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Tangled vs. Frozen

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I remember visiting this website once...
It was called Tangled vs. Frozen - Disney Princess - Fanpop
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
In this article, I’m going to compare two movies from the Disney Revival, one revolving around a lost princess with magical golden hair, and the other revolving around two sisters, one of whom is a queen with ice powers.
Tangled has a more cohesive plot and seems to me to have deeper characters that interact superbly with each other. Emotions and thoughts were successfully conveyed with an abundance of facial expressions. The hair animation was astounding, but the skin and eyes could sometimes seem plastic-like or lifeless. The songs… sigh. Although I’m not sure any one of them could be called showstopping – unless “Mother Knows Best” had instead been sung in a higher key – I found them either beautiful, catchy, or at least humorous ("I’ve Got a Dream").
Frozen has a plot that\'s rather muddled, and since lots of things are happening at a very fast pace, there\'s less time to get to understand the characters. Interactions between them also seemed to me more unrealistic than in Tangled (ex: the time Anna and Elsa spent together before the coronation. They acted like seeing each other was nothing out of the ordinary.) Hair animation was obviously not as good as Tangled’s, but the characters’ skin and eyes look more lifelike. (Also, the ice visuals, especially for Elsa’s castle – fantastic.) The music is a mixed batch. “Let it Go” is definitely a catchy showstopper that gets your blood running, and I thought “Do You Want To Build a Snowman” (for the first few times of hearing it) and “Love is an Open Door” were cute, but other than that the songs were rather forgettable.
I think that objectively Tangled is the better movie because its plot flows more smoothly, its characters seemed better developed, the music and score was better OVERALL, and the animation was top-notch in terms of expressions, movement and poses.
Personally, I watched Tangled about ten times in my first week of watching it, while I was only able to sit through Frozen once, so for me, Tangled is the better movie.
But as seen by Frozen’s wild popularity, many people have a different opinion.
Tangled, as Disney\'s 50th animated feature, encourages people to go live their dreams and confront their fears. Rapunzel would never have found her real parents nor ever known what she was missing out in the world if she had not trusted Eugene to be her guide to see the lanterns. Tangled also emphasizes that real love is personally valuing somebody and putting his or her welfare before yours. It wasn’t real love when Gothel brought Rapunzel the white seashell paint after a three-day-long trip. That was just to keep her occupied and inside the tower. Gothel doesn’t care how much pain Rapunzel goes through, as long as she doesn’t die and her hair doesn’t lose its power; she constantly puts Rapunzel down, stabs the only person Rapunzel finds she can trust, and plans to chain Rapunzel like an animal in a place where nobody will ever find her again. She calls up to Rapunzel “I’m not getting any younger down here” before Rapunzel lets down her hair and hoists her into the tower. Staying young is all she thinks about. Eugene, on the other hand, doesn\'t want Rapunzel to go through more pain than he guesses she\'s already experienced. When Rapunzel promises Mother Gothel that she will comply if she is allowed to heal Eugene, he knows he has to do something to keep her from living a miserable life since she will never go back on her promise, and so he chooses to cut Rapunzel\'s hair before she has the chance to heal him. Rapunzel is the same way – after everything they’ve been through, she can\'t have Eugene\'s death or suffering on her conscience. She\'s willing to sacrifice any chances she has of escape from Gothel for somebody who made her feel like a person.
Tangled also emphasizes that you don’t have to act like somebody else to be accepted or loved or to find your dream - most of us like Eugene much better than Flynn Rider - and that people aren\'t always what they seem.
Frozen, like Tangled, expresses that love is valuing somebody else over yourself, “melting” for somebody else. Anna and Rapunzel are similar in that for the first part of their movies, they are oblivious to what love really is, albeit Rapunzel a bit more so since she only knew her parents as a baby for like a day. On Anna\'s first day out of the castle, she’s looking forward most to the chance to meet someone – and falls head over heels for Hans. Since she\'s frankly been starved of attention and love (and likely proper guidance) for years, she\'s very quick to trust somebody who seems perfect for her. Frozen whirls around and makes Hans the villain. Whereas Tangled conveys through Eugene and the thugs that people are often better than they are judged to be, Frozen conveys the exact opposite. There\'s way more cynicality in this film than in Tangled. Later, Disney extended "true love" to family love, and I liked that, but I don\'t like how they made a point of invalidating Anna\'s first love interest and later making us think Kristoff’s going to make some helpful contribution to the story but actually giving him no weight in how the story plays out in the end. Still, in the motion of love in which Anna dies to save Elsa, we get to see how loyal Anna is and how much she valued the time spent with her sister and sole friend before she was locked away. Anna and Rapunzel are again similar (actually, and also Eugene) in that they both are willing to make a huge sacrifice for the sole somebody they realize accepted them for what they were and made them feel special.
Frozen also stresses that a balance must be struck between worrying about others and worrying about oneself, and that people must take definitive action to solve their problems. Elsa was initially too worried that she might accidentally hurt or kill somebody with her ice powers, and consequently suffered as a result of being isolated in her room for most of her childhood. And then it flipped to the other extreme in “Let it Go,” where she\'s unleashing all her pent-up emotions with no regard for the kingdom she’s left behind, because “the cold never bothered me anyway” and "the past is in the past". Elsa\'s very turbulent (ultimately because of those rock trolls that couldn’t be bothered to teach her more about her ice powers instead of handing her over to her parents to be shut up for the rest of her childhood). She later thaws Arendelle, but only after Anna saves her life, showing Elsa that she was loved and that she shouldn\'t have squandered the valuable chance to express care and love towards Anna and her people by isolating herself.
All in all, I think that Tangled was the more enjoyable and more cheerful film, while Frozen had many great moments but was more convoluted and negative at times.
I agree, Tangled is the better movie. Frozen is cute, but it\'s so badly done.
I definitely agree that Tangled is better. Plot and characters of Tangled trump Frozen\'s, though I prefer Frozen\'s animation. The music is equal for me. I actually prefer Anna to Rapunzel, but Flynn and Mother Gothel, along with the amazing story put Tangled far ahead of Frozen, at least to me. Both are very successful in sucking in kids, but the two princess, one of which with powers, is what makes Frozen the more popular film. Great job on this!
good analysis. Like the analysis of message both films are trying to build and convey as net take out of the movie.
The character interactions (and mostly the characters in general) in Tangled were much better. The relationship between Elsa and Anna is so unrealistic; they go from being completely normal together to acting all awkward and different, from loving each other to being really angry at each other. It just doesn\'t work.
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