Heroes of Olympus RP Club Civil War II

Rogue475 posted on Nov 28, 2012 at 09:37PM
The year is 1863, the United States Civil War has been raging, both Greek and Roman Demi-gods must fight against one another. We cannot call upon the gods to protect us anymore, it's time for War... Union or Confederate, Greek or Roman? The choice is yours.
-Dont start until added to the Roaster
-Dont kill other player's Characters unless they allow it
-nothing ridiciulous and stay true to the time.
Ranks- (from lowest to highest)
-Lt. Colonel
To join please enter the following:
Age: (must be old enough to shoot a musket)
Immortal Parent: (or state if he/she is Mortal)
Alliance: (Union/Greek or Confederate/Roman)
Weapons: (demi-god weapons, Musket, Repeater, Revolver)

Union/ Greek
-Lieutenant Cara D'Lassio/ Nicolicious
-Captain James Barnett/ Rogue475/ Mortal
-Lieutenant Scarlet Miss/ Demeter13/ Child of Aphrodite
-Lieutenant Alexi Borodin/ Blaze_of_Ares/ Child of Ares(-same person)
Confederate/ Roman
-Major Blaze Phoenix/ Blaze_of_Ares/ Child of Mars (deceased)
-Lieutenant Alvin/ Alvin2442/ Son of Neptune
-Lieutenant Avis Anthony Phoenix/ Blaze_of_Ares/ Child of Mars (-same person)
(A year has past since the events at Richmond)
last edited on Jan 03, 2014 at 01:10AM

Heroes of Olympus RP Club 1840 replies

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Showing Replies 451-500 of 1840

