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Layla Annabelle Jackson
Layla Annabelle Jackson
~Layla's Pov~

I had to go to the mall to return all those clothes I bought for the pregancy.This time I just went into the store as me and not dressed as someone else.

After I was done I headed to the food court.

I just got a smoothie.As I was walking towards the tables a girl with short red hair spilled coke all over my pink top.

"Layla !? OMG !! I am so sorry"said the short haired girl.I was about to say it's ok but another red head with longer hair came.

"Vanessa! Don't you know who that is?! Shes Layla Jackson!You promised if me and Hannah took you and Lola to the mall , you wouldn't embarrass...
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posted by laylay0014

It is the third week since school started and I have been avoiding Drew.I either am hidding or if he sees me I lie and say I have to see the counselor.I really hate lying to him but I have to.I usually hide in the girls bathroom and as soon the bell ring I go to my next class.I walked into lunch room and I saw Drew talking to Amanda so I went over there to see whats going on.He was about to ask her out so I iterrupted him.

"Hi Drew " I said . "Hey layla" he said. " Can I talk to you for sec?". "Uh,Sure".We both walked outside the lunchroom .

"Why were you about to ask out Amanda"."Why...
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Riley Anna Evernite
Riley Anna Evernite
~Layla's Pov~

Today I'm going to my first martial arts lesson with Hannah and Gabriella. I am so excited.

"Hello"said a girl with blue hair."Hi"I replied with a small smile."Layla what are you doing ?!" shouted Gabby(Gabriella)."Her name is Riley.She's nothing but a blue haired freak from Japan."added Hannah."さてあなたは愚かな人種差別主義者の売春婦は何もならない"Riley stated in Japanesse.

I understood what she said since I speak Japanesse.I would have said something but I did't want to get involved.

As the teacher came every student said "こんにちは先生" at the...
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~Hannah's Pov~

I just came from Gabby's house.I going to hang out with her but she wasn't there. Her mom told me she went to Layla's house.

*10 minutes later*

I arrived at Layla's front door. I knocked on the door 3 times.Layla didn't answer it so I tried again. This time her cousin anwered the door.

"Hey is Layla and Gabby here" I asked."No they left a hour ago to go to the mall"Missy imformed.

This news broke my heart.Gabby and I ALWAYS went to the mall together.

"I want revenge on your cousin" I told Missy. She began to grin evily.

"When's your birthday and are you gonna have a party"She questioned."12...
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added by 123KittyCat
Sami Rebecca Jones
Sami Rebecca Jones
~Layla's Pov~

*On video chat with Sami* "I can't believe my ass of a cousin is staying in my house for most of the summer."I told her."How bad can she be ?"Sami asked."You have no idea. When I was 4 years old I used to live in Houston,Texas.One summer she tried to push me down a well but since my best friend Sabrina was there , she stopped her.I replied."I thought you were born in New york City"stated Sami "I was but after they had me they got a Houston, Texas.I came to New york again when I was 5 years old"I said."Wow.Wish you good luck."She told me. "Thanks.So how are things with you and...
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~Layla's Pov~

Today's the day Sierra and I are gonna do our research. I can't wait to get some dirt on Drew and Amanda. They are going DOWN! They are going to pay for what they did to me!

Suddenly the door bell rang. I already knew it was Sierra.

After I opened the door , I lead her to Tad's office.

The first file we read was Drew's. He has a lot of embaressing things .Forexample He's afraid of needles.I mean that's so pathetic.

Then we read Amanda's. She a afraid of spiders.Also she has the IQ of 25 (which isn't a surprise).

I can't determine who's more pathetic.

It took the whole day to read and study each contestant.

Since it's too dark for Sierra to go home , she's gonna spend the night.

"Sierra"I said

"Yes?" She questioned

"On the show , this season , we have to pretend we don't now each other."

"Why " Sierra asked

"Cause it's part of my plan"I replied before falling asleep.
posted by laylay0014

Your element: Earth

Your ruling planets: Saturn

Symbol: The Goat

Your stone: Garnet

Life Pursuit: To be proud of their achievements

Vibration: Poweful resilient energy

Capricorn Secret Desire: to be admired by their family and friends and the world at large

The sign of the high roller, Capricorn is regarded as the zodiac’s top, but also quiet, life and business achievers. But, there are two very different types of Capricorns.

