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GleeRP said about Quinn and Puck
Hi I dont want to annoy anyone but a couple friends and I are starting a Glee Role Playing Game on facebook we only have two characters right now so if you are interested email me at send me an email saying you want to join and your top 3 picks for characters i will try to get you your first and tell you all the rules I hope you decide to join :) Posted over a year ago
GleeRP said about Quick vs. Finchel
Hi I dont want to annoy anyone but a couple friends and I are starting a Glee Role Playing Game on facebook we only have two characters right now so if you are interested email me at send me an email saying you want to join and your top 3 picks for characters i will try to get you your first and tell you all the rules I hope you decide to join :) Posted over a year ago
iamfeebs123 commented…
Your not annoying anybody! :D over a year ago
iamfeebs123 commented…
i'll join :D over a year ago
GleeRP said about Glee
Hi I dont want to annoy anyone but a couple friends and I are starting a Glee Role Playing Game on facebook we only have two characters right now so if you are interested email me at send me an email saying you want to join and your top 3 pics for characters i will try to get you your first and tell you all the rules I hope you decide to join :) Posted over a year ago
iamfeebs123 commented…
Your not annoying anyone! you should comment more, i do! :) lol over a year ago
ninjacupcake88 commented…
Emailed :) over a year ago