Heroes of Olympus RP Club Camp Demi-Titan (new)

Mutaliation posted on Dec 24, 2013 at 02:37PM
20 years before the Titan War. Kronos rose to speak. To his Titans, he told them to create an army. Prometheus took a page from the God's playbook and suggested the Titans to create a new breed of Half Bloods to be known as Demi-Titans. So the Demi-Titans were born. Many of the Demi-Titans were trained, and some were left alone, waiting to be called for action. Some Demi-Titans were sent to battle, but the Titans lost too soon, they were never actually fought the war.

The Demi-Titans were abandoned by their parents, outcast by the Gods and hated by the Demigods. They were left to fend themselves and roam alone. Camp Demi-Titan was then created, a sanctuary for the new Half Bloods. It first started with Tents and wood, but over time it was upgraded. For each Titan was a cabin, designed by the leaders. A wall of giant wooden stake surround the camp for protection. Watch towers were built to...watch.

Demi-Titans are stronger than Demigods due to their heritage but are also very dangerous. Most of their parents died harboring these powerful babies.

The metal that Demi-Titans use to make weapons is Dark Titanium, metal forged by Metis in Tartarus itself, and Demi-Titans don't heal with ambrosia and nectar, instead, we have pomegranates that were given by Rhea.

Camp Demi-Titan has 4 leaders, each for North, South, East and West. Their parent doesn't have to be one from each, but they have to be a leader. The leaders[And Mods] are:
North (Koios, Oceanus): Heath Grey
South (Krios, Pallas, Perses, Astraeus):
East (Hyperion, Metis): Aaron
West (Iapetus, Prometheus, Epimetheus): Cameron Dean

Types of Demi-Titans: (These are the basic powers of Demi-TItans, you can add or change any abilities if they make sense.)

Hyperion: Control over fire, can produce their own light, and can teleport using Flash Travel. (like Shadow Travel, but with light)
Koios: Control over ice and snow, powers work best when in the north, and radiate a feeling of cold.
Krios: Can tell direction and location by looking anywhere in the night sky and can create miniature stars which can be used for light or combat.
Iapetus: Can heal the wounds of anyone else, and can bring someone back from a fatal wound if they are not too late.
Oceanus: Can control water, but work best with fresh water, and can create and control rains, hurricanes, and waves.
Mnemosyne: Can retrieve the memories of anyone who has lost them, and has a chance of being skilled in poetry, history, music, dance, comedy, or astronomy.
Prometheus: Can control fire but cannot create it, and can regenerate from wounds overnight.
Epimetheus: Can communicate with animals, and all animals love and protect them.
Astraeus; Can control the winds and move quickly or fly using the wind.
Perses: Can destroy objects with their touch, but larger or more powerful objects require more energy to destroy.
Pallas: Are typically stronger and more warlike.
Metis: Are wiser and more skilled in craft and weapon making.

To join, just fill out this profile.



Titan Parent:

Mortal Parent:






#1: Don't be overpowered, or have powers that just plain don't make sense.
#2: Your characters must have no connections/relations with the gods or demigods.
#3: Don't stray from anything Established.

Though I encourage you all to make new characters, I wouldn't mind if you use characters from before if you can't think of anything.

Aaron, Hyperion (Blaze_of_Ares)
Cameron Dean, Prometheus (Rogue475)
Ian McKinley, Koios (ConnerandTravis)
Heath Grey, Koios (Mutaliation)
Ashleigh Pennt, Perses (pink-bookworm)
Alex, Iapetus (killer24)
Chase Silver Jr., Mnemosyne (Alvin2442)
last edited on Dec 29, 2013 at 02:39AM

