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Stalker season 1 episode 1 recap

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called Maggie Q And Dylan McDermott? Sign Me Up! Stalker Season 1 Episode 1 - Pilot - Kernel Critic
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
Maggie Q And Dylan McDermott? Sign Me Up! Stalker Season 1 Episode 1 – Pilot
A young woman is on her way home. She call a friend to figure out food, but it goes to voicemail. As she gets out of her car, her phone rings. A man’s voice is on the line, and he says he sees she’s made it home. She tells the voice to leave her alone, and then hangs up.
As she walks toward her house, a hooded figure is standing in her walkway.
She tries to run from him, but he catches up to her and throws her against her car. He begins throwing gasoline on her and the car. Frantic, she gets back in her car, searching for her keys. The hooded man holds them up. She begins honking her horn, and he keeps dousing her car in gasoline. She manages to get the car to reverse, but it’s too late. The man lights a match and sets her car on fire.
Meet Beth Davis, Hardcore Stalker Hunter
Over 6,000,000 people are stalked each year. A woman is giving statistics on stalking while we watch a man run. He has a cap on and is hiding behind a car, taking pictures of a woman. The speaker is talking to a room full of college students. She tells them that social media has fueled stalking. She works in the stalking department for the LAPD. She asks the students for questions, and they’re all related to celebrity stalking.
The man is at home and gets dressed in a suit and tie. The woman, Lieutenant Beth Davis, arrives at work and is told the new transfer, Detective Jack Larsen, is waiting for her. Beth walks into the conference room where Jack is waiting, and the man that was taking pictures earlier is standing in the room. Hmm, interesting.
Jack was with the NYPD homicide department for nine years with a good record. Beth asks him why the stalkers unit, and Jack jokes he was hoping to meet Scarlett Johansen. He tries to joke, she’s very straight edged. Beth tells them they’re a small unit (only six detectives) and Jack will tail her for a month before being turned loose.
Detective Janice gives Beth a file with the information about the woman that was burned the night before. She and Jack head out to the scene of the crime and the victim’s house. Beth tells Jack she obviously hadn’t been in the apartment for long, and Jack tells her the woman was scared. Beth asks how he can tell. He points out the clear shower curtain, the platform bed so no one can hide under it, and that she sleeps facing the door to watch the door. Beth asks Jack a few more questions, but you can she’s a bit impressed.
They interview her neighbor, Troy, whom she was calling about ordering food. Troy tells them about Larry Meyer’s, who Kate thought was sending her notes. Larry’s wife confirms his alibi. At the car, Jack apologizes for staring at her breasts when they first met. He thinks that’s the reason why she doesn’t like him, but he just makes things worse.
Beth talks to a guy named Perry. He’s a young, skinny guy that just got out of the hospital from being beat up by a guy named Eric. When Beth talks to Eric, she notices Perry’s relationship with Eric was a bit too much for Eric, and she later tells campus police Perry was stalking Eric even though Perry was the victim.  She tells campus police she can’t do anything unless she’s invited in, but they’ve decided to keep it in house.
That night Beth is getting ready for bed. She goes through a normal ritual of closing all her windows and locking all her doors. When she gets in bed, however, we see that she sleeps facing the door so she can see if anyone’s coming in. Does Beth have a stalker?
A woman, Lori, is leaving work and is on an elevator that leads to a parking garage. When the elevator doors open, the man in the hoodie is there waiting for her. He throws gasoline on her, but she manages to shove him out and get the doors closed. He gets the doors opened again and lights a match, but she hits him with her purse. She again manages to get the doors closed and goes up to the next level, where she finds help in some of her co-workers.
The next morning Jack is running again. He ducks behind a bush and watches the woman from before. He gets a phone call and has to leave to meet Beth. Jack meets Beth at the hospital. She lives in Kate’s apartment after Kate moved out. She knew Kate, but wasn’t a close friend of hers. She was being stalked by the guy as well.
When they leave the hospital, Beth tells Jack to check out the gym both of the girls went to. Jack interviews a spin instructor named Kurt Wild (It’s Winston from Bones!). Troy arrives at the gym. Interesting, since the last girl mentioned him.
At Lori’s apartment Beth makes some remarks that makes Jack think twice about her situation. He notices a hole in the ceiling, and he finds a secret watching room full of blood, sweat, and other sticky fluids. A crime scene analyst finds finger prints, and they happen to match Larry’s.
Eric enters his dorm room that night. It’s dark, and when he turns on his light, Perry is waiting for him. Perry claims he has a peace offering, and hands Eric a beer. Eric tells him to leave, but Perry asks Eric to listen since he beat Perry up. Perry tells Eric he forgives him, and that’s it. Perry wants them to be friends, but Eric says they can’t be. Perry tells Eric (after he takes a swig of the beer) that if he wanted revenge he would have poisoned Eric’s beer.
Beth tries to interview Larry, but she lawyers up. Eric visits Beth and tells her about his encounter with Perry. She basically tells him there’s nothing she can do about it. His life is being ruined by Perry, and he’s mad that someone won’t help him.
Some techs are going through the footage they’ve found in Lori’s apartment. It takes a while, but they finally find Larry on the footage. They get excited until the camera moves, and they realize Larry has a partner. Jack interviews Larry’s wife, and she tells him she found cocaine in Larry’s pockets, and Larry told her it was from a friend of his at the gym. Some guy with a stage-y name. Who do we know with a stage name? Hmm, how about Kurt Wild?
Beth and Jack interviews Larry again, and he claims Kurt was more into the watching and coaching. Kurt wanted two new picks, and Beth leaves the interview. Kurt is not at home. The police check Lori’s house, and everything seems okay. Lori opens her closet and begins getting dressed when we see her rug being rolled up behind her. Kurt has found a hidey hole and grabs her from behind, right under the police’s nose.
Beth orders a search for Kurt and Lori. Kurt takes her to the gym and ties her to a spin bike. Kurt is angry she lied about having a boyfriend. He douses her with gasoline, then tells her they’re going to do it together and pours gasoline over himself. Jack shoots the door, and Kurt calmly pulls out a match. Just before he can strike it, Jack shoots him.
Jack And The Captains Wife… Or Was It The Deputy Chief’s Wife?
Beth sees Lori to the ambulance, and Jack walks up to her. He asks her if she’s still mad at him. She tells him she knows about New York and the captain’s wife. He corrects her and says it was the Deputy Chief’s wife. Beth apologizes if it influenced her initial reaction to him.
Jack asks how Beth came to be in charge of the stalker’s unit, and she begins reciting the plot of a movie. He catches it, and she tells him to be patient, then tells him goodnight.
Perry leaves a diner and is followed by a woman. He turns around to see Beth following him. He asks her what she’s doing, and she says walking. He knows she’s trying to intimidate him, and he tries to get away from her. She trips him and slaps him around a few times, and tells him to stay away from Eric.
The woman Jack has been stalking shows up at his home as he’s walking up the steps. He says hi to Amanda. She tells him to stay away from his son, and he asks if she means their son. She says no, and Jack apologizes to her, saying he wants to change. He wants to see his son, but she tells him to stay away.
Maggie goes through her nightly ritual, and Perry is standing outside her house.
What did you think of Stalker? Will you keep watching it? I think it has a more interesting twist than the normal procedurals, but we’ll have to wait and see.
Maggie Q And Dylan McDermott? Sign Me Up! Stalker Season 1 Episode 1 – Pilot was last modified: October 2nd, 2014 by
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