mike mondie

Fanpopping since December 2011

  • Male, 49 years old
  • salisbury, United States of America
  • Favorite TV Show: criminal minds
    Favorite Movie: Good will hunting
    Favorite Musician: metallica
    Favorite Book or Author: battlefield of the mind
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mondiemike said …
Did everyone hear about the new episode next wed? WOW! they profile a zodiac copycat... Now thiers a piece of history, or should i say nostalgia. I cant wait!!! Posted over a year ago
mondiemike said about Criminal Minds
In my opinion,the survey is wrong! the most evil unsub i have ever seen, had to be the ( prince of darkness ) episode with tim curry. Posted over a year ago
kis2009 commented…
Yeah I thought some of the options available weren't the evilest, that's why I added The Reaper; though Billy Flynn aka Prince of Darkness is up there too. over a year ago
LTboy commented…
Mondiemike you can add your option by clicking on the add link, if you're talking about this particular fanpop survey/pick. Some picks let you add your own choice. over a year ago
mondiemike said about Criminal Minds
its another reapeat tonight . Whens the new episodes start again? Posted over a year ago
_addict2emilyP_ commented…
01.18.12 over a year ago
mondiemike commented…
Really? wow! ok thanks over a year ago
kis2009 commented…
ME TOO!!!!!! I desperately need some fresh criminal minds I think I've seen the entire 6th season at least 3 times with all of the reruns. Still got another 2 weeks until new episodes :( over a year ago