Heroes of Olympus RP Club Neos Seven [Station: 07]

Rogue475 posted on Jan 06, 2015 at 05:29AM
(Warning! This story is not appropriate for younger audiences. There are other forums on this club that would serve far better if you do not wish for Intense violence, Suggestive themes, and whatever we teenagers can write. This message is intended to keep those under the ages of adult content from this forum, so do be advised as we will not tolerate anything but respect. Thank You)______________________________________­_

Without further ado, I present to you; Neos Seven
Welcome to Station: 07, the literal "Cloud City" of the 22nd century. Born into an era unlike any other, a time when the impossible is all but the reality, you are a citizen of the Seventh great floating city in the sky. Promises of a life of privilege and luster followed those who took up residents in these vast complexes, suspended in geo-synchronous orbit around Earth's skies. This, along with brilliant technological advancements have ensured mankind's survival safely in the confines of these mystical cities. When the many unlucky whom remain on the surface must hide away from the massive sandstorms and earthquakes that shake the planet at its very core, the people of Neos Seven will thrive safely for the rest of time.

"Sounds too good to be true doesn't it? truth is, people down there have it better off. Yeah sandstorms? Earthquakes? They're all nothing compared to life outside the wall... Oh they didn't tell you in the intro? Well, here's a little bit of history for you."

"In the year 2140, amidst this new found city in the sky, it wasn't all gold and glamorous as it's shown. No, this city was broken to begin with. And the man behind it all, Herald of the New Dawn, Gregory Lancaster... A posh noble and aristocrat who was by no design of his own, of course, became the most powerful man to have never set foot on the Earth. For his first act as Lord of the Neos, Gregory made a giant wall, hard as the toughest most reinforced titanium alloy ever made... This wall of Jericho, separates the poor and innocent, from all of society and any clean source of food. This was the first act of many set forth by this mad man..."

"Eleven years have past and his reign is absolute, only there is a light in the darkness... The Legion, a group of rebel insurrectionists, hoping to bring about the end of tyranny and restore justice to this world of chaos, have finally begun to act... And today, we found us a way to breach the great wall of Jericho... We found you."
(Character Form)
(When filling out, remove these, please: ( )

Age- (Main character must be a teenager during this part of the story)
Base Personality- (Ex: Brash, Arrogant, Follower, Leader, etc...)
Cause to answer the call- (More than just saying "It felt right" Give us some depth)
Appearance- (A pic will do)
Attire- (Most common attire)
Weapon Specialization- (Pistol, Sword, Lance, Rifle, Dual Shortblade, Repulsor Guantlets{will be explained}, etc...)
Love Ties-
Designated Class- (Minority, Majority)
(In order of appearance)


Legion Runners-

-Nemo Tullion

-A'llea Connors

-Carrie Vincent

-Graham Levine

-Robert Solius

-Jackson Connors

-Edward Lucas


Legion Assets within the wall-

-Colt Lancaster
(Warning! This story is not appropriate for younger audiences. There are other forums on this club th
last edited on Jan 14, 2015 at 03:32AM

Heroes of Olympus RP Club 583 replies

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over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…

Robert strained not to show his glee and succeeded. Colt Lancaster was the last man he expected to see and he was grateful. Now they wait, but the legionnaire was still tensed, alert. His blade felt colder and heavier in his arm. Within this wall was a world he could not imagine, all the people can see from the slums was the illuminated sky above the city, the city that cast them down. The city that starved them, killed them...

Now Robert is entering it, Neos Seven.
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
"Of course," I answered. "And I'll make sure there is a pay raise in your future for your dedication and loyalty to Neos Seven and my father." He lead the Legion away from the Commander. He couldn't believe that actually worked.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
The lone Commander then chuckled and nodded towards the Monorail Crew. "Alright, take 'em through." He called out, taking his leave for the work station he was posted at.


The Corporal felt a sense of relief at the sight of the Lancaster, one that Nem never thought he'd experience. "C'mon you dogs, forward march!" Sergeant Venn shouted to the prisoners as he walked beside the young Prince. "... Cutting it a little close there, Lan." The man whispered under his breath, before directing the group through the electric doors of the monorail train.
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
"That's my thing right?" Colt said under his breath. "Besides, I wouldn't want to miss this."
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
It wasn't long before the whole squad was seated and chained within the confines of the train car. Venn took the liberty of sitting beside the young Lancaster, quietly watching the National Guardsman posted.


"Take it easy, Nem, we've gotten this far..." A'llea whispered as the Boy shook lightly, the anxiety of doing what his father had dreamed of him since the beginning.

"Yeah..." He uttered, as her hand held over his, stopping the quiet rattle of the cuffs around his wrists.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…

I remained silent, looking out the train car window. I then looked back at Colt and the other members of our squad.
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…

Robert looked at his squad making sure they looked prepared, making sure that fear was the least in their eyes. He silently sneered at the Guards, watching them walk about.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…

The gaurds stared at our squad, eyeing us off. Just making sure we weren't about to blow them up or something.
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
(Alright, Rogue is on his vacation near the Bermuda Triangle, so we'll not be seeing him anymore!

