
Fanpopping since May 2010

  • Female, 34 years old
  • chicago, United States of America
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monny1emano said about Damon & Bonnie
REALLY GREAT BAMON scenes tonight(: i was smiling Posted over a year ago
xXxDracoxXx commented…
Yay Bamon! <3 over a year ago
4BonnieandDamon commented…
This Bonnie and Bamon fan is happy tonight with the scenes. I love Kat and Ian together in scenes always no matter what they are about. AWESOMENESS!!! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
OMGiddy Aunt Jenna.. there's actual Bamon scenes of a Bamoness?!! *gobsmacked, YAY!!!* I may have just melted in a unexpected way.. ;) over a year ago
monny1emano said about Stefan & Elena
i made a stelena video if u guys wanna see(:


i used the PERFECT song for them
A Thousand Years - Christina Perri

I heard it on the radio on my way to work yesterday and i totally thought of them(: Posted over a year ago
delenadarti commented…
Aww i love it!, BTW i love your icon over a year ago
monny1emano commented…
thanks! i LOVE P&P <3 Darcy is dreamy ;) over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
^ great video and i love Darcy too! <3 over a year ago
So...Damon can actually KILL Jeremy and he is forgiven, but when Stefan doesn't sympathize that a maniac killer (aka Klaus) is trying to kill her brother, she flips out and hates him? Elena pisses me off, i it just me?? Posted over a year ago
chazzaf commented…
No it isn't just you.I feel like the writers only made Elena act like this so there is room for DE.Which I don't think is right.I haven't always been the best Elena fan but I have always thought she was at least fair.But I guess that part of her has went out of the window. xxxxxxxxxxxxx over a year ago
overthedges commented…
from Elena's POV is different bc when he met Stefan, she falls in love with the person who wouldn't have done these things to her. Now he just don't care about her and he hurts her so many times that she thinks she fall in love with a wrong idea she had of him. Yes Stefan can be gentle, he cares about people but he also a vampire, a murderer and she have to accept and undestand that he can't pretend anymore, he has to live with his nature and his humanity, BOTH, not one or another. He has to find himself and eventually they'll back together...but there will be Damon too, it will be complicated for her. over a year ago
RoseJackDawson commented…
How selfish SE fans are? Elena HATED Damon because he killed Jeremy,but she couldn't hate him forever.He was dying and she forgave him everything,but Damon was hurt,drunk and angry when he did it so she forgave him.Stefan is himself and he's not what she thought he is,ofcourse she can't say: 'Oh,it's alright Stefan.Go ahead,tell me you don't want to see me,tell me that spending time with me was total waste,tell me you don't love me and that you don't care about my brother's life.It's ok,I forgive you even if you're yourself and you're not who I thought you are.' WHAT DO YOU PEOPLE THINK? That it will always be how you want? Well it wouldn't,in TVD,in life,never.You can't always get what you want,get over it. over a year ago
sophievn commented…
RoseJackDawson you're so right! Elena hated Damon for killing Jeremy! I think for about 5 episodes or something! Elena will forigve Stefan to, i just know that but give it some time! Stelena will not coming back for a while. over a year ago