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paintbrush12 said about Zuko
Just saw an alleged review on YouTube for "The Search" part three. If anything this person said is true, I'm sure we're in for disappointment. The "answer" to what happened to Zuko's mom will be cheesy, instead of finding peace, Azula supposedly goes completely over the edge and runs off one knows where, and they make some ridiculous connections between the characters. This story seems to have holes in it, and I think Gene writes better than this. Posted over a year ago
wordbender gave me props for my images
Thank you for appreciating my poetry, even when I've been dry for awhile. I feel it must come from a higher Source, and this little bunny is but a portal of Its expression in the world (hop hop) Posted over a year ago
paintbrush12 commented…
That's ok, inspiration is like lightning, it strikes when unexpected :) over a year ago
HarleySkywalker gave me props for my answers
Who do u like with Zuko better? Mai or Katara? Posted over a year ago
paintbrush12 commented…
Thanks, and sorry I've taken so long getting back to you, I'm on so many fan sites I've lost count. The Zuko-Mai pair-up is pretty much written in stone, so to speak, but the show's writers were able to keep most of the original interactions between Zuko and Katara showing intended chemistry between them. Zuko is clearly a better person when he's with Katara, he opens up to her easily, she is empathetic and in tune with him. Everything seems to click when they share the same space. over a year ago
JessieZutara gave me props for my images
Your pictures on Zutara:Of Fire and Water are great! I love them so much! <3 Posted over a year ago
paintbrush12 commented…
Thank you over a year ago
HarleySkywalker gave me props for my images
Did l ever thank you for Zutara photos on their club otherwise... Posted over a year ago
paintbrush12 commented…
Glad you like them over a year ago
HarleySkywalker gave me props for my images
HarleySkywalker gave me props for my articles
Interesting motto Posted over a year ago
HarleySkywalker gave me props for my polls
September: Still too long of a wait! :( Posted over a year ago
joyfullness101 commented…
At least we know! I'm pumped! All my shows are coming back woot woot! Before you know it September will be here! over a year ago
Magicalgirl12 commented…
Finally a freakin date for book 2. UGH! It was killing me here XD. I heard it was in September on this The legend of korra news I go to everyday. I almost yell my head off. I'm really glad it's not in winter 2013. I would cry my head off! I want my favorite show back on T.V now! :( over a year ago
Just got and read "the search part two" seems like they're really dragging out. One more issue to go-WE HAD BETTER FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENED TO ZUKO'S MOM by this time! but in this issue, liked the story; Zuko is even more compassionate and friendly (which makes him even more adorable!) Aang and Katara are still cheesey, Azula is still crazy. Posted over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
I can't wait to read it. over a year ago