Heroes of Olympus RP Club Camp Halfblood RP (Love Edition)

aqualad posted on Sep 16, 2012 at 10:24PM
Well for all you love birds out there here it is your lovey dovey RP.
To Join:
Immortal Parent:
Mortal Parent:
Not that much so anything else you wanna add like bio go ahead and do it.


Nick as (me) son of Hecate
Cara as (Nicolicious) daughter of Thanatos
Stephanie as (Percabeth_forev) daughter of Poseidon
Anthony as (ConnerandTravis) son of Apollo
last edited on Sep 30, 2012 at 08:41PM

Heroes of Olympus RP Club 2162 replies

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Showing Replies 901-950 of 2162

over a year ago Demeter13 said…
"I just got here recently and Im usually in the forges."
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
"That's nice," I smile sweetly. "Have you gotten a tour of the camp?"
over a year ago Demeter13 said…
"no I just know the forges, pavilion, and my cabin." I shrug
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
"What about the beach? It's the perfect place,"
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Demeter13 said…
I shake my head no."ive never seen the beach."
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
"Well then, let's go see it,"
over a year ago Demeter13 said…
"if u insist." I smile a little
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
"Trust me, you will love it. It's a great time to see it it too." I say walking to the beach.
over a year ago Demeter13 said…
I follow slightly behind her.
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
We arrive at the beach. I see the sun setting. I sigh. I don't think a lot of stuff is beautiful, but I know a sunset on the beach is the best thing in the world. I remember when Anthony and I would sit on the beach, watching the sun set.
over a year ago KatieK102 said…
(Back for a bit!)


*I shrug.* "I think she's getting over it. And maybe being around Anthony will help. And that fact that dad lives their. That should help keep her away."


*I walk around, wondering were Anthony got off to. I see New York in the distance and I sigh.*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
I sneak up behind Ember. I put my hand over her eyes. "Guess who this is," I say in a lower voice.
over a year ago Demeter13 said…
I raise my eyebrow,"wht about your father?"

The sunset reminded me of te fires tht blazed in the forges constantly. I smile
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
I look over at Caleb. I see how the light shines off of his eyes. I smile.
over a year ago Demeter13 said…
"you were right." I say wistfully and watch how the sun glances off the water
over a year ago KatieK102 said…

*I smile* "Kadin? Parker?"


*I frown* "Ember and dad they... they really didn't get along good. Like I said, he raised me and Kadin. Thalia, Percy, and Annabeth were more like Embers parents. Dad really didn't know what to do with Ember. So he kinda left her out of the picture. He felt bad about it a couple of months ago and invited us back with Kadin their as a surprise."

"Dad forget about how many monsters 3 demi-gods can attract. They ruined the party and Ember she... she got hurt. She pretty munch hates dad now."
over a year ago Demeter13 said…
I frown. "thats awful." I look at the fading sun the colours in the sun set were beatiful. Purples, reds, pinks...
over a year ago KatieK102 said…

*I shrug* "Yea. The monster left a really nasty scare. But Ember's OK. Look, the memory really sucks to think about. So how about happy thoughts. Now, what would I have to do to get a kiss right now?"
over a year ago Demeter13 said…
I smile and look at him,"no payment nessacary sweetheart."
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
"Guess again," I say in my normal voice.

"I'm almost always right,"
over a year ago Demeter13 said…
"I'll hav to remember tht."
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
"Yes you will or I will have to remind you that Worker boy," I smirk at him.
over a year ago KatieK102 said…



*I smile and kiss her on the cheek*
over a year ago Demeter13 said…
I smile sheepishly when she looks at me,

I take his face in my hands and kiss his lips sweetly
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
"I'm sorry, you got it correct!" I turn Ember around and kiss her on the lips.
over a year ago KatieK102 said…

*I pull away and smile* "Glad their's no payment,or I would run myself broke." *I let Arrow just do whatever and I put my arm around Eve's shoulder.*
over a year ago Demeter13 said…
I giggle and lean my head against his chest.
over a year ago KatieK102 said…

*I giggle and gently pull away* "Oh please, don't be sorry."

ATG (About to go)
over a year ago KatieK102 said…

*I gently stroke her hair*
over a year ago Demeter13 said…
I smile and trace the curve of Parker's neck with my fingernail.
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
"I've never been sorry, ever," I whisper.
over a year ago KatieK102 said…

*I try to look down at Eve, but Arrow takes a sharp turn almost throwing us both of. I quickly grab Eve and pull her back up.* "See? Told ya I'd never drop you"
over a year ago Demeter13 said…
I gasp and squeeze my eyes tightly shut the flashback of ember falling playing in my head."thanks"
over a year ago darange said…
ishould get back to my cabin, its getting dark well ya I'll see you later kadin *walks back to her cabin and goes to sleep
Aphrodite: hello dear
Me: yes mother?
Aphrodite: well remember our little conversation earlier?
Me: oh no
Aphrodite: well I'm here to finish it!
Me: ok
Aphrodite: its not that I dont care abought your feelings! I do! But-
Me: but everyone else's is more important, isn't it?
Aphrodite: *sigh* i know dear its not fair but that's the way it is
Me: ya everything
*lighting flashs*
Aphrodite: i have to go bye sweetie oh i hope you like your makover i gave you
Me: makeover wha-
*wakes up, looks in the mirror, and sighs*
( link , here's a picture)
over a year ago darange said…
*even though it's not morning yet she changes into a black top, skinny jeans,black converse, and walks outside to find every guy in camp stairing at her*
(nobody should recognize Delilah)
*sneezed and her hair lights on fire agian*
*skips back to camp*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago aqualad said…
Nick: I look for Cara.
over a year ago darange said…
*listens to the song die young by ke$ha on her black IPOD while walking around camp*
over a year ago KatieK102 said…
(Back 4 a bit!)


*I sigh and shrug. Wow how I wish Parker were here. He wouldn've made me tell her*
over a year ago darange said…
*bumps into kadin and when he turns, he gives her a:do I know you from somewhere? Look*
(again nobody should recognize her because she got a makover by her mom, link up above)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago KatieK102 said…


*i give the girl a do i know you look?* "Um, sorry? I'm Kadin."
over a year ago Demeter13 said…
I curl up against Parker and smile
over a year ago darange said…
*looks confused* umm I already know that
over a year ago KatieK102 said…

*I heastite before asking,* "Did I sound like some sappy chick flip that time?" *I ask trying to keep the nervousness out of my voice.*


*I concentrate on the girl's face* "Then do I know you?"
over a year ago KatieK102 said…

"No, never mind. I'll figure it out later. I have to tell Deiliah something. Know were I can find her?"
over a year ago darange said…
*smiles* yes
over a year ago KatieK102 said…

*I start running out of patience.* "Look, i need to tell her something. So if you would be so kind as to tell me were she is?" *I think: 'What would Parker do?' And I flash the girl an award winning smile.*
over a year ago darange said…
Well she's standing right in front of you
over a year ago KatieK102 said…

*I just stare, stunned for a moment.* "Delil- whoa! You look... wow!"
over a year ago aqualad said…
Nick: I sigh.
over a year ago darange said…
*blushes for a moment then turns back to normal* now what where you going to talk to me abought?