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There is a new generation just discovering Xena, my 11 & 15 yr old girls loves it. We feel that this group of young teens would love to see a come back in the form of a motion picture (like Star Trek did). It inspired several movies, spin offs & new stars. Also, this new group of movie viewers could careless of what relationship Xena & Gabby have, they just want to see kick ass action, with humor injected in the right places. We say go to Egypt & find Xena a new body (that looks like Xena)! Posted over a year ago
cottoncandybabe commented…
I am 15 and when i was a baby me and my mother used to watch xena, and i agree with you. they should make xena movies again and try to use Lucy Lawless and Renee O'connor as well!!and you can't forget Joxer over a year ago
werewolfgurl707 commented…
TOTAALLY TRUE over a year ago