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added by HectorOfTroy
posted by CassandraT
Cassandra with Priam, Helen, Andromache and Astyanax watching a battle at Troy's gates
Cassandra with Priam, Helen, Andromache and Astyanax watching a battle at Troy's gates
Cassandra is the Princess of Troy. Her parents are Priam, king of Troy, and Hecuba, queen of Troy. Her father had married a woman before her mother called Arisbe who had given birth to a son called Aesacus who died before the Trojan War. Priam had divorced her in order to marry Hecuba. Cassandra's siblings are: Hector, Paris, Troilus, Helenus, Illione, Deiphobus, Polites, Creusa, Laodice, Polyxena and Polydorus. She had many in-laws such as: Aeneas (husband to Creusa), Andromache (wife to Hector) and Helen (wife to Paris).

Cassandra had an incredible gift (like her sister Helenus), she was able...
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added by HelenOfSparta
added by AchillesSOP
added by AchillesSOP
added by AchillesSOP
added by AchillesSOP
added by AchillesSOP
added by AchillesSOP
posted by HectorOfTroy
Hector, oldest child of Priam and Hecuba, presumed heir to the throne of Troy, devoted husband of Andromache, and father of Astyanax.

He was the greatest Trojan hero of the Trojan War, the main defender of Troy, and a favorite of Apollo. With Apollo's help Hector killed Patroclus, the cousin of Achilles, the greatest of the Greeks, but staying on the sidelines due to a conflict with Agamemnon. When Hector killed his cousin, Achilles became enraged and so agreed to join the other Greeks in fighting against the Trojans.

Hector is tall and fit, with curly brown hair and brown eyes.
Andromache and Hector
Andromache and Hector
Hector and Paris
Hector and Paris
posted by HelenOfSparta
Helen is said to have been a daughter of the king of the gods, Zeus. Her mother was generally considered to have been Leda, the mortal wife of the king of Sparta, Tyndareus.

When Helen became the in the age for marriage, many men came to ask for her hand. She ended up marrying Menalous king of Sparta.

Under a visit from the Princes of Troy, The youngest of the princes, Paris, fall's in love with Helen and the two of them quickly grew to love one another deeply. The lover's do not wish to be parted, so Paris decides to take Helen with home to Troy.
When Menelaus heard about it, he collected all of Helen's lovers, and sailed the ships to Troy. They made a deal with Agamemnon, that they are going to fight together, and if they win, Menelaus is going to get Helen, and Agamemnon,Troy.

Helen is know to be "the most beautiful woman on earth" Her hair reaches down her back, and her eyes are deep blue as the sea.
She was called

"The face that launched a thousand ships"
The most beautiful woman on earth
The most beautiful woman on earth
Helen and Paris
Helen and Paris
Helen and Paris
Helen and Paris
Paris shows Helen to his brother
Paris shows Helen to his brother
Helen arrives in Troy
Helen arrives in Troy
Helen in Troy
Helen in Troy
Helen and Paris
Helen and Paris
added by HectorOfTroy
added by HectorOfTroy
added by HectorOfTroy
added by HectorOfTroy
added by AchillesSOP
added by AchillesSOP
added by HelenOfSparta
added by HectorOfTroy
added by HectorOfTroy