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clase406marcela said about Chophia
Does Sophia stilll have her mustang? Posted over a year ago
clase406marcela said about Chophia
Austin and Sophia broke up... just sayin :D Posted over a year ago
laleybff commented…
yeah they did chad and kendze shound broke up over a year ago
Nelafy20 commented…
are you sure? over a year ago
clase406marcela commented…
pretty sure over a year ago
clase406marcela said about Brucas
Do you think Chad's coming back for another one? Like a surprise thing? I mean, Jamie and Lydia have to come back at some point, right? Posted over a year ago
Broody_4_Cheery commented…
a part if me thinks it would be nice for him, and peyton and their kid to come back at the end of the finake, for good. and anotehr oart of me doesnt want to live with bju and lp living in teh same town over a year ago