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SonicFanboy12 said …
Immature Brat!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
ObsceneQueen2 commented…
Feeble fanboy over a year ago
Sonic, Sonic, quite moronic, how they claim he and Tails' love is Platonic, cause after you win the loopdy-loopa Sonic sticks it in his POOPA! Posted over a year ago
SonicFanboy12 commented…
Shut up!!! You f*ckin skank! If you dont like him then F*CKIN LEAVE THIS CLUB YOU YOU F*CKIN CREEP!!!!!!! over a year ago
antihero570 commented…
Well then Christmas is partially for you, because even though you're not a Christian you're definitely an idiot.X) over a year ago
Ajaxranstone commented…
this is getting out of hand... Obscean queen If you want a battle ILL GIVE YOU A WAR! Well mass comment, then mass spam war, them mass REPORT, and if all else fails Ill hack you into next WEEK! INITIATING PYTHON ext! Trust me, just stop... over a year ago