The first is represented by the mountain goat, always climbing higher and higher; never content until reaching the top. The second is the garden...
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posted by laylay0014
Layla Annabelle Jackson
Layla Annabelle Jackson
Dear TDH Fans,

As you know TDH season 1 is over. Season 2 will start soon. This article is about the charecters.

Main Charecters:Layla, Hannah, Riely, Gabriella, Sami,Jose,Vanessa,Noah and Matt

This season will have Cameo apperances as well.

Cameos:Lola,Sierra and Emily.

I hope you enjoyed season 1 and will enjoy season 2.

Don't forget to comment in the articles.

You can also give me your suggestions\Ideas.

P.S.Thanks for joinng TDH.Your the best ! <3 <3 <3

XOXO your club founder and friend
Gabriella Janessa Maxwell
Gabriella Janessa Maxwell
Sami Rebecca Jones
Sami Rebecca Jones
Hannah Kelly Hollister
Hannah Kelly Hollister
Jose Leonardo Anderson
Jose Leonardo Anderson
Riely Anna Evernite
Riely Anna Evernite
Vanessa Angelica Maxwell
Vanessa Angelica Maxwell
Sierra Carlene Rotger
Sierra Carlene Rotger
Emily Crystal Townson
Emily Crystal Townson
Noah Romaine Johnson
Noah Romaine Johnson
Lola Alexis Smith
Lola Alexis Smith
Matt Joel Carter
Matt Joel Carter
~Layla's Pov~

I just called Jose to ask him to go on a date with me. Tonight at 8 , we're going to "Red Lobster". I love sea food! The only sea food I won't is fish !

*2hrs later*

OMG , only 3hrs till my date and I still haven't found an outfit. Ugh ! So I'm about to take a shower. I'll choose when I come out !

*25 minutes later*

I guess I should wear my loyal blue dress.It's perfect !

I started curling my hair with my favorite curling iron but I kept my bangs straight.Then I painted my nails with my silver nail polish.

When I was done putting on my lipstick , eyeshadow , blush and mascara...
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~Layla's Pov~

I can not wait til tonight ! Hannah am having a slumber party.I get a night away from my devil cousin.The slumber party is in 4hrs.I better


"Hey Hannah , Hey Gabby"I said as Hannah opened the door." Hi " they said in usion.

First we played a few board games like the game of life .

Then we made our own pizza.It was so easy and fun. I love cooking !

After we ate we watched a couple of horror films.

During the third movie Jose kept texting me. When I didn't reply he called me.

Once I was done on the phone . Hannah and Gabby kept saying I love him ! I totally DON'T!

Anyway after 1:00 am, both Hannah and Gabby were dead asleep.

I just couldn't sleep. While I was just laying down ,I realized that I finally found a friend who would never use me. Courtney was my Bff but now Gabby is.
posted by laylay0014
~Layla's Pov~

It has been two weeks since Drew and I had pulled a prank on Jose and Amanda.We got Courtney to record the prank ,so me and Drew are at my house watching it.

"Drew , have you realised that we never went on a date ?"I asked him."We've had been on tons of dates"He chuckled."Really? Name one."I statted. " Well....."He said."Exactly"I replied proving my point.

We decided to plan the date.By two days everything was planed.we labled the paper "Info".

Date:Next saturday
Places to go: 1.Pool
2.Movie Theather
3.Olive Garden
Time: 1:00 pm to 8:00 pm

I had so much fun at the pool.Drew...
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~Layla's Pov~

Right now I'm in a limo with Tad. He said he has a surprise for me. As I was about to get out of the limo , Tad stopped me. He said I had to put on a blind fold.

A few moments later , I took off my blind fold and saw a male lion , a female tiger and a female cheetah.

