Heroes of Olympus RP Club Neos Seven [Station: 07]

Rogue475 posted on Jan 06, 2015 at 05:29AM
(Warning! This story is not appropriate for younger audiences. There are other forums on this club that would serve far better if you do not wish for Intense violence, Suggestive themes, and whatever we teenagers can write. This message is intended to keep those under the ages of adult content from this forum, so do be advised as we will not tolerate anything but respect. Thank You)______________________________________­_

Without further ado, I present to you; Neos Seven
Welcome to Station: 07, the literal "Cloud City" of the 22nd century. Born into an era unlike any other, a time when the impossible is all but the reality, you are a citizen of the Seventh great floating city in the sky. Promises of a life of privilege and luster followed those who took up residents in these vast complexes, suspended in geo-synchronous orbit around Earth's skies. This, along with brilliant technological advancements have ensured mankind's survival safely in the confines of these mystical cities. When the many unlucky whom remain on the surface must hide away from the massive sandstorms and earthquakes that shake the planet at its very core, the people of Neos Seven will thrive safely for the rest of time.

"Sounds too good to be true doesn't it? truth is, people down there have it better off. Yeah sandstorms? Earthquakes? They're all nothing compared to life outside the wall... Oh they didn't tell you in the intro? Well, here's a little bit of history for you."

"In the year 2140, amidst this new found city in the sky, it wasn't all gold and glamorous as it's shown. No, this city was broken to begin with. And the man behind it all, Herald of the New Dawn, Gregory Lancaster... A posh noble and aristocrat who was by no design of his own, of course, became the most powerful man to have never set foot on the Earth. For his first act as Lord of the Neos, Gregory made a giant wall, hard as the toughest most reinforced titanium alloy ever made... This wall of Jericho, separates the poor and innocent, from all of society and any clean source of food. This was the first act of many set forth by this mad man..."

"Eleven years have past and his reign is absolute, only there is a light in the darkness... The Legion, a group of rebel insurrectionists, hoping to bring about the end of tyranny and restore justice to this world of chaos, have finally begun to act... And today, we found us a way to breach the great wall of Jericho... We found you."
(Character Form)
(When filling out, remove these, please: ( )

Age- (Main character must be a teenager during this part of the story)
Base Personality- (Ex: Brash, Arrogant, Follower, Leader, etc...)
Cause to answer the call- (More than just saying "It felt right" Give us some depth)
Appearance- (A pic will do)
Attire- (Most common attire)
Weapon Specialization- (Pistol, Sword, Lance, Rifle, Dual Shortblade, Repulsor Guantlets{will be explained}, etc...)
Love Ties-
Designated Class- (Minority, Majority)
(In order of appearance)


Legion Runners-

-Nemo Tullion

-A'llea Connors

-Carrie Vincent

-Graham Levine

-Robert Solius

-Jackson Connors

-Edward Lucas


Legion Assets within the wall-

-Colt Lancaster
(Warning! This story is not appropriate for younger audiences. There are other forums on this club th
last edited on Jan 14, 2015 at 03:32AM

Heroes of Olympus RP Club 583 replies

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Showing Replies 351-400 of 583

over a year ago pink-bookworm said…

"Anywhere close thats like a hideaway nobody else would find? You seek to know these streets after all,"
over a year ago Rogue475 said…

The man winced at the sight of all his own blood on the floor. "Nemo, you take care of my sister!"

"Nah, she's perfectly fine on her own with her idiot brother!" The soldier shouted with a small grin.

"God-damnit i'm not going anywhere, now leave"
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
Graham was running down his street dodging guards, the sword still in his hands and the Repulsor strapped to his wrist. He felt uncomfortable having this thing on his wrist when it could go off any minute.
"Emmy," Graham whispered into the door. "Chocolate Bunnies," The door opened and Emma was there . A guy in a nice vest sitting Indian style on the floor.
"Em, who is this?" Graham asked, worrying. "And why did you let him in?"
Colt stood up "I-I'm Colt. Colt Lancaster," He introduced. "I was running away from the guards. I can't exactly get caught on this side, and your sister, she saved me."
Graham felt the anger boil again. 'What are you even doing here? Slumming with the rest of us?"
Colt stood there silent.
"Graham," Emma protested. "He's working with the Legion, like you."
"He's just trying to manipulate you," Graham answered.
"Actually, she's right and I don't lie. I just sometimes manipulate the truth around my father," Colt answered. "But I came here to warn you about the raid, but when I got there, it was too late. And for that I'm sorry and for my father."
"Well, I only came back for my sister. The Legion, we're moving and I don't know where. If what you're saying is true, and you better hope it is true, you better come with us." Graham decided, sighing. He [i]really[i] didn't want to, but Emma was looking right at him. "There are guards everywhere, so we better be careful. And Colt, change into something more...poor. You can borrow some of my clothes."
~A little while later~
Graham, Colt, and Emma were running away, with Graham leading the way. Graham figured that the squad hadn't gotten too far, so they had to run as fast as they could.
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…

