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diegonikki said about One Tree Hill
- as quoted "It’s not so much who dies, but how it happens that is pretty amazing. And selfless. And good" I 1really think it is Dan. He is going to risk his own life to save his son and that is what makes it (altering) it wont be one of the main charecters, they are going to want to the show to end with a happy ending, and by Dan risking his life for Nathan is a good end to the story -he will have made up for his mistakes... (sorry guys that is just my prediction) Posted over a year ago
NikkiLovesOTH commented…
I totally agree with you. I can see this happening because the show has had one major bad guy which was Dan and by him sacrificing himself for his son will be like his redemption. He will finally be forgiven for killing Keith. It's profound and sad, but it shows how far Dan has come in the series. over a year ago
diegonikki said about One Tree Hill
finally got to watch this weeks episode 9x08! So good! Love that Clay is Logan's dad, as someone mentioned below, I thought he would just adopt him. Logan is so freaken cute! Julian is really awsome this season. Like the he is teamed up with Dan. Dan is toughing him up.
I don't understand y they can't call the cops or get a restraining order on whats his face...i mean he did beat her up and kill her friend. In the end.. Posted over a year ago
NikkiLovesOTH commented…
They should just get a restraining order, but technically because he served his time and stuff he can do whatever he wants. But in some cases they will be released on parole and won't be able to be around their victim. In this case I think that should have happened. I don't know about you, but Xavier creeps me out. I love Julian too protecting his family it's so adorable. over a year ago