Just kidding, the Bermuda has bad connection so he won't probably be posting as much. Cheers)
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(PS, bringing a leather jacket to the tropics isn't particularly brilliant)
(I am alive, only what Blaze has mentioned is true; there isn't always that great of a connection here along with the fact that I've come here for a vacation, so IE fun in the sun)

it took the team two hours to reach the other end of the Monorail, passing right underneath the Great Wall itself. No one said much on the ride, probably out of fear or simply didn't have the words for such a time. But nonetheless, the Party finally made it beyond Lancaster's Wall, and was one step closer to Achieving the dream they were all so desperately fighting for.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
We were now beyond the wall. My heart thumped against my chest and I took a deep breath. We could get our plan on the way in the matter of minutes.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
Sergeant Venn stood up the moment the Monorail whistled to a stop at the station. At least twenty armed Guardsman could be seen lined along the walkway leading to drop off point. "Everyone up!" He called, just as the doors slid open, not a moment passing before six guards flooded the train, each one armed with an Assualt shotgun. "Whoa-Whoa, we've got a Lancaster aboard, back off..."
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
I nodded a tiny bit, putting on a fake smile. I was pretty good at that
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
The armsmen lowered their weapons and stepped out of the monorail, keeping to the edges of the platform just beyond. "Company, Forward March!" Venn shouted, ordering the prisoners to Exit and stand at attention. One by one, every squad member stepped out, until lastly A'llea went to Nemo's side. There they were, in the belly of the beast, with only a repulsor and some knives... "We have orders to take these Prisoners to a Private Court, at the discretion of our Lord Gregory Lancaster."
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
I eyed the guardsman, nerves filling my stomach. I hoped nothing bad would to become of us.
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…

Now is the worst part. Anything can happen here, for the worst. Every minute he'd spent in the Legion adds up to this mission. Robert will not fail and is prepared to sacrifice his life for this, so long as justice is served. He stood strong in the line.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
Venn stood there, a calm demeanor about him, while the others marched past him. It was a long walk of silence as the squad headed for the terminal station.


"The minute we break contact with the standby team, we move... Pass the message." Nemo's spoke silently to A'llea as he took up the front of the line. She in turn whispered the message to Robert and assumed to march behind Nem.
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…

"We move immediately after we break contact" he said to Carrier "Pass the message" Robert glance around him, the surroundings unfamiliar.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…

"Please work..." A'llea thought to herself, walking not a foot behind Nem. The whole ordeal had her on edge. She could see anxious glances from the Guard escort, Venn's rookies... If the worse came to pass, A'llea knew she could not trust those new soldiers, not with Nem's life or her own.

"Company, halt!" Venn called out, just as the Sergeant nodded to his men. "Thanks for the assist, but we'll take em from here." Venn told the national Guardsman assigned to escort the Sergeant's prisoners. Reluctantly, the five man team separated and returned to their posts, allowing the Squad to move more freely through the streets of Neos Seven.


"Alright, Lan, you better get back to your dad, we'll contact you in the morning." The Corporal smiled lightly to the Prince, finding some amount of pride towards the boy who had dared to stand against his father.
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
Colt nodded and sighed dramatically. "Well, this has been punishment enough being with the worst our fine city has to offer. My father awaits home for my return." Colt said, dramatically. He had to sell it. No matter the cost of him looking like some idiot.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…

"Your father can expect these prisoners by morning." The Sergeant nodded, watching as the Lancaster turned away.
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…

"We're living to eat shit and they've got this..." he said looking around the street
over a year ago Awesome57 said…
"For now at least....." Edward muttered under his breath.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…

"Makes your fire inside burn just little brighter, huh?" The boy asked, keeping up with the Sergeant and the rest of the escort. It had already gotten dark, with the paved streets lit only lightly by the elegant lanterns that held above their heads.

"Alright..." Sergeant Venn uttered after the company took a turn into a secluded alleyway. "Get the restraints off them." He insisted to his men while he stood guard. Each of the six men then proceeded to help the Legion Runners from their bindings.

Alle'a rubbed her wrists the moment her cuffs came off. "What's the plan?" She asked, helping Nemo out of his own shackles.

"We find the safehouse and lay low, wait out the storm... C'mon, this way." Venn nodded, before handing the Connors a compact sidearm. "Just in case." He uttered, then motioned for the others to follow.

"it's getting late... Patrols will be out soon." Nemo stated, nodding towards Alle'a after his binds were removed. He then took off his glove, checking his father's repulsor. It's fuse cells were still humming lightly from being used somewhat recently.

"He's right, I heard they walk the streets with full riot gear and battle rifles." One Legionaire inquired, before being silenced by his Sergeant.

"Quiet, now let's move..." Venn ordered, starting down the back alley, his rifle held at the ready.

"Makes your fire inside burn just little brighter, huh?" The boy asked, keeping up with the S
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…

The masked man checked on his blades after his binding were off, then he placed them back where they belong. "How long do you suppose we wait?" he inquired
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…

This place was brilliant. I gulped, following my friends down the alley way.
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…

"This place is too damn bright, what do they need all this light for?" He muttered outloud
over a year ago Awesome57 said…

"Probably to patrol the streets easier." he whispered to the group.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…

"Or maybe to brag just how much money they have and rub it in our facws."
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
Sergeant Venn

"Cut the chatter..." The team leader spoke instantly as a patrol sped by.

"Venn, I see the warehouse... We'll be able to make it if we keep to the alley." One of the Legion soldiers said, showing a map of the area.

Nemo kept quiet as he stood watching the younger Legionaries bicker quietly amongst themselves. "Stay low as we move alright?" He told them, keeping his free hand ready against his gauntlet. Before long the group was once again moving, quickly progressing through the silent streets of Neos.
Sergeant Venn

"Cut the chatter..." The team leader spoke instantly as a patrol sped by. 

over a year ago Awesome57 said…
Edward quieted down and was silent as they made there way through the cities streets.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(Shall we continue?)
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
(Yeah, definitely!)