"Remember when you were a child you always asked for a all these wild cats"He questioned

"Yea" I replied

"Well your mother and I decided to get you some" He statted

I smiled.I mean thats so sweet they ot me some. When I was young people called me wild child cause I love animals especially the vicious ones.I always believed...
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posted by Tdinoahiscute4
Sami: HELLO! Is Reynolds! How are my viewers? Are you people good?! GREAT! I have never been so happy in my small life! SQUEE! For one thing, my 18th birthday is coming up. HINT for all of my viewers! Haha! Just kidding. But seriously. I am so happy. My sisters, Ryan, KJ, Anna, Taylor, and Erica are throwing me a party. Thanks for letting that slip, Mason and Elliot. You've only seen one of my siblings. I don't like her. She is loud. And bossy. I has 9. Mason, Elliot, "Alexander-Henry" Jay, and Dame are my brothers. And yes, Jay has 2 middle names. Weird, huh? He has bushy hair. My middle name is Allison, viewers. Samantha Allison Reynolds. Has a nice ring, huh? Haha! Well, Talia is working on crap. Poo. Has anyone read "The Clique" series yet? It's really cool. I am a mix between Kristen and Dylan. Yay!Well, no questions for today. Crapples. Well, I guess I'll go now. BYES!!!
The Earrings Drew got Layla
The Earrings Drew got Layla
~Layla's Pov~

Well a month has gone by with not much happening. Today is December 24th and my friends are spending the night,even my guy friends.My mom and dad been trying their hardest to make up for Thanksgiving.

We were watching all of favorite christmas movies/shows.It was so fun.Christmas is my favorite holiday.

"Do you guys want to help me make cookies"I asked. they nodded their heads and fallowed me to the kitchen.

"What kind of cookies are we making" asked Drew with a smirk on his face."Gingerbread and Suger cookies"I replied. " Both are sweet but nothing on this planet is sweeter than...
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posted by laylay0014
~Layla POV~

Drew just asked me to have a picnic with him in central park so I said yes, of course.I got dress and drove my car there. I got there in 30 min.

There I saw Drew and all my friends.All the the girls exept Jenny and Sierra kept begging for forgivenees.I just said I forgive them so they can SHUT UP!After that we had lunch that were each of our favs.

We had Drew and I 's favorite sandwitche ,Katie and Ryan's favorie drink, Courtney's favorite cookie and Duncan's favorite cupcake.After that we played football(Nick and Lexi's favorite),Soccer (Jenny's favorite)and Chess , which of course...
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posted by laylay0014
~Courtney's POV~

The weekend is over and I still feel guilty about what happened last friday night.Layla didn't come to school.Finally it's 6 period.I should talk to Drew since him and Layla are so close.

"Hey Drew"I said trying to sound bold. He glared at me, I could tell Layla told him."Layla told you, didn't she ?"I asked.He nodded while he still glared at me."Go figure"I replied "I am soo sorry and I need to tell her that.Everything the girls and I did and said was wrong,she is my bestfriend and I don't wanna lose her.Please Drew will you help me ,please."I added. " Fine , later after school...
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posted by laylay0014
~Emily POV~

It was 5:30 am when me, Courtney and Sierra woke up.Last night we set our phones to wake us up so we can do something fun since I am leaving 12:00 at midnight.I packed my clothes from last night. me , Courtney and Sierra got ready.There are two bathrooms so Courtney and Sierra went in . Courtney brought a washcloth,soap,clothes,make- up,a tooth brush (she'll just use Sierra's tooth paste)and a brush so she could get ready in the bathroom after she shower.Sierra just brought a towel so she can wrap her self up so when she came out of the bathroom she won't be naked.By time everyone...
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posted by laylay0014

It is a week before school and all of my friends are busy preparing for it , all except Courtney.I asked her to spend the night since she completed preparing for school and my best friend Emily is leaving tomarrow at midnight.Before Courtney came Emily and I made brownies ,cleaned my room and rented scary movies. Then when we were done my phone rang. It was Courtney.She called to ask if she can bring video games and if she should buy pepporoni pizza , I said yes.

It was 4:00 when courtney came.We had so much fun ! First, we played video games by time we were done it was 6:00, so after we ate pizza ,popcorn , slushies and brownies while we watched the movies. We then listened to music.We stayed up until 12:00 sharing secret, at least that was the last thing I remeber .
posted by laylay0014
Name: Gabriella Janessa Maxwell

Birthday: May 5

Age: 16

Height: 5 feet , 3 inches

Weight: 105


Fav color: Red , Pink

Least fav: Green

Persionality: Cool , short-tempered

Friends: Layla,Hannah,Vanessa



Likes: Candy , Fruits ,Shopping

love intrest\relationship: Boy in Austrila

Dislikes: Cats, liers

Job intrest: Model

Family: Monica (mom) , Jack (dad) , Vanessa (sister)

Fav book: Twighlight

Statement: "I HATE liers"