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ok so peaple have said sokka is lins daddy but heres the breakthough.If sokka is lins daddy and lin and tenzin were lovers and tenzin is Aang and Kataras,sokkas sister, son,then lin and tenzin dating is like cousions dating soooo hahahaha Posted over a year ago
gabbalee commented…
You have just confused me. Congradulations! over a year ago
paintbrush12 commented…
ewwwww! over a year ago
avatar1221 said about Mako and Korra
mako and korra are soulmates like katara and aang

NOT KATARA AND ZUKO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
i love this show and its contesters my aunt has resently won so you thiink you can dance her name is melanie she won like 2 ,3 yrs ago Posted over a year ago