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luna0208 said about Attack on Titan
who else knew that female titan was annie without spoilers or anything? Posted over a year ago
Amberskye commented…
I knew over a year ago
luna0208 said about Attack on Titan
I loved the first season and they are bringing out a news season on tv in feburary I think, I searched it on Netflix and it looked amazing, I was staying up until 1 am in the morning every day (school and weekend) so I could watch it CANT WAIT UNTIL SEASON 2 p.s. who else thinks that the live action movies characters are almost nothing like the ones in the anime series? Posted over a year ago
luna0208 said about H2O Just Add Water
is it just me or is charlotte REALLY annoying? just finished watching all three seasons on Netflix. is it just me that thinks that in season 3 each episode is more about bella than anyone else? is it true that there will be another season in 2016 I HOPE SO!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
moonmermaid commented…
omg charlotte gets on my nerves why does she have to be so rude ..THIS IS MY OPINION I DONT WANT TO OFFEND ANYONE over a year ago
the_tonkinator commented…
Charlotte was actually really nice in the beginning. Then Cleo, Rikki, and Emma treat him like crap for doing his work and he dated Charlotte. I'm sorry, but in season 2 Charlotte was my favorite character (until episode 24) over a year ago
the_tonkinator commented…
Sorry I meant that the girls treat Lewis like crap over a year ago
ginalovesjenny commented…
indeed ... and why cant lewis be a merman?! over a year ago