"We can't do that sarge, we came to get you and we'll get you. Nemo, can you carry him?
I'll cover you"
over a year ago Awesome57 said…
"Well down the street a bit is that shop that I went to...... that's the best I can do for now. There aren't any good spots in this area." Edward was thinking. All the spots were probably locked down by the guards.
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
"Where are we going?" Emma asked, still clutching Graham's hand.
"We're trying to find my squad," Graham answered, looking for guards. He turned to her. "It's going to be okay," He whispered.
"Not to break up the conversation, but guards, twelve o'clock." Colt interrupted.
"And at one," Graham said. "Come on!" He and Emma started running, with Colt close behind.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…

"Okay, lead the way, then," I told him, watching him with a tight smile across my face.
over a year ago Awesome57 said…
Edward watched the streets as he lead the two to the shop. They only saw a few guards on the route Edward chose and they had only have to run twice. When they made it to the door, Edward looked around before he knocked.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…

With that, the young corporal tied off the knot on Jackson's bandaged leg. He then helped the man to his feet, throwing his arm over his shoulder for support. "Alright, Robert, your on point."
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…

The soldier takes a deep breath before firing towards the enemy. "Go go" he said, firing. I hope I have enough ammo for this
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(Did they just update Fanpop?)


Jackson groaned as the two moved as fast as they could, bullets hitting the wall where they once were.
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
(I'm not sure)

Robert rolled back and continued firing, until he was out of ammo. He cursed and took out his pistol "Keep going" firing towards the enemy, making sure his bullets count.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(Think it's just the mobile version)

The second Jackson and Nemo made it out of the hole made by Graham, the gunfire ceased. "... Shit, they're coming after us!" Nemo shouted, almost dragging Jackson as he went through the alley.
over a year ago Awesome57 said…
The door opened and Edward entered with the squad. A group of guards rounded the corner as soon as the door closed. "We made it. Yay."
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…

When they stopped firing Robert leap back and ran away getting closer to Nemo and the Sergeant and farther from the enemy.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
(google chrome worked, thanks Blaze and Rogue for your help! :D)

"Now what do we do?" I questioned myself, but spoke to the entire group, watching as the guards disappeared.
over a year ago Awesome57 said…
"We sit here and watch for Graham and the others. There isn't much we can do at the moment. The outpost armory has been raided for weapons and other things and the only weapons we have are whats on our belts." Edward looked around. The group didn't have a lot of weapons and ammunition was scarce.
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
"Where do you think they went?" Colt asked, as they were still running.
"They could have gone anywhere," Graham answered. "But if I had to hide somewhere, I'd hide where someone knows me. Not a stranger, no. But someone who is comfortable with lying for a whole group of people." He knew exactly where. The shop. Graham knew the route. He'd been there on a errand for Nemo. All three of them got there. Knocking on the door lightly, Graham had Colt as a lookout.
"Come on," Graham muttered to himself . "Open the damn door,"
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(Your welcome Pink :-D Glad it worked)


Once the three had made their way to an adjacent alleyway, Nemo set Jackson down to look him over.

"You stubborn prick, you two should've left me..." The Sergeant winced slightly as he was set against a dumpster.

"Do you honestly think we'd just let you die there? Get off easy?" He asked, removing the makeshift bandage to replace it with a fresh one.

"You wanna know what I think?" Jackson grinned. "I think you saved me because then I might let you see my sister again..." He then nodded towards Robert. "He did it cause it was his duty."

"... I'm not gonna lie, the thought did cross my mind." Nemo smirked, pulling the bandage tight, causing the man to wince something fierce. "
pink-bookworm commented…
you would've missed me if i didn't :P over a year ago
over a year ago Awesome57 said…
Edward opened the door and hurried the group in. He took no chances. He watched all guard patrols in front. He noticed a new member with Graham. "Well, well, well Colt Lancaster. How are you doing?"
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
Graham hurried Emma in and went in after her. Colt hesitantly followed him.
"I..." Colt muttered.
"Don't bother him," Graham warned Edward, interrupting. He looked at Colt, who was obviously uncomfortable with the situation. Everyone was looking at Colt. "My little sister trusts him, so I trust him."
over a year ago Awesome57 said…
"He hasn't given me a reason not to trust him." Edward extended a hand and had a big smile on his face.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(I call for Time Skip, anyone disagree? This is likely one of the only times I will offer a decision)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
Colt shook his hand, nervously. He slightly nodded his head. Emma walked up to Colt.
"Colt, you okay?" She asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine," Colt answered. "I'm.. I'm just going to go stand in the corner." He moved past Edward.
"If anybody has a problem with Colt, you take it up with me." Graham addressed the others. "Do not take it out on him."
"Colt Lancaster, getting special treatment again," A random guy muttered.Graham's head snapped in that direction.
"No, he is not." Graham said. "If any of you were uncomfortable, I would have done the same for you. He is on the same team as us. So act like it."
over a year ago Awesome57 said…
"I agree with Graham. Has he personally done anything to you? Anyone?" Edward adressed anyone fortunate enough to be there.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(To my knowledge only the squad is with you all, including Colt, the other male in the squad died when they fled the building)
(I will repeat myself, I have plans to skip 3-4 hours ahead, if anyone is apposed to this, speak now.)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Awesome57 said…
(I am fine with that)
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
(nope, all good)
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
((All good here))
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(Very well)

