley actually has a lot of depth to her backstory, a pretty dark one, even. But again, spoilers are a thing, and we all want to burn them alive on our nearest barbecue. :D
On a random note, I think I’m a bit obsessed with her character. I own her 3DS Theme, I have her song on my main CD and it’s my favorite track in all of the SSB and WarioWare games, I joined the Ashley Community on Google and I go there all the time, and I’m ALREADY ordering a poster featuring her. Like, could I possibly get ANY creepier?
Also worth noting is just her charm. My god, if I made a Top 10 Cutest Characters ever list, Ashley’d get a guaranteed spot in the Top 3. You just want to hug her, you know? ^___^
Then again, be careful with that hug, or there’s a 99.47185% chance that you’ll end up dead. Just saying.
♫So just remember this when you see her on the street, she’s the cruelest girl you’ll ever MEEET! :D!♫
Again, if you know me at least a LITTLE, then you probably saw this one coming 50,000 miles away. Kaze No Stigma is one of my favorite anime, and one of the reasons why is because of possibly the most BAD-ASS character EVER.
As a matter of fact, I want you to think of the most awesome and overpowered antagonist you could think of. Like, right at this second. I’ll even wait for you. :)
Actually, screw that. I hate waiting more than I hate cabbage.
BUT ANYWAYS, that character would be completely POWERLESS against Kazuma, both in abilities AND appearance. Because there’s no beating Kazuma. I know I’m starting a giant flame war right now, but I don’t care. BRING IT ON! >:D
In all seriousness though, I’ve already talked about Kazuma NUMEROUS times on here, so let’s just leave it at that. He’s badass, powerful as hell, and makes even the strongest of bad guys run to HELL for cover.
♫Too smart, for Albert Einstein, Snively the Human!♫
♫Snively, he can really think! Snively, HE AIN’T PINK! Snively, he’s the smartest thing ALIIIVE!♫
I have a feeling that I just BUTCHERED everyone’s childhood. XD
But yet again, with all terrible jokes aside, I’ve always loved Snively. Such a simple character with such a borderline AVERAGE concept immediately turned into not just one of my favorite CARTOON characters, but one of my all-time favorite characters PERIOD.
He literally has EVERY quality I like about an evil assistant, only put on steroids, 200 Monster Energy drinks, and once again amplified to the fucking MAX!
First off, he’s easily the funniest villain-assistant ever. Pretty much EVERY scene Snively gets ends up with be laughing, and if you’re thinking that I’m just exaggerating, then THINK AGAIN SALLY!
This guy couldn’t make a scene with him tying his SHOES not hilarious as all bloody hell! Nobody compares, not even…. Well, we’ll get to him in the honorable mentions. ;)
And it’s not even his hysterical personality that gets him on here, it’s his amazing character overall, especially from the Sonic Archie Comics. Snively is one of the only side-villains EVER to be simultaneously bad-shit crazy funny AND have a complex and deep backstory.
Plus, let’s just be honest here, he made the ending of Sonic SATAM goddamn INCREDIBLE. But as with any good 90’s show, it got cancelled.
Mr. Krabs: Aw boo-hoo, let me play you a sad song on the world’s SMALLEST violin! :(
Mr. Krabs: No, I’m serious, this really IS the world’s smallest violin!
So yeah, Snively. We’ll never forget you man, you were the best side-villain a man could’ve ever asked for. Even if you look like something right out of The Butter Battle Book. XD
This guy, oh my god. Brings back memories. :)
Jared: Hmm…. Where should I put Harima Kenji from School Rumble?
And there you go, once again I get to talk about the funniest character in all of media. Ladies and gentlemen, crustaceans and characters, meet the most hysterical man on both sides of the Earth, Harima Kenji.
I knew RIGHT from the second I started School Rumble that I’d love this dude, and as always, I was right.
Hey, gotta include SOME narcissism in this article, right? I’m the best. ^___^
*I say as I still haven’t finished Network 999 Episode 4 AND cancelled Villains Month for the time being*
Getting more on point here, do I even need to say anything? Pretty much ANYONE who’s already read my Top 10 Anime Characters list or has seen School Rumble themselves can vouch for me on this one, Harima Kenji is an absolute masterpiece of a character.
And he’s not just all comic relief either, he gets into some pretty tough scenarios and has a heart of gold, it’s just that the entire universe and their grandmothers seem to be against him.
Really though, that’s all I can say that I haven’t before. School Rumble was the best goddamn thing ever, and Harima here somehow made it even better, moving on.
LADIES AND GENTLEM-Screw it. You know the joke, let’s do the honorable mentions first.
This show had one of the best ideas ever. A group of kids form an organization against adults and growing up named the Kids Next Door, and we get to see them tackle all kinds of insane shenanigans. I couldn’t make that shit up if I TRIED.
