Heroes of Olympus RP Club Camp Halfblood RP (Love Edition)

aqualad posted on Sep 16, 2012 at 10:24PM
Well for all you love birds out there here it is your lovey dovey RP.
To Join:
Immortal Parent:
Mortal Parent:
Not that much so anything else you wanna add like bio go ahead and do it.


Nick as (me) son of Hecate
Cara as (Nicolicious) daughter of Thanatos
Stephanie as (Percabeth_forev) daughter of Poseidon
Anthony as (ConnerandTravis) son of Apollo
last edited on Sep 30, 2012 at 08:41PM

Heroes of Olympus RP Club 2162 replies

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Showing Replies 601-650 of 2162

over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
"Jen is my best-friend since 2nd grade. We went to the same school and we both found out we were demi-gods together. She's a daughter of Hermes. Let's go then,"
over a year ago Demeter13 said…
I shrug thinking about Parker,"Delilah is his girlfriend after all."
over a year ago KatieK102 said…

*I smile* "Oh. Well, she seems nice. Yea, lets go."


*I raise my eyes.* "No she isn't. Parker knows who he likes. It's you. He'll tell Delilah that. You'll see."
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
"She's a little annoying." I say as we walk. "But she's always been there for me and I've always been there for her, even if she is sort of a stalker." I chuckle.
over a year ago Demeter13 said…
I scoff and take a few steps,"I know he does, but it seems even if we were in a relationship, wht tells me he won't go crawling back to her, I mean he left her after a few days, how do i know It won't happen to me?"
over a year ago KatieK102 said…

*I laugh* "A stalker. Nice way of putting it. I didn't even know she was their intill she was their. but I guess I know the feeling. Kadin was mine and Parkers best friend." *I insistently feel bad about yelling at him*
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
"Jen doesn't like to be called by her name. Her name is Jennifer, but she doesn't look like a Jennifer. Am I right?" I smile. " I remember when I met her she was like 'My name is Jennifer, but if you call me that I will break you like a twig.' Then she smiled at me like nothing was wrong."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago KatieK102 said…

*I lean agenst a tree.* "You know one of the things that he does that ticks Ember off the most? He rushes into relationship's to early. Considering Ember's mom, it makes since for her to care. But the reason why he does it is because he can't find the perfect girl. But I know, and I know Ember knows, that he really likes you. Your not just a pretty face to him Eve. I'm not saying that's all he thought of Delilah either, but well... it's hard to explaine how I know he reallylikes u. Me Parker and Ember all grew up together. I just know him."
over a year ago KatieK102 said…

*I smile* "Now that I think about it, your right. So yes."
over a year ago Demeter13 said…
"fine I'll take your word for it." I say, not just a pretty face? I smile.
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
We reach the beach. "Hey, thanks for saving me back there."
over a year ago KatieK102 said…

*I smile* "Your welcome. But like I said, arms where made for sleeveless gowns. Not arrows"


*I smile as if reading Eve's mind.* "Though he does think you have a pretty face. He wouldn't be head over heels for you if you wern't drop head georgouse."
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
"You sure about that?"
over a year ago KatieK102 said…

*I smile and nod* "Yes! Very."
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
I chuckle. I take a deep breath of salt air. It doesn't come close to California, but at least it's a sea.
over a year ago Demeter13 said…
"why thank you." I smile
over a year ago KatieK102 said…

"so, where are you from?" *I ask, not taking my eyes off the distanct New York*


*I shrug.* "I'm just telling you what's going through Parkers mind... and it's not easy."
over a year ago Demeter13 said…
I laugh a little,"well thanks for trying, I'm gonna go talk to him."i walk back through the trees, giddy with happiness.
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
"California." I look at the sea.
over a year ago KatieK102 said…

*I smile as she leaves, thinking about Parker. I did feel bad for Delilah though.*
over a year ago KatieK102 said…

'Oh. Im from New York." *I say wistfully looking at the city.*
over a year ago Demeter13 said…
I walk scanning the camp for Parker, I see him,"Parker!" I wave
over a year ago KatieK102 said…
(GTG soon)


*I stop walking around when I here my name. I turn around and see Eve. I instiently smile* "Hey!" *I run over to her* "First off, if you where trying to sneak up on me then you failed horribly. And second, what's up?"
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
"That's cool." I sit on the sand. I miss California. The beaches, the smell, the danger, the stars,the trees. I miss all those things."
over a year ago KatieK102 said…