A Couple Hours Later...

The woman knocked at the door to the old house. The building was owned by one the Legion's supporters and would be one of the best places for anyone to hide if the guards were looking. A'llea has heard the gunfire, although knew enough to lay low while it all happened, but now came the time to search for survivors of the attack.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Awesome57 said…
Edward, who had stationed himself near the door, looked out the window. The woman wasn't a guard or as far as he could tell. He opened the door and asked, "Who are you?"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Rogue475 said…

"Legion, are you from outpost four?" She whispered, looking inside in the hopes of seeing a familiar face.
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
Colt came forward, hearing a familiar voice. "A'llea?" He asked.
over a year ago Awesome57 said…
"Come in. I came a few hours before we were assaulted. The others will give you the rest of the story." Edward moved aside and let her in. He closed the door in a hurry and led her to the others.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…

"Colt? What the hell are you doing here?!" She exclaimed. "You're not supposed to be on this side, not after what happened."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Awesome57 said…
"He came to warn us, but he was a little to late. He didn't know about it either." Edward defended Colt because he trusted him, even if his father was a bad man.
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
"I came here to warn you guys... but I was too late," Colt answered. "And, I can't get back. There are too many guards. Which equals too many questions."
over a year ago Rogue475 said…

"Right, well... How many survived... Wait." She looked around the place, fearing the worst. "Has anyone seen Nemo? um... Corporal Tullion?!"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
"He stayed back." Graham answered looking down. "And he gave me this." He held up his wrist that still had the Repulsor on it. "He's probably fine."
Awesome57 commented…
(We skipped ahead so I assumed he was here.....) over a year ago
Awesome57 commented…
(Rogue whats your call?) over a year ago
Rogue475 commented…
Not with them over a year ago
over a year ago Rogue475 said…

"What do you mean he stayed back? What happened?!" She shouted at the boy with Nemo's repulsor.
over a year ago Awesome57 said…
Edward moved forward and stood in between them. "He told us to go and that he would stay behind." Edward moved his hands closer to his batons just in case.
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
Colt looked away and went towards the door, while Graham glared at Edward before going back to his little sister.
"You okay Em?" He asked, crouching down.
"I'm fine Graham Cracker," She answered. "Why you letting that kid boss you around? Didn't you tell me that the other guy put you in charge?"
"No I didn't say that Em." Graham countered. "You know me. I'm not a leader. Plus, the only person I boss around is you." He poked her shoulder. Emma giggled and Graham chuckled. "Come here," He held his arms out for a hug." Emma hugged Graham back. "I love you,"
"I love you too Graham Cracker." Emma mumbled.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…

"... Fine, stay here, I'll report your location to the legion, and someone will pick you guys up." She grumbled, and turned to leave the building.
over a year ago Awesome57 said…
"Wonderful," Edward muttered. He moved towards the door as well.
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
"A'llea," Colt said, stopping her. "Jackson and Nemo are coming back, okay? And promise me if you see Jackson before I do, don't mention that I was here. Because then he would kill me for not telling him about the raid and then he would raise me from the dead to kill me for coming over here."
over a year ago Rogue475 said…

"Colt... You better stay here for now, wait until sun down then head back." She said to the Lancaster, before stepping outside. "I won't tell him..."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
"Fine," He muttered. He groaned lightly. Jackson was going to kill him.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…

She then slipped through the door and looked both ways, before setting off in a jog ]after the source of smoke in the sky.
over a year ago Awesome57 said…
"OK now that is over." Edward moved back towards the door. He felt the numerous glares aimed towards him. They were a little unnerving. It felt as if they were going to cast him out.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
(oops, missed stuff and now i don't know what to post...)
Awesome57 commented…
you'll figure something out over a year ago
pink-bookworm commented…
yeah over a year ago