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Wow, this place has changed since I was last here... If anyone is still around, let me know if you'd be interested in a pirate or circus rp - I've had an idea for both, and it's been a significant amount of years since I was active here, and I recently stumbled over a handful of my old forums from the account I deleted. So, if you ever rped with BlackPetals, tis I! Probably not going to start back up with any of those, because it's been so long, but I'm down for new adventures! Let me know :3 Posted over a year ago
-Universe_COLA- commented…
New adventures :D I'd be up for a RP if you are over a year ago
tastycakes commented…
@Universe Did create a new thing, if you're interested in some spooky scary circus adventures! over a year ago
-Universe_COLA- commented…
Joined! over a year ago