Heroes of Olympus RP Club 881 replies

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Showing Replies 751-800 of 881

over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
"You won't. I trust you that you'll make the right decision and if you make the wrong one, I'll still be here to support you no matter what. Mistakes in life are allowed."
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
"I have been mean ever since I got to camp. What if I turn back to that guy?"
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
"That mean wasn't an evil mean if you get what I'm saying."
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"it's best not to dwell on it, doesn't help to argue about something that we may have no control over..." I add but keep my eyes on the road.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
"Yeah. How far are we?"
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"not long..." I mutter in response, and glance at Ian. "You'll do the right thing." I say to him with a determined nod and continue driving.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
"Alright and it's true. Cameron and I both have trust in you."
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
"I'm not a trustworthy kid," I mumble as I lay back the seat.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"maybe not, but you still care, and I reckon that counts for something." I reply to him.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
"You'll do the right thing when the time comes."
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
"Don't say that." I mumble. "You don't know me."
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"Boy are you negative" I grin
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
I fall asleep again.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
I roll my eyes at Cameron.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"So..." I mutter trying to pass the time.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
"You asked me earlier (before I got the chance to tell you) what was my life story? Still like to know? It'll pass some time. If you wanted to you could tell me yours too. Maybe it's help us get to know each other better."
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"Yeah sure" I reply while driving on the highway.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
"Okay," I respond.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(okay... now what)
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
(Just say something like, well, go on. Just, cause... I don't even know)
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"And?" I reply to the silence.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
"Oh, sorry," I say snapping out of my daze. "Well first I live with my step-dad and my half brother when I'm not at camp of course," I say, staring at the ground.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"This is your first time at camp right?"
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
"Yeah, but I knew of camp when I was thirteen."
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"Hmm, I see..." I listen to her intently, driving on the highway was simple and void of purpose.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
"Yeah. To be honest I have no idea why I didn't go to camp then. There was nothing better to do with my life except sit around and wallow in self pity."
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"Yeah we hear that a lot at camp..." I mutter.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
"I'd imagine so but I get it now. Everyone has a story if their own to tell. Doesn't matter who's is worse and who's is better."
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"That's correct, we all have our own little past, holding us back..."
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
(Can I join in now/)
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
( Dude I just bursted out laughing and it's 3 in the morning... I hope I didn't wake anyone!)
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
(hahahahahaha, lol)
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(More like yolo!)
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
(You Only Live Once)
(You Only Live Once)
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
"Yeah we do. Your last bad?"

(Hahhaha and then you come back to life and infect some more people)
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(Walking Dead in a nutshell)
"It had it's fair share of ups and downs, but all in all I'd have to say it was... Unique... I wouldn't have traded it for anything."
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
(You Only Live Twice)
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
(what now?)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(Unless you a Cat!
(Unless you a Cat!
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
(Grumpy Cat)
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
"That's good. I would've traded one thing, and one thing only."
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
Why we're my dreams different? Was it because I was sharing them? This time it was just Koios. No freezing people or running.
"It's nice that your dear friends trust you," He says, coolly. "That will make it easier to stab them in the back."
"What are you talking about?" I ask.
"You can't run away this time Ian. You know what's going to happen." He says, disregarding the question.
"What we're you talking about before?"
"Your destiny. You know that you're going to turn, but they believe in you. What a foolish mistake!" Koios laughs.
"Thanks dad." I say sarcastically. "Great talk. Now if you would let me wake up, that would be great."
"Oh I'm not holding you back."Koios answers.
"So I wanted to listen?"
"Seems that way boy. Now if you want to jump to the end. Sabotage the mission. Freeze the Fountain of Youth. Tell the demigods that you're a demi-titan." Koios demands and left. I wake up, trying to figure out what to do.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
I glance over to Ian whom and just awakened. "Bad dream?"
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
"Uh, no. Surprisingly." I lie. I wasn't about to tell them that I was going to betray them.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"Really? well good." I tell him.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
"That's awesome," I smile.
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
"I know right?" I lie again. Should I sabotage the mission? I ask in my head.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
"Anyway what are we even going to do when we get to the fountain of youth?"