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delenadarti said about Damon & Elena
Awww finally Posted over a year ago
courtneykutie commented…
IKR!!!! perfect ending! over a year ago
My friend broke the news to me two hours ago in middle of class...I feel sick Posted over a year ago
ChocoCatNi commented…
Its okay, you're not alone. I feel sick too, like I'm going to throw up any second. WHY DID THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN :( over a year ago
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delenadarti said about Damon & Elena
OMG guys, I just saw the episode and I think I'm going to die from all the feels... Posted over a year ago
Martym gave me props for my articles
Happy Anniversary, July! Love you a lot ! <3 Posted over a year ago
delenadarti said about Blair & Chuck
This is it guys... Posted over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
yes it is <3 over a year ago
delenadarti said about Blair & Chuck
I'll miss my babies so much, but i'm glad the show's ending next week, it's just not good anymore. Finally Chuck and Blair wil be happy...=D Posted over a year ago
Angelwriter commented…
I'll second that. It's time. I'm sad but then again I'm not. Chair looks like they're going to get their happy ending. It's what we've been waiting for for six seasons. over a year ago
delenadarti said about Damon & Elena
My faith in Damon and Elena has come back after last episode, but only that because my love for them never went away, i was just confused and as you guys say, i can't give up, epecially now that our ship is canon. Posted over a year ago
CHOCOLADE commented…
To quote JP : " Don't lose hope Delena fans, Never lose hope!" over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
oh, believe me. I DON'T INTEND TOO!!! and im sure we'll be okay, in the longrun, because lets face it, if their is one thing that delena is good at, IT'S OVERCOMING EVERYTHING THAT STANDS IN THEIR PATH!!!! long live DE fwt!!! over a year ago
delenadarti said about Damon & Elena
After last episode i don't know if i can say i'm a DE shipper anymore, the sex was cheap, she didn't say she loved him and now she's sired to him? Congrats Julie Plec, you've finally make me belive that Damon and Elena are all about lust... Posted over a year ago
MariLena16 commented…
Be optimistic!! Julie said that DE have hope more than ever. And that this sire doesn;t affect emotions and love and sex. So the sex had nothing to do with the sire. over a year ago
Manonx commented…
Damon is indeed easy when it comes to Elena, but come on! He's loved her for so long, always holding back his feelings... can you really blame him for not backing away? I personally thought the scene was sexy, beautiful and passionate.. these two characters have been holding back there emotions for way too long, and now they finally gave in. What else did you expect? :) over a year ago
Manonx commented…
I hope you realise that her love for him aren't there because of the sire bond, they were there WAY before that, as a human even. I hope you won't give up on Delena, not now :) over a year ago
delenadarti said about Damon & Elena
is it true that Elena's going to have sex with Damon in tonight's episode?!
Please tell me that's not happening...I will be really sad and angry if it does Posted over a year ago
iandamon2558 commented…
thats what the promo looks like it would happen. im not too happy about it either. but im going to wait and watch the episode before i really decide over a year ago
Thana01 commented…
I'm with iandamon2558 over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
if it does, my guess is that something will happen to stop it, or either damonor elena won't be able to go through with it. over a year ago
zaynmalik523 commented…
they make the most cutest couple ever just my opinion over a year ago
bright_angel gave me props for my articles
A prop for your very good review in Take Me Home album of our boys! <3 Posted over a year ago