*I sit next to Anthony.* "Belive me, I know how you feel. I'm a city girl though and through. Broadway, the stores, pizza, other foods, people, you know." *I sigh* "And the shopping. How I miss the shopping." *I grin a little.* "I've even been crazy enough I leave camp a couple of times and try to go back. But of course, Arrow Smith has a nose like a blood hound. Atleast you don't live neer California."
over a year ago Demeter13 said…
"don't worry I wasn't trying to sneak up on you, nothing really I just needed seine entertainment." I smile at him
over a year ago KatieK102 said…

*I laugh.* "Well you've come to the wrong place if you want seine entertainment. Because I am the farthest thing from seine." *I say smiling. I start to notice all the small details. Her camp half blood necklace, the way the sun danced off her hair. I shale my head.*
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
I was overcome with homesickness. I take in a shaking breath. "Yeah, well its apart of being a demigod. I sigh.
over a year ago Demeter13 said…
"wht?" I ask when he shakes his head,
over a year ago KatieK102 said…

*I nod.* :It could be worse. Camp could be in California."

(About 2 go! This might be my last post)
over a year ago KatieK102 said…

"Hum? Oh! Nothing. Just thinking about something" *I say.* "Well, glad to know that you think of me as entertainment." *I say smiling*
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
"Mount Tam," I nod.
over a year ago Demeter13 said…
"your just crazy enough to be entertainment." I tease
over a year ago KatieK102 said…
"Yea." *I shake my head trying not to think about the last time I left camp. I hand instiently goes to my leg.* "Can we please think happy thoughts though? I'm tired of being homesick"
over a year ago KatieK102 said…

*I try to look offended.* "Excuse me? I am WAY to crazy to just be entertainment! Eve, I am the whole circus right here! With a freakshow side attraction... a mutain Hawk, that gets so big you can easly fit 6 people on it, and to top it off, it's named after one of the greatest bands ever!"
over a year ago KatieK102 said…
(GTG! Bye!)
over a year ago Demeter13 said…
I laugh and look at him my brown eyes glittering playfully,"your right you are the best freak show I've ever seen Parker."
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
""sure," I was done with the topic too. "What do you want to talk about?"
over a year ago darange said…
(I'm sorry people's! I had to do something)
* i finally find parker* hi *my eyes are changing from crystal blue, to sea green, to coco brown with a sparkle to them*
over a year ago Nicolicious said…
"You look better." I say to Nick.
over a year ago Demeter13 said…
I from Parker to Delilah and then at my feet.
over a year ago KatieK102 said…

*I smile at Eve.* "Why thank you!"


*I think for a moment.* "Tell me about your family."
over a year ago KatieK102 said…

*I see Delilah and suddenly all the fun drains out of me, since I get a pretty good idea of what she wants to talk about. I start to stand up.* "Um, hey Delilah. I guess you want to talk?" *I turn around at smile at Eve.* "Don't worry. The freak show will be back after a short break"
over a year ago Demeter13 said…
" I'll b waiting anxiously." I smile and lean against a tree
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
"I had a mom that was nice to me and accepted my friends. She was a crafts women who had her own craft store down the block. I also had a brother who was 10 years older than me and died when I was 10." I have never even talked about my brother's death, not even with Jen. The reason why was because she was there when my mother gave me the news.
over a year ago aqualad said…
"Thanks." I kiss her neck and rest my head on her shoulder.
over a year ago darange said…
Um yes I....i wanted to know..well a..are we together or was I..it all in my head?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago aqualad said…
over a year ago KatieK102 said…

*I wince.* "Sorry about your brother. But atleast everything else was nice. Right?" *I try remembering if my dad had ever been like a father. I failed*


*I smile at Eve and walk with Delilah. I wince* "I think it was in your head. Though the kiss didn't help it munch. Sorry about that."
over a year ago ConnerandTravis said…
I drew in a shaky breath. "Ever since John passed away, I hardly ever saw my mother. I spent most of 10 and 11 year-old life over at Jen's house. I finally couldn't take it anymore and ran away when I was 12." I put my head on my legs. "What about you?" I ask quietly.