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Total Drama Revenge of the Island (TDROTI) Question

Why do you guys support Dott?

Just wondering, people before hand supported Dott before the season even aired because of how much they looked like Duncan and Gwen. true story.

But i wanna see if there's an actual reason why you do! :)

Im no hater, and i personally dont support this parring, but id just like to hear your opinions on this!
 Animetama posted over a year ago
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Total Drama Revenge of the Island (TDROTI) Answers

iPsychic said:
I don't like Dott. I'm sorry to the Dott fans, but to me they just don't seem right together. I'm a Bawn fan because Dawn is the only one to understand B :) Dawn and Scott hate each other and I hate it how people say 'OMG! They're like Duncan and Gwen!' *squeal* -_- So, I can't really help with this question :|
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posted over a year ago 
at least i know im not the only one xD
Animetama posted over a year ago
Yay! I've seen a few others who hate Dott too but not many. Whenever I look up Dawn fanart on DeviantArt, it's full of Dott artwork :(
iPsychic posted over a year ago
and vice versa for scott! wait until they see the final episode xD
Animetama posted over a year ago
IKR? I've seen the final episode and they'll be shocked :)
iPsychic posted over a year ago
pixicracker said:
I think I like Dott because one day I was reading a Courtney and Duncan Wikia, and I saw episode 1 and I knew my favorite character was Dawn. So I googled her, and my automatic search said "Dawn and Scott," so I clicked on that Wikia. Both Duncney and Dott's pages said "Both are polar opposites which causes great conflict" I also looked up some pictures and watched "Ice Ice Baby" and I thought it was a great couple.

And a side note, I don't appreciate all the hate comments on the Dott page about Bawn. You can like Bawn, but don't hate the Dott page.

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I think I like Dott because one day I was reading a Courtney and Duncan Wikia, and I saw episode 1 and I knew my favorite character was Dawn. So I googled her, and my automatic search said "Dawn and Scott," so I clicked on that Wikia. Both Duncney and Dott's pages said "Both are polar opposites which causes great conflict" I also looked up some pictures and watched "Ice Ice Baby" and I thought it was a great couple. 

And a side note, I don't appreciate all the hate comments on the Dott page about Bawn. You can like Bawn, but don't hate the Dott page.
posted over a year ago 
I completely understand your question. Sorry about us Bawn fans. It's just we got angry because some people on DeviantArt keep writing bad comments on Dawn and B artwork :|
iPsychic posted over a year ago
*answer. (why did I write question?).
iPsychic posted over a year ago
Lol, its okay I make a lot of errors cause I'm writing (well typing in this case) what I hear, or what's going on around me.
pixicracker posted over a year ago
I am with you opposites attract!!!💙💙💙💙💙
ILuvTotalDramai posted over a year ago
mastertj87 said:
You're kidding me, right? I mean come on man, Scotty's a total douche bag. He makes Reggie Mantle look like his father for crying out loud. And Dawn, she's nowhere in relations with Scotty. In my opinoin, that's crazy talk.
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posted over a year ago 
CamilleTDFan said:
I don't know why, but i liked the couple before the show begins and is not because i like DuncanxGwen or DxC, I didn't care about them really
When he eliminated Dawn, i was so dispointed, but still liked the couple. I think is because i like the Bad Guy/Good girl relationship
I'm not upset about the Dott haters. I understand them, is a little annoying to see more fan art about the couple than the characters xD
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posted over a year ago 
ikr? xD
Animetama posted over a year ago
wishey said:
I dont support this couple. Dawn is the awesome girl that can see peoples auras and scott is the ass hole who got all my fav characters eliminated blackmailed mike ect. If you like this couple good 4 u but it really makes me mad
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posted over a year ago 
My sediments exactly.
mastertj87 posted over a year ago
I said in my question that i dont support them. :P and it kinda confusses me too!
Animetama posted over a year ago
sorry i thought u did support them
wishey posted over a year ago
u should read the whole question ;) the last part says i dont support them
Animetama posted over a year ago
Gwendolynx3 said:
They just fit
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posted over a year ago 
lovingrace said:
I've been wondering about this question some time at first I thought Dawn and B would be together but with all the Dott fans I found myself wondering why? Oh well I'm not a supporter (no offense Dott fans) but maybe I'll get into it later on
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posted over a year ago 
TotalDrama122 said:
I don't support. I think Scott is a psychopath and I don't see how there could be a Dott couple after Scott even got Dawn voted off. The only time they've shared a moment was when Scott was revealed as a Beetle Whisperer, I think it's a crazy couple, since Dawn and Scott despise each other. I think B and Dawn would make a better couple, they've both shy and were both manipulated by Scott.
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posted over a year ago 
GeekGirl said:
I don't know, I think it fits, you no Sweet girl, mean guy, thats the kind of ships I like.
Also I belive they are cute toghether, and also even though scott is horrible i still think they both deaserv love.
She can also change him i guess (mind of a fangirl)
Sorry I'm rambling.
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posted over a year ago 
its cool, at least now i understand y people like Dott so much :)
Animetama posted over a year ago
dawnrulz said:
No because he framed her and got her voted of the island

But I must know were they ever really together?
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posted over a year ago 
In one (or two) words, heck no.
mastertj87 posted over a year ago
pipsqueak410 said:
the answer is... why wouldn't you support them!?they don't even look like gwen and duncan or act like them so why even ask a stupid question like that!?
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posted over a year ago 
julipen121212 said:
I ship dott because it just so perfect it's almost like Duncan and Courtney accept better :)
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posted over a year ago 
ILuvTotalDramai said:
Yes I do support dott it is my favorite couple in that season

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posted over a year ago 
totaldramadott said:
Dott is the best couple for me on tdroti
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posted over a year ago 
totalsoleil said:
its not that i necessarily think that they are an amazing ship in general, its just the potential I think they could have had. if ROTI had a second season I think there rivalry could've led to a good romance, kind of similar to aleheather. dawn wouldve gone much farther knowing Scotts tactics which results in him finding new targets and such, and a lot more screen time from dawn to see more about her, and obviously Scott since he might stay in the game far, or at least get voted off before or after merge. I think there rivalry could've led to accidental romantic interactions like how courtney tripped onto Scott and kissed him. that probably isn't likely but I think the awkward interaction could lead to some cute moments where they gradually start to grow a romantic interest in each other despite there rivalry. a lot of people may disagree, which is totally right since everyone has their own opinions, I just think that with the small interactions they already had in the first season was cute, I think a second season could add way more chemistry. obviously this isn't a great reason to ship them since there is no second season to support my reasoning, but I do think it wouldve been cute and I do really like this headcanon as well.
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posted 9 months ago 
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