over a year ago Demeter13 said…
"Interesting." I smile slightly my eyes following him.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"I suppose we should go, and check on the soldiers, The battle is at dawn tomarrow." i say and smile at her.
over a year ago Demeter13 said…
"I suppose we should." I stand and smile at him.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
We walk outside together and talk with the men at the firing range. "Bang,Bang,Bang!" soldiers shot their muskets in unison.
over a year ago Demeter13 said…
I enagage myself in conversation with a very interesting officer.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"HIt the target!" I shout jokingly at a soldier who misses the shot at 45 meters. The soldier turns and thrusts the gun into my hands. "you try hitting it that far away."
over a year ago Demeter13 said…
I turn over my shoulder to see James. I smile.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"I bet you cant hit that target." he says with a smirk. "Fine, whats the bet?" i ask and a few more soldiers gather around. "You hit it..."
"You do extra chores for a week." i say reply with a growing smirk. "And if i lose?"
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"I dont have to do anything for the next two weeks." he replies and laughs, then the rest joined in laughing. "I dont think..." I begin but pause, then i reload the rifle and take aim.
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
"Relax Alvin...They're very interesting...head back to camp, prepare for tomorrow's battle"
"YES SIR!" they said. I ride back to camp
over a year ago Demeter13 said…
I laugh along with the rest of the officers watching
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"I havent fired a musket in years." i point out. "Bang!" i look down range and see i hit the side of the target. I smile and turn to the soldier. "You've chores to do." i say with a smirk.
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
I order the troops to prepare
over a year ago Demeter13 said…
I shake my head,"excuse me gentleman, let me show you this is done."
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
I hand her the rifle, and smile. "Be my guest."
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I sheathe my sword angrily and mutter a sorry for the trees.
over a year ago Demeter13 said…
I smile and raise the rifle, following the bang I skill looking down at the hole in the center of the target."and that is how a musket is fired." I bow mockingly, the officers laughing and cheering.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
over a year ago Demeter13 said…
(She's got mad skill!!!)
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
(Lol, I'm so bored.)
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(when I'm bored I generally play Xbox)
"Nice shot, miss." I say with an eager smile.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Demeter13 said…
"Much better than yours I recall." I laugh.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
(Yep, and I play Assassin's Creed III at that. It's funny how in class we were reading a book called The Liberty Tree and it's around that time.)
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(ACIII is awsome, but since i beat it i play Battlefield 3)
"Maybe... I've always been more of a pistol guy myself." i reply and nudge her in the arm.
over a year ago Demeter13 said…
"Stop making up excuses captain!" Laughs an officer,"admit it you lost to a woman." Another says clapping me on the back,"alright boys let him keep the shred of dignity he has left." I laugh nudging James back
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"She bested me that is true, i will not deny that." i reply and smile. "But most of you cant hit that with a revolver that far away."
(Soldier)" I could, give me er pistol!" A soldier in the small crowd says and extends his hand out to me.
"Thats sir,... Sir, could I PLEASE use your pistol" i say correcting him, then I hand him the Pistol in my holster.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Demeter13 said…
"Oh shush James no manners are needed in this hell hole war. Your much too polite," I smile leaning on his shoulder
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"Im edjucated, unlike this moron." i reply to her and laugh as he fires the revolver and completely misses. ""Exactly." i say and all the sudden he turns around and hits me across the face. I stumble back and he holds the revolver level at me. "You are the moron!" he calls out and drops the pistol at my feet.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
I wipe blood from my mouth with my fist. "That was a bad decision..." i reply coldly.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
(Why can't the dude use his own revolver?)
over a year ago Demeter13 said…
"Soldier!" I straighten and stand stall."he is your commanding officer as am I, therefore apologize and report to digging out the trenches."
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(He was just a common soldier, and only officers carried revolvers at the time)
I lose my cool for a moment and get right up in his face. "You are the most ignorant, selfish, lousy excuse for a soldier, in this D*mn camp!, Im putting you in the first wave of the frontline infantry!" (Certain death)
He attacks me and pummels me on the ground, Adrenaline kicks in and I kick the man over me and roll to the side. Recovering my pistol I fire three rounds in unison. Everything was silent for a moment. The soldier looks puzzeled and searchs himself for bullet wounds... none. Then everyone looks past him and see the target in the distance, It had three holes in the bullseye.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
I stand up and simply say; "go home, brave soldier..." then i holster my pistol and walk off slowly, the other men were still stunned at what just happend.
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
(Should we start the battle?)
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(very soon)
I return to my quarters and take my sword, then leave and go to find Scarlet.
over a year ago Blaze_of_Ares said…
I sleep
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
I prepare most of the soldiers for the battle.
over a year ago Demeter13 said…
I leave to my tent to prepare myself for battle. Slipping a brand new dagger into my boot.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"Scarlet I need..." i say as I enter her tent. "... My appologies, May I come in?" i reply formally.
over a year ago Demeter13 said…
"A moment." I button my clean shirt and pull on my union jacket."come in."
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"Thank you, Your men are going to flank the enemy from the South of the fort. I need to distract the main confederate army, to allow you to slip inside and retake control of Fort West Fold." i say as i pace around thinking about the upcoming battle.
over a year ago Demeter13 said…
I nod and listen sitting on my cot, watching him pace.
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"Their fort will have at least twenty men on watch, so you will need to take them all out and raise the Union flag up on the tower. Once the fort is taken over, we need you to provide mortar fire. Fire their own cannons down upon them." I conclude with a smirk.
over a year ago Demeter13 said…
"That's brutal... Yet it seems effective, might be just what we need to win this." I stand with a small smile and slip another dagger into the inside of coat,
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"...My Cavelry is going to take the brunt of the attack, so... I dont expect to... It was General Grants plan, and my Dragoons were selected to lead the charge." i say solomly, I knew i would most likely die with my men but... it was worth it.
over a year ago Demeter13 said…
My smile fades and I turn to face him,"you can't go."
over a year ago Alvin2442 said…
(Okay, so hows she's going to defeat 20 trained Roman soldiers, one of them including Alvin, idk, but ok.)
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
(She leads about forty men give-or-take), (Alvin I didnt intend for all of them to be demi-gods also)
"I need to, we could win this war." I say trying to convince myself and her.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Rogue475 said…
"My men are prepared to die, we know the sacrifice and are ready to fight."