My Gallery

670 photos (click to enlarge)
ROXAS! I give all credit to the person who made this freaking awesome picture!!! Roxas1314 photo
ROXAS! I give all credit to the person who made this freaking awesome picture!!!
ROFL You have NOOOOO idea. I do this every day. Seriously. Roxas1314 photo
ROFL You have NOOOOO idea. I do this every day. Seriously.
Because they make feeling dead easier. Roxas1314 photo
Because they make feeling dead easier.
My favorite~♥ So cute, Sebastian and Grell. ^_^ Roxas1314 photo
My favorite~♥ So cute, Sebastian and Grell. ^_^
Sebastian WILL submit. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Roxas1314 photo
Sebastian WILL submit. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
O_O Roxas1314 photo
O_ O
*Nosebleed* Roxas1314 photo
* Nosebleed*
XD Roxas1314 photo
♥ Roxas1314 photo

♥3♥ Roxas1314 photo
♥ 3♥
SebastianxCiel Roxas1314 photo
SebastianxCiel Roxas1314 photo
SebastianxCiel Roxas1314 photo
O_O Rape? Ho shit... Roxas1314 photo
O_ O Rape? Ho shit...
Grell: *Squeee!* Roxas1314 photo
Grell: * Squeee!*
 <3333333 Roxas1314 photo
& lt; 3333333
G-r-e-l-l-<3 Roxas1314 photo
G- r- e- l- l-& lt; 3
^3^ Roxas1314 photo
^ 3^
Squee! Roxas1314 photo
♥3♥ Roxas1314 photo
♥ 3♥