Heroes of Olympus RP Club War at Seas: The Omega Pirates

Blaze_of_Ares posted on Jan 15, 2013 at 08:51AM
Back when Pirates were everything, there was a war. An unknown war between Greek and Romans. Any marine ship belonging to any country is a secondary enemy. The Greek leader is Edward "Blackbeard" Teach. Here you are a seamen of the Omega Pirates. You man ship Achilles Redemption. It has 40 cannons and 8 swivels.
Ranking(Highest to Lowest)

[Ship's Official]
Captain: Avis "Blaze Emerald" Aquila Phoenix, son of Ares[Mars] (me)
Quartermaster(Second In-charge; Almost same rank as Captain. Also Navigate): Rodger "Yeti" Ceyx, son of Boreas (Hades_Shadow)
First Mate(Captain's mate).: Reina "Siren" Jackson, daughter of Poseidon (JasmineValdez)
Navigator(Quartermaster's mate): Taylor "Crossbones" D'Lassio, daughter of Thanatos (Nicolicious)
Boatswain(Crew's Foremen): Alvin "Glauketas" Hamilton, son of Poseidon (Alvin2442)

[Ship's Crew]
Q-deck's Men(Crew who men swivels and Quarterdeck's mast):
Master Gunner(In-Charge of weapons status and deadly supplies: Gun Powder, Cannons...):
Gunners[x48](Please Specify Cannon or Swivel):
Watchmen[x4]: Matt "Finn", son of Nemesis (Rogue475)
Kiera "Rogue" Mason (ShadowRanger)
Cabinboy(Cook's helper, does most of cleaning of the ship):
Prisoners: Sonia Adams

The Achilles Redemption:
It's a medium size ship. It has 40 cannons: 36 Under deck, 2 Fore Cannons, 4 On deck. It has 8 swivels: 2 At the front, 2 on each side of the Deck, 1 On each side of the Quarterdeck. 2 Masts and 2 Side-Masts. The Ram is made from Celestial Bronze with the inside of a strong mortal metal. The ship is strong and able to withstand rams and most broadsides. The Ship is controlled by the Captain (like Percy with boats).

Things you must know as an Omega Pirate:
All Sailors on board are armed with a Musket, Pistol and scimitar
Cannon and Swivel Ammunition
Cannon Ball: Normal one cannon shot
Chain-Shots: It hits the mast of the ship causing the enemy ship to not be able move.
Tri-Shots: It shoots 3 Cannons at once
Explosive Shot: The cannon ball explodes on impact
Greek Fire attachment: Swivels use this most of the time. The cannon is light up with Greek fire before being shot.

Tactics and Plans
The Achilles Spear: When the ships onto the other ship in the middle most times splitting it apart or making the Redemption get stuck into the ship.
Manticore's Blast: All the cannons and swivels are to face forward to blast.
Omega Aegis: The Redemption will blast forward to stop cannons from hitting something(Ally, Base...)
Neamon Claw: Upon a broadside, all Sailors are to jump onto the enemy vessel, attack and return before the Redemption leaves.

Fill this up to join:

*Pirate Name:

Age(Must be above 17):

God Parent:

Mortal Parent:






History(Please include why they were chosen into Emerald's crew and how they got their Pirate Name):

Mods of this RP:
Me (course XD)

This RP is Affiliated with link
Back when Pirates were everything, there was a war. An unknown war between Greek and Romans. Any mari
last edited on Jan 25, 2013 at 03:42PM

Heroes of Olympus RP Club 332 replies

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Showing Replies 251-300 of 332

over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
" We're pirates, you're a prisoner. We're not letting you escape, sorry."

