My Gallery

670 photos (click to enlarge)
Snow is a badass Roxas1314 photo
Snow is a badass
1314 Roxas1314 photo
FELYNE Roxas1314 photo
 Roxas1314 photo
Red Roxas! Man I wish I knew who made this! T^T Roxas1314 photo
Red Roxas! Man I wish I knew who made this! T^ T
I am the Samurai. Roxas1314 photo
I am the Samurai.
Offended by the
Offended by the &# 39; F&# 39; word? Please re- read the picture, as it isn&# 39; t as offensive as you think.
CGEye Roxas1314 photo
Sora! Roxas1314 photo
I photoshopped Sora a bit...I think it looks pretty darn awesome! Roxas1314 photo
I photoshopped Sora a bit... I think it looks pretty darn awesome!
My face looks like this a lot. Roxas1314 photo
My face looks like this a lot.
Square Enix...I love you...Got that memorised?  Roxas1314 photo
Square Enix... I love you... Got that memorised?
Roxas...looks just like me! Roxas1314 photo
Roxas... looks just like me!
Beautiful VII Roxas1314 photo
Beautiful VII
<3 Roxas1314 photo
& lt; 3
VII Roxas1314 photo
Run. run away, for I am cooler than thee. Roxas1314 photo
Run. run away, for I am cooler than thee.
Dunna-nunna-nunna-nuh, BATMAN! Roxas1314 photo
Dunna- nunna- nunna- nuh, BATMAN!
Saix=cute Roxas1314 photo
Saix= cute
Too little too late. You failed me. Roxas1314 photo
Too little too late. You failed me.