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larrah111 gave me props for my videos
Okay, hunnie <3 I know this is really late. But people have spoken to me about what I've said to you. Friends, and people I love. I never really realized how rude I was to you. You weren't that mean... And I had an additude and acted like a stuck up bitch... I had no right to say the things I said about you. That was wrong. I took it wayy too far. Posted over a year ago
larrah111 commented…
I was having a shitty week because of my home life. I was stressed about some decissions I need to make and I took It out on you. And I wouldn't accept your apology which was also wrong. I was more than just a bitch. I was a bully. Some of the things I said made my best friend give me a look.... And it was a look of disgust and discomfort. I should've acted like a lady and not said any of what I said. I know you're not gonna forgive me I don't expect you to after how I've treated you. But I just came by to tell you I'm sorry <3 over a year ago
teammindless47 commented…
its okay ur not a stuck up bitch and im sorry of what i said and i do forgive u over a year ago
teammindless47 commented…
btw tell ur best friend that i was the one bothering you and they need to forgive u over a year ago
teammindless47 said about Fried Chicken
i want some fried chicken now im so hungry what am i gonna do Posted over a year ago
theICON gave me props for my images
Thanks for the add Posted over a year ago
teammindless47 commented…
ur welcome over a year ago
MBsuperfan gave me props for my comments
Heyy saw your comment thx 4 joining my club Posted over a year ago
teammindless47 commented…
ur welcome over a year ago
teammindless47 said about Diggy Simmons
u are the BEST!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago