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islanda said about Arthur and Gwen
Wow! 740 fans! Been a while since i've been on but that's great! Like NSK and others, i am a bit nervous about the next ep...sigh...Suspense is killing me a bit :) Posted over a year ago
sportyshuie commented…
biting my finger and waiting with cautious ... will i be disapointed? i better not be ... over a year ago
MISAforever commented…
It's killing me they won't meet until the end :( over a year ago
itsastart commented…
This is like a psychologically abusive relationship. TPTB and Arwen fans. Tease., tease, tease, here's a little taste, not........................ over a year ago
islanda commented…
LOL! I know guys...Can't wait. Christmas eve is double cool..How cool is the showdown?! Thrilled they went down that road 'cos i really did want to see it explored more :) over a year ago
islanda said about Person of Interest
LOVE this show. Definitely one of the best this season (in my humble opinion). Posted over a year ago
User20392 commented…
I definitely agree, it's amazing and very interesting with awesome characters, I can't doubt for even a minute that it'll win the People's Choice Awards or that at least it's getting a second season, I hope it does! :) over a year ago
islanda commented…
Its been nominated for a People's Choice? Cool. The show is really cleverly done and the writing's great. Its got my vote for sure :) over a year ago
User20392 commented…
Yes, definitely! We got only like 3 weeks to vote now, I hope we win. :) link over a year ago
islanda said about Hawaii Five-0 (2010)
Grrr come on writers! Bring back the awesome foursome for S2 - it won't be complete without Kono :( Posted over a year ago
farsia2010 commented…
don't worry, nobody leaves but there will be additions. check the TV Fanatic page for the show, it has all the news!!! over a year ago
islanda commented…
thanks farsia :) am glad to see the awesome foursome are still there..i won't make any comments about that new female character until after i've had a chance to watch S2 for a bit..Hurry up S2! :) over a year ago
islanda said about Hawaii Five-0 (2010)
heya hawaii 5-0 fans! i just started watching the show and LOVE it. so of course, now i am hooked and looking for hawaii 5-0 info and came here! :) Posted over a year ago
islanda said about Arthur and Gwen
heya arwen fans! am back..momentarily as RL aka work stuff keeps sucking me back in :) glad to see the numbers creeping up - yay Stacey! having a mini break so checking out all the new arwen stuff. take care all! xox islanda Posted over a year ago
EPaws commented…
Hi honey...555 <3<3<3. I am off and on these days too. RL busy. over a year ago
islanda commented…
heya doll. glad to see you're still your usual lovely self though. will PM you later. xox over a year ago
MISAforever commented…
Hey there!! :)) enjoy! over a year ago
Ozioma commented…
take care 2. over a year ago
big smile
LostFreak said …
hi! added ya coz you're a Merlin fan too<3 Posted over a year ago
islanda said about Arthur and Gwen
So does anyone have any news on the Comic Con in San Diego?? Saw some stuff online just now about Twilight and just wondered what the haps is with Merlin actors being there, etc. Posted over a year ago
nsk commented…
the merlin panel will be on Sunday ;) over a year ago
diademrocks commented…
>.< I wish I was in San diego... There's no good comic cons here :( over a year ago
islanda commented…
We don't have anything of the sort in my part of the world :( I have to rely on vids from all of you lot :) Merci beaucoup Naima, will have to check it out on the arwen spot then. over a year ago
islanda said about Arrested Development
Sorry, this is kinda sorta related to this spot..but has anyone here seen the movie Horrible Bosses with Jason Bateman? I thought he was hilarious in it. LOVE the deadpan satire that he is so good at :) Posted over a year ago
islanda said about Rugby
Well done Samoa!! Posted over a year ago
EPaws gave me props for my comments
Because you are a glorious addition to the family of ARWEN. We have lucked out with this spot when it comes to fine people. There is something different here. A sharp, insightful, positivity not always found elsewhere and you enhance it. Posted over a year ago