And really, I like them all. Numbers One through Five all have their own unique and funny personalities and seeing them fight against the adult onslaught is really damn entertaining.
Oh, and Number 4 said one of my favorite lines in any cartoon ever, in the episode where Nigel/#1 leaves for a day or two and guess what happens?
#4: “I don’t BELIEVE this! Number One leaves for TWO minutes, and everyone and their grandma ATTACKS US! We’re the Kids Next Door, we’re supposed to be ready for anything! But just look at Number Two, he’s ASLEEP!”
In other words, MegaMan the badass anime character. Probably featured in the most underrated anime EVER, Adam’s always shined out to me in this show, and I already loved the cast of characters in Needless.
I won’t say much here because once again, he was on my Anime Characters list, but for god’s sake people, WATCH NEEDLESS! :P
What I mean by that is Mr. Krabs in the first three seasons before EVERYBODY ON THE SHOW BECAME A GODDAMN ASSHOLE TO ALL HUMANITY FOR NO REASON WHATSOEVER-
But yeah, Mr. Krabs back then was my favorite of the great old Spongebob cast. Back then, his greediness not only had a REASON, but was really funny as well.
I think my favorite classic Spongebob episode featuring Mr. Krabs is Argh, where he finds a pirate ship and tells Spongebob and Patrick that it’s real and that they’re going to be pirates, it’s probably the one of the funniest episodes in Spongebob history.
I REALLY WANTED TO PUT SNOOPY ON THIS LIST, but I decided to roll out with Courage because he had more emphasis on comedy AND heart. I own practically ALL the Peanuts comics at my house and I read the mother-living SHIT out of them, and again, I REALLY wanted Snoopy on this list, but he fell short of more beautiful/wonderfully good scenes.
Then again, what was I expecting in a comedy comic-strip? Oh well, you’re awesome though Snoopy. You and your silly friend Woodstock that can’t fly for shit. XD
Holy crap, I’ve FINALLY mentioned the underrated masterpiece that is Atlantis on this show, let me just take a moment for that to sink in.
But yeah, I’ve always enjoyed Atlantis, it’s a great film in every meaning of the word. Maybe not as good as The Road To El Dorado, but still fantastic nonetheless. And by far the best of the Atlantis cast was the Italian explosive-lover known as Vinnie.
He runs into Milo, the main character, while heading abroad and finds out that he’s bringing all kinds of dangerous explosives with him, and it’s kinda his thing. Plus, other than maybe the Spies from earlier, I think of Vinnie WHENEVER I hear or see the word “Explosives”.
We also get some REALLY funny scenes, such as this one here.
Holding Lit Stick Of Dynamite Hey, I had nothing to do with this. :P”
Again, by far the best character in Atlantis. He should get his own spin-off show, I’d PAY for that shit to happen.
I won’t say ANYTHING here because I’m saving the commentary for when I resurrect Villains Month in February. But long story short and vaguely described, one of the best side-villains ever and my favorite cartoon thief of all-time.
And now…. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, moles and trolls alike! I am now presenting my ALL-TIME FAVORITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER! We all knew who it was, and we all saw it coming a trillion miles away, BUT I DON’T CARE!
Yep. I finally get to talk about why I love Tails. After all these years of being my idol and Icon Picture for Fanpop, it’s about DAMN TIME I mentioned Tails.
And honestly, now that I really think about it, I don’t even know WHY I loved the character so much. But to be fair, there’s quite a bit of backstory to discuss here, so let me explain.
Back then in about 2009, school hasn’t started yet so I decided to look up Tails and see what popped up. I stumbled across a website called Fanpop with a Tails Fan Club that had just hit 1,800 fans. I thought to myself “A Tails Fan Club? HALLELUJAH! :D”
I made an account by the name of Kirbysoda and I was on that club whenever I could’ve been. From answering polls to making new friends, it was a unique experience for me. It was also because of Tails that I even FOUND Fanpop in the first place.
And even after a lot of drama involving the loss of instant chat, my best friends vanishing, and me making this new profile, I still couldn’t be MORE glad I came here. I met so many great people, and had such a great time as well. And I have Tails to thank for all that.
And I’ve always loved the character in general. Cool design, great personality, Tails was like a role model to me, and he still is.
I think we all had a time when we had that fictional character be our role model because we thought they were awesome, and that still hasn’t changed for me. And no matter how many new competitors that arrive to make it or break it on this list, in the very end, you can only go with your guts.
And that’s why Tails The Fox is my favorite fictional character of all time. Hope you guys enjoyed this list, I spent MILLENNIUMS making it. XD
Peace out guys, tune in next time for my Top 10 Sitcom Characters!
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A DANAsses Perspective-The Adventures Of Sonic The Hedgehog Review
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