My Wall

PrueFever gave me props for my images
Any chance I could get you to vote and maybe leave a comment in this Disney Poll I made here:


I'm trying to get as many Fanpoppers to vote and comment and your vote could really help a lot :) I'd really appreciate it as every little vote counts :) Posted over a year ago
lionkingartist gave me props for my comments
Hello Posted over a year ago
hisblueeyes said about Disney Princess
Oh my god what is wrong with Fanpop what the hell this is so ugly I hate it GO BACK TO YOUR ORIGINAL FORM OMG. Posted over a year ago
starlight77 commented…
Everyone is taking this change so well. over a year ago
princesslullaby commented…
^LOL over a year ago
truth76 commented…
I agree over a year ago
hisblueeyes said about Disney Princess
So last night I watched The Notebook for the first time, and I don't think it was as great as everyone makes it out to be. Of course, the acting was great, the love story was beautiful, but I felt like it was missing something. I felt like it was, I don't know, rushed I guess? I still liked it though, but not as much as I thought I would. Posted over a year ago
dee389 commented…
Totally, it reminds me of Titanic eerily. over a year ago
starlight77 commented…
Yeah I didn't like it that much the first time I watched it either. over a year ago
madisonsavanna commented…
I don't really like anything by Nicholas Sparks. They're just all very predictable and cliche. over a year ago
hisblueeyes said about Disney Princess
I finally sat down & decided to make a tumblr! Anyone else have one? I literally just made it so I'd love to follow as many blogs as possible. Mine url is: link Posted over a year ago
princesslullaby commented…
personal: wingardiumiyazaki. and you know my disney blog :) over a year ago
pulgaenana commented… allready follow both! (: over a year ago
hisblueeyes said about Disney Princess
I am having some guy issues...any kind soul out there willing to let me message them and then give me good advice? Posted over a year ago
DreamyGal commented…
Bring it on ;) over a year ago
BelleAmie commented…
Sure... I'm probably going through the things a teenager usually goes through ;) over a year ago
starlight77 commented…
Or maybe the saying is worst. I'm not really sure. over a year ago
hisblueeyes said about Disney Princess
I just thought of this today...with some of the 'cheating' problems we've been having with the icon contests and such, what about making a rule where participants have to vote & comment on the pick? I mean, sure, they could still make a fake account and vote but at least that way we know they're not voting for themselves on their main account sneakily. Just an idea. Posted over a year ago
MrsEmmaPeel commented…
I totally agree. It's the only way to make sure they are playing fair. over a year ago
BB2010 commented…
yeah that's what I do with the FOTM picks and that's what most other people do with countdowns. That would be a great idea for the icon contest over a year ago
hisblueeyes said about Disney Princess
I hate that feeling when you can feel you and your best friend growing apart. Posted over a year ago
DreamyGal commented…
That sucks, but unfortunately it happens sometimes. over a year ago
BelleAmie commented…
Yeah... been there done that :( When my BFF moved to my school we were just great then this really bitchy girl hung out with her just cuz loads of boys had a crush on my BFF. We grew apart as she stopped being partners with me in class, sitting together at lunch.. I even wrote a small "novel" on what happened between me and her... so we barely talk anymore :-/ But I moved on, hung out with other people and I think I'm better off :) But I still miss the crazy things we did :( It happens... if it's bothering you just tell her or you can move on... you deserve someone who won't leave you :) <3 x over a year ago
chesire commented…
I've been there too. My best friend chose to be with my ex-boyfriend despite the fact that I still had feelings for him back then. But BelleAmie's right, you deserve someone better. I found my real best friend and we've been bfs for 7 years. over a year ago
hisblueeyes said about Disney Princess
Today is Picnik's last day, by tomorrow it'll be gone :( MY ICONS ARE GOING TO SUCK NOW Posted over a year ago
starlight77 commented…
I found photo flexr, I like it. It works pretty good. over a year ago
hisblueeyes commented…
@dimitri-07 good for you but i'm too lazy over a year ago
dimitri-07 commented…
well you dont need a talent to watch some youtube tutorials about gimp or visit this: link over a year ago
JosefS_girl24 gave me props for my images
I love your icons! Posted over a year ago
hisblueeyes commented…
Thank you :) I love your Titanic icon. over a year ago