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Jamez369 said about Machine Gun Kelly
I just posted. My fb is Enzo Americana, real name James Watson who's on his friends list. I just posted. My phone will be on the 3rd. My son more important than my phone. I'm a huge fan and you give me so much hope but have you ever had so much talent and ability but your hands were tied to wear you couldn't move or breath? THATS why I'm suicidal. I want to help my family. To hell with me. 406-694-4184 Posted over a year ago
Jamez369 said about Machine Gun Kelly
PLEASE READ: I'm suicidal, and I'm reaching for my last hope. Grew up with nothing, was put in prison for robbery at 17, cops tortured me so bad so long it made national headlines. I've hung myself till dead, carved myself up, the cops paid to have me beat to death by 4 brothers but they failed. Got out, fought pro but nobody hires violent cons. I ALWAYS do for others because I know what being treated like trash is like. I have a 6 year old not named Glock I love. 406-694-4184. If you got time Posted over a year ago