My Wall

Rainshadow999 said …
(Randomly) could you please join this club? "Year of the Dragon~Chinese Zodiac" Posted over a year ago
yamiXyugi said about Asura (Soul Eater)
he's too hot to handle.(=^w^=) Posted over a year ago
big smile
Sasori_Kitten gave me props for my comments
Thanks for the add x3 Posted over a year ago
yamiXyugi said about Poetry
My first attempt at free verse:
My Broken Heart
what fell and shattered?
my broken heart.
when did it break?
i do not remember.
but it still glitters in the milloin pieces it is.
waiting to be mended. </3 Posted over a year ago
kissthespider26 commented…
wow. that's gorgeous. <3 love it over a year ago
yamiXyugi commented…
thnx^^ over a year ago
Champman3 commented…
That's good. over a year ago
Lulu_Kururugi gave me props for my comments
If you let them go,
You can`t get them back.
So I'm gonna tie you
to my heart
So I will never
Lose you My Best Friend

Love you so much saying from my heart.♥♥♥
Send this to your 4 or 5 best friends whom you never wanna loose
You are one of my best friends If you didnt post it to me I wont get hurt
If you forget me I wont get hurt because i know one day you'll be my best sister and my first best friend.......<3 Posted over a year ago
SonadowKitty said …
T h a n k y o u . . . I l i k e s o m e o f t h e p i c t u r e s y o u h a v e
^ w ^ Posted over a year ago
Lulu_Kururugi said …
You are CUTE !
You are COOL !
You are GREAT !
You are SWEET !
You are BRIGHT !
You are PRETTY !
You are CARING !
You are AMAZING !
You are AWESOME !
You are FLAWLESS !

AND YOU JUST SHINE AND SHINE AND SHINE !!! Posted over a year ago
yamiXyugi commented…
thnx ^^ over a year ago
epicdude said …
I am on here Mikayla and i DESPRATELY NEED YOUR HELP lol Posted over a year ago
jessebbygrl said …
OMG i love this website but no clue how it works lol love still need help!! your cuz makayla see you in math ............................or science Posted over a year ago
yamiXyugi commented…
lol! see ya too! over a year ago
yamiXyugi said about Random
I've gots a new BF too ^^<3 Posted over a year ago
carsfan commented…
Aww! congrats! :) over a year ago
CosmoDoll commented…
congrats ^-^ over a year ago
1BTRfan commented…
congrats over a year ago