(Yay, I'm a mod! Thanks Blaze!)
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
I then walk away feeling satisfied, only to turn around, "And if any of you crew think of assisting her, I will make sure that You will have a new set of lashes that dont belong on your eyes." I say loud enough so everyone can hear.
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
I stop the ship at the dock "Time for the duel" I say
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
I smile as I climb up from below decks. "Aye Cap'n"
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
Sonia only shook her head, clucking her tongue at them, " You don't really know me...you don't know what I'm capable."
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
"Pride can go both ways missy" I say as It starts to rain, wind picking up in speed.
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
"Oh? What about you Yeti? You seem pretty damn proud of yourself." she shot back, grinning from ear to ear, " You seem confident that you'll win in that duel."
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
"Because I am an Omega Pirate, thats why!" I say as most the crew starts cheering.
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
"All I see is a frozen fool who is too proud for his own." she retorted, shaking slightly from the cold, but other than that, she didn't back down, " You only managed to capture me by knocking me out, is that really what an omega is to do? Seems more like a coward than a real pirate."
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
"Your one to talk, Miss High and Mighty." I mock bow to the laughter of the crown "You are talking to a deaf crowd, Piracy is Piracy, if we had such thing a pirate law, No one would listen. Here your cabin mates are the police force, Captain Emerald is the Judge, And I am your Prison Warden ..." The Crew starting to oooh. "Frozen fool are words you will take back, I have a feeling we could have worked together famously. but you wasted your last high role."
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
"Oh you had a feeling? Pity, I was so looking forward to working next to a baboon, I hear they are quiet intelligent. Seems I was wrong about that." she grinned still, she could she was getting to him, " And I never intend on taking my words back warden," she responded sarcastically, " Because while I may be a prisoner for now, I will be free again, and believe me when I say that I intend to dance on your defeat fool."
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I laugh, when I see the duel about the begin, getting bored of insults. "Well, how about we actually solve this with the damn duel!" I snap.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
"Agreed" I say pulling out my sword pointing it at Sonia
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
"Well you see now. I actually have to be unfrozen, untied and taken up to the deck and to the land to duel you idiots."
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
"Who said the duel is on land? I prefer the deck." I say smiling, Sheathing my sword, "I only do freezing, we will just have to wait for you to thaw out" I freeze the Saliva in her mouth so she cant make a comment in return."Haul her to the deck."
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
Sonia gritted her teeth and snapped her mouth closed, breaking through the ice, " Like I said, Frozen. Fool." she closed her eyes and clenched her teeth and kicked away the ice holding her legs, luckily they weren't bound, " Maybe you should ask someone's parentage before you attack them."
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
I grab Sonia from behind "Enough with the chit-chat LETS HAVE COMBAT!!!" the crowd cheers. I pull her to the deck. "Just pick whatever weapon you want from any crew member. Yeti get ready on the other side"
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
"I'm perfectly fine without any weapon help from nay of you." she stated, brushing his hands from her and going to stand where she was told, crossing her arms over her chest, " I think I can manage.:
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
"You don't have to win, you just have to not lose. Just win your chance to escape..." I say then climb up the mast sitting on the lowest spot
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
"Don't Worry Captain, She won't" I turn to her, "Sorry, not everyone has parents, so why respect them?"
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
"Not what asking about parentage means you idiot." she said, clearly bored with him, " It means, you ought to ask who gave birth to who." she uncrossed her arms, only to a put a hand on her hip, " So...you going to 'defeat' me or something now?"
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
"Yes, I will" I say pointing my cutlass at here, and waiting for the captains order of start
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I throw the captain a musket, for signal fire.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
I sit there, Glaring her down.
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
I lean against the mast and watch with a bored expression.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I look at Siren, "What's up."
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
"Nothing much, you?"
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
I fire
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
Sonia hears the captain's fire to begin, but doesn't move. She stands there, arms cross across her chest, hip cocked out, and a small smirk played on the edge of her lips as she saw Yeti glaring at her.
over a year ago goodyb0y55 said…
I see, Sonia smirk. I dont like it, not at all.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
As she stares at me, I pull the secret trigger on my cutlass, firing a round into her right side of her collarbone, I then advance, cutlass at the ready.
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
Sonia ducked the shots, and stood still as he raced towards her, her smirk growing larger as she reached to her hip and pulled out a small sword and whipped it up, blocking him just as he attacked her.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
(How do you avoid a bullet? especially one concealed in a blade?)

I meet the blow with her sword and throw and elbow to the face.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
(You don't.)
"Come on Yeti, get her!"
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
(That is what I am saying, she should be hit)

I then slash with my sword as she Is dazed from the elbow.
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
((Look at the person's trigger finger. Is it about to pull the trigger? Is the gun aiming at you? When you think the person is just about to pull the trigger, or is pulling the trigger, summon all your speed into one of your legs, and push off hard with it.So yes, it is very much possible to avoid being shot, and since they were a good deck length apart, that made it easier to do so.))
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
(I don't think you would look at a trigger finger, since he was holding a sword. Also, no matter how fast you can run, no human can dodge a bullet. Not trying to argue, just saying.)
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
((Okay, look at it this way. They are the sons and daughters of Gods and Goddesses yes? Then they are not normal humans now are they?))
over a year ago JasmineValdez said…
(That wouldn't really help you dodge a bullet though. Unless you were the daughter of Nike or something.)
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
((No, but it does help that she had been watching him. Can we move on without nit picking?))

Sonia cursed as her head snapped back and kicked out, her foot slamming into his stomach as she elbowed his in the crease of his shoulder.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
(Wait, who is Sonia a daughter of.)
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
(Calm Children)
"Fight, give me clanking blades" I order
over a year ago Directingchicky said…
((Sonia is the daughter of Eris))
Directingchicky commented…
And I know I was not included in that children comment over a year ago
Blaze_of_Ares commented…
Maybe ;) over a year ago
JasmineValdez commented…
Oh, yeah, it's all my fault. Like always. Dang, the Internet hates me today. over a year ago
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
(Well, Eris is the goddess of chaos, and bullets cause chaos, so she could sense the movement of the bullet, because of the connection the chaos...well that's on rational.)
Directingchicky commented…
You make my day Alvin, thank you over a year ago
Blaze_of_Ares commented…
yay, now fight! over a year ago
Alvin2442 commented…
Welcome, but I really just waitinnng for the fight like Blaze. over a year ago
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
I lean on the mast whistling.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I I lay my hand o my sword's handle.
over a year ago Hades_Shadow said…
I then advance, Icing the deck, giving me an advantage.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I let my sword touch the deck, and ice is gone. "How about actually dueling and not